World Invocations 04: Invoking Changes in America

Invoke changes in both North, South and Latin America, including restoring true freedom and bringing the golden age consciousness to the Americas.

WINV04: Mother Mary’s Invocation of Miracle Freedom

Invoke your true spiritual freedom and mitigate planetary issues, especially relating to all circumstances that limit people’s freedom.

WINV10: Golden Age Invocation for America

Invoke the Golden Age in America, which is meant to be a nation for all people who recognize the I AM within themselves.

WINV11: Golden Age Invocation for Latin America

Invoke the Golden Age in Latin America by calling forth the resolution to many contemporary problems.

WINV14: Invocation for Restoring the WORD in America

Invoke the restoration of the WORD in America. The Word is the recognition that there is a reality that is beyond the man-made, ego-based illusions. Only by attuning to this reality can we solve the problems that plague our society.

WINV17: Invocation for Restoring the WORD in South America

Invoke the restoration of the WORD in South America. The Word is the recognition that there is a reality that is beyond the man-made, ego-based illusions. Only by attuning to this reality can we solve the problems that plague our society.

NOTE: Many people prefer to give invocations and decrees along with a recording as it helps you keep the rhythm and build momentum. Purchase recordings of this package.