WINV49 Invocation for basic humanity

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In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I call to all representatives of the Divine Mother, especially Maraytaii, Nada, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Portia, Liberty, Venus and Omega to help people overcome all sense of being powerless towards people who lack humanity and seem willing to do anything to achieve their goals.

I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon Vladimir Putin and all those in the Russian power elite who planned the war against Ukraine and the wider strategy of recreating a Russian empire. I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon that part of the Russian people who have not yet acquired basic humanity and who are therefore either supporting the power elite or not objecting to it. 

[Make personal calls]

Mother Mary, use my chakras to project your light and awareness into the collective consciousness as I give this invocation.

Part 1

1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the forces that are opposing progress and outplaying their imbalances to the extreme, and upon the people who refuse to see when the imbalance has gone too far.

O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,
that calls me home where I belong.
I know you love me tenderly,
and in that knowing I am free.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus came to inaugurate a cycle where humankind would free itself from being dominated by one power elite after another.

O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,
I resonate with your own light.
Your music purifies my heart,
your love to all I do impart.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus said: “For judgment, I am come.” He came to bring the judgment whereby people could free themselves from these power elites.

O Cosmic Mother, we are one,
your heart is like a blazing sun.
My being can but amplify,
the sacred sound you magnify.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus gave us the way to be free from power elites by turning the other cheek and seeking the kingdom of God within—instead of seeking to be special among men.

O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,
the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.
As I attune to Cosmic Hum,
the lesser self I overcome.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that there is a dividing line, and a large majority of the people in the world have raised themselves above this line and attained greater humanity.

O Cosmic Mother, take me home,
I am in sync with Sacred OM,
The sound of sounds will raise me up,
so only light is in my cup.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that there is no reasonable explanation for Putin’s war against Ukraine—it is an expression of a lack of humanity.

O Cosmic Mother, I will be,
a part of cosmic symphony.
All that I AM, an instrument,
for sound that is from heaven sent.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and his power elite are not open to reason because they lack basic humanity and have no empathy with people who suffer the consequences of their actions.

O Cosmic Mother, I now call,
to enter sacred music hall.
I will be part of life’s ascent,
towards the starry firmament.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that until the First World War, the world was dominated by empires. Then, there was a shift from empires to nation states, even a shift from nations dominated by a dictator or small power elite to democratic nations.

O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,
my total being with you sings.
Your song I now reverberate,
as cosmic love I celebrate.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that what really has happened is a shift from the planet being dominated by various power elites to where the people have attained more and more power.

O Cosmic Mother, I love you,
your love song keeps me ever true.
You fill me with your sacred tone,
and thus I never feel alone.

Maraytaii, I resonate
with song that opens cosmic gate.
Your melody makes me vibrate
my sense of self I recreate.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.

Part 2

1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that during the last 2,000 years, empires are losing the battle for control of the earth, and democracy is winning.

O Nada, blessed cosmic grace,
filling up my inner space.
Your song is like a sacred balm,
my mind a sea of perfect calm.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that although Putin and the Chinese leadership believe they are continuing the age of empires, they are completely out of touch with historical reality.

O Nada, in your Buddhic mind,
my inner peace I truly find.
As I your song reverberate,
your love I do assimilate.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and the Chinese leadership are going against a 2,000-year trend in the collective consciousness that cannot be stopped by any force on earth. The shift in the collective consciousness is irreversible and the age of empires will not come back.

O Nada, beauty so sublime,
I follow you beyond all time.
In soundless sound we do immerse,
to recreate the universe.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that those who are unbalanced must be allowed to outplay their imbalance, which makes them believe they are winning.

O Nada, future we predict
where nothing Christhood can restrict.
With Buddhic mind we do perceive,
a better future we conceive.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that they are being allowed to outplay this because members of the power elite serve as substitute teachers. The purpose is to produce a shift in the consciousness of that part of the population who are lacking humanity.

O Nada, future we rewrite,
where might is never, ever right.
Instead, the mind of Christ is king,
we see the Christ in every thing.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that people with too little humanity will not hear through words. They are unwilling to learn from other people so they must learn from the School of Hard Knocks.

O Nada, peace is now the norm,
my Spirit is beyond all form.
To form I will no more adapt,
I use potential yet untapped.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that as the Piscean age has progressed, more and more people have heard Jesus’ higher message and we are the ones who can pull the collective consciousness above the critical line.

O Nada, such resplendent joy,
my life I truly can enjoy.
I am allowed to have some fun,
my solar plexus like a sun.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the credo for basic humanity is: “Do unto others, what you want them to do unto you.” If you yourself do not want to be forced and dominated, you do not force others.

O Nada, service is the key,
to living in reality.
For I see now that life is one,
my highest service has begun.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that there are people who want to be dominated because they do not want to make their own decisions. The power elite will dominate these people by forcing them into extreme behavior.

O Nada, we do now decree,
that life on earth shall be carefree.
With Jesus we complete the quest,
God’s kingdom is now manifest.

With Nada’s secret melody,
my mind remains forever free.
Conducting Nada’s symphony,
eternal peace I do decree.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.

Part 3

1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that a power elite can build an empire only because there are people who are willing to blindly follow the elite. These people have the insensitivity to life that makes them willing to kill and suppress even their own people.

O Kuan Yin, what sacred name,
fill me now with Mercy’s Flame.
In giving mercy I am free,
forgiving all is magic key.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon those people who are willing to kill other people, if they are given a so-called ‘just cause’ by their ruler whom they have decided to follow blindly.

O Kuan Yin, I now let go,
of all attachments here below.
All pent-up feelings I release,
free from emotional disease.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the development of the world can be described in terms of the dynamic of how many people have acquired basic humanity and can follow the call to ‘do unto others.’

O Kuan Yin, why must I feel,
that life falls short of my ideal?
All expectations I give up,
my mind is now an empty cup.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus was an example to follow for those who have raised themselves and acquired basic humanity. Then, we can begin to work on the essential humanity.

O Kuan Yin, transcend the past,
as all resentment gone at last.
From future nothing I expect,
eternal now I won’t reject.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that in the late 1800s the western world was dominated by a handful of empires, but these empires fell because of historical necessity.

O Kuan Yin, uplifting me,
beyond Samsara’s raging sea.
All safe inside your Prajna boat,
the farther shore no more remote.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the populations of some of these empires have shifted and acquired basic humanity.

O Kuan Yin, your alchemy,
with miracles you set me free.
As I forgive, I am forgiven,
by guilt I am no longer driven.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that after the First World War, the collective consciousness in Russia was very low, with a high level of insensitivity to life and cruelty towards people.

O Kuan Yin, all worries gone,
with nothing done, no thing undone.
Through separate self I will not do,
and thus I rest, all one with you.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the Bolsheviks took over, and what could have been a shift in the collective consciousness of the Russian people was brutally beaten down by Stalin and Red Terror. The Red Terror of Stalin was one of the most extreme out-picturings of the lack of humanity.

O Kuan Yin, your sanity,
now sets me free from vanity.
For truly, what is that to me;
I just let go and follow thee.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the Russian people are fully capable of making the shift to basic humanity. If it had not been for the Soviet Union, they would have made the shift out of the inhumanity and to the basic humanity. This shift was delayed by the Soviet Union.

O Kuan Yin, so sweet the sound,
that emanates from holy ground.
As I let go of ego’s chore,
I find myself on farther shore.

In Kuan Yin’s sweet melody,
I am set free my Self to be.
In Kuan Yin’s vitality,
I claim my immortality.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.

Part 4

1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the Soviet Union, despite the word ‘union,’ was not a union at all. It was an empire that was forced by brutal force, by brutal suppression.

O blessed Mary, Mother mine,
there is no greater love than thine,
as we are one in heart and mind,
my place in hierarchy I find.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that there was a core of the Soviet Empire that was what the Russian people call Russia. This was the Russians and they took pride in being in control of the Soviet empire.

I came to earth from heaven sent,
as I am in embodiment,
I use Divine authority,
commanding you to set earth free.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that in many Soviet Republics or Warsaw Pact countries people felt they were suppressed, they were forced by Russia and the Russian people.

I call now in God’s sacred name,
for you to use your Mother Flame,
to burn all fear-based energy,
restoring sacred harmony.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that in many of these nations the brutal suppression caused people to start separating themselves from the Russian people. As a result, the collective consciousness started rising in those Republics. 

Your sacred name I hereby praise,
collective consciousness you raise,
no more of fear and doubt and shame,
consume it with your Mother Flame.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that many people in these republics saw the brutality of the Russians who were in charge of the Soviet Union. They started saying: “We cannot allow ourselves to do this. We have to raise ourselves above this.”

All darkness from the earth you purge,
your light moves as a mighty surge,
no force of darkness can now stop,
the spiral that goes only up.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that this is why, as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, many of these nations distanced themselves from Russia. They did not want to ever again be dominated by the brutality and the inhumanity of the Russian people.

All elemental life you bless,
removing from them man-made stress,
the nature spirits are now free,
outpicturing Divine decree.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that in the previous Warsaw Pact countries and former Soviet republics, people have a higher standard of living and political freedom than the people of Russia.

I raise my voice and take my stand,
a stop to war I do command,
no more shall warring scar the earth,
a golden age is given birth.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that in Russia, Putin started reversing the historical shift from the age of empires to the age of democracy.

As Mother Earth is free at last,
disasters belong to the past,
your Mother Light is so intense,
that matter is now far less dense.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that an emperor takes power because there are enough people that will go along with him. Putin took power and rewrote the Russian constitution because enough people in Russia either supported it or did not object to it.

In Mother Light the earth is pure,
the upward spiral will endure,
prosperity is now the norm,
God’s vision manifest as form.

O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.

Part 5

1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that a critical mass of the Russian people are below that level of basic humanity, or Putin could not have taken power and could not have turned Russia back towards an imperial state.

O Portia, in your own retreat,
with Mother’s Love you do me greet.
As all my tests I now complete,
old patterns I no more repeat.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that today’s Russia has a population east of the Urals, that are not what would normally be called Russians. They are dominated by Russia, and the Russians west of the Urals are reaping the major economic benefits of the gas and oil it is taking out of there.

O Portia, Justice is your name,
upholding Cosmic Honor Flame,
No longer will I play the game,
of seeking to remain the same.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that in the future, instead of having an empire that is created through force, we will have many smaller nation states that cooperate. Once we raise ourselves above the level of basic humanity, we can begin to cooperate.

O Portia, in the cosmic flow,
one with you, I ever grow.
I am the chalice here below,
of cosmic justice you bestow.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that there is no need for force when we have basic humanity, because we see that cooperation goes further than force ever could.

O Portia, cosmic balance bring,
eternal hope, my heart does sing.
Protected by your Mother’s wing,
I feel at one with everything.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that many people with lower humanity believe in the theory of evolution and that they are the strongest, they are the most willing to use force, they are the most brutal and therefore they are the fittest to survive.

O Portia, bring the Mother Light,
to set all free from darkest night.
Your Love Flame shines forever bright,
with Saint Germain now hold me tight.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus demonstrated that no amount of force can withstand the judgment of Christ. Because the judgment of Christ is beyond the material world and force is of the material world.

O Portia, in your mastery,
I feel transforming chemistry.
In your light of reality,
I find the golden alchemy.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the historical trend is clear: force is retreating, cooperation and union are increasing—and they will win.

O Portia, in the cosmic stream,
I am awake from human dream.
Removing now the ego’s beam,
I earn my place on cosmic team.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the Ukrainian people have taken on a certain role in connection to the Russian people, namely to mirror back to Russians their lack of humanity.

O Portia, you come from afar,
you are a cosmic avatar.
So infinite your repertoire,
you are for earth a guiding star.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the Holodomor was precipitated upon the Ukrainians because the Ukrainians had volunteered to suffer this atrocity, as a way to mirror back to the Russian people the insensitivity to life, the brutality, the lack of humanity, in the Russian collective consciousness. The same thing with Chernobyl, the same thing with the present situation.

O Portia, I am confident,
I am a cosmic instrument.
I came to earth from heaven sent,
to help bring forward her ascent.

O Portia, opportunity,
I am beyond duality.
I focus now internally,
with you I grow eternally.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.

Part 6

1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the Germans, the British and many other people in Europe have been willing to look at the beam in their own eye and say: “We can never allow something like this to happen again in our nation.” That is why they have made progress in the standard of living of the people.

O Liberty now set me free
from devil’s curse of poverty.
I blame not Mother for my lack,
O Blessed Mother, take me back.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians have not made any attempt to look at themselves and say: “How could this happen in Russia? How could it go so far in Russia? How could we have a situation where so many people in Russia were willing to be the henchmen of Stalin and imprison, torture and kill their own countrymen?”

O Liberty, from distant shore,
I come with longing to be More.
I see abundance is a flow,
abundance consciousness I grow.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that one measure for the lack of humanity is what a group of people will do to others that they see as different from themselves. But the real measure is what they do to themselves.

O Liberty, expose the lie,
that limitations can me tie.
The Ma-ter light is not my foe,
true opulence it does bestow.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Russians have not shown any willingness to take responsibility for the Soviet brutality, the Soviet suppression. Yet the Russian people are indeed responsible for what happened.

O Liberty, expose the plot,
projected by the fallen lot.
O Cosmic Mother, I now see,
that Mother’s not my enemy.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that this unwillingness of the people to look in the mirror is why Putin is in power, why Putin has taken Russia in the direction he has taken Russia, why the standard of living is as low as it is and why he had to invade Ukraine.

O Liberty, with opened eyes,
I now reject the devil’s lies.
I now embrace the Mother realm,
for I see Father at the helm.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that those who are imbalanced must become more and more extreme, until it becomes obvious how unbalanced they are, how inhumane they are.

O Liberty, a chalice pure,
my lower bodies are for sure.
Release through me your symphony,
your gift of Cosmic Liberty.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Putin wants the world to acknowledge that he and Russia are special, but this is the empirical consciousness. The democratic consciousness is that all men and women are created equal and they have been endowed with rights that no one has the authority to take away from them.

O Liberty, the open door,
I am for Symphony of More.
In chakras mine light you release,
the flow of love shall never cease.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that there is a sincere attempt in the democratic world to have cooperation among equals, without anyone claiming special status and entitlement to special treatment.

O Liberty, release the flow,
of opulence that you bestow.
For I am willing to receive,
the Golden Fleece that you now weave.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that so far the world has given Putin the benefit of the doubt that he probably did not mean what he said, but now that doubt has been shattered by him.

O Liberty, release the cure,
to free the tired and the poor.
The huddled masses are set free,
by loving Song of Liberty.

O Cosmic Mother Liberty,
conduct Abundance Symphony.
My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.

Part 7

1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that a substantial part of the Russian population has already made the shift into the basic humanity, but they are not the ones who are keeping Putin in power—it is the majority of the Russian population who have not shifted to basic humanity.

O Venus, show me how to serve,
your cosmic beauty I observe.
What love from Venus you now bring,
our planets do in tandem sing.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that too many Russians do not have the humanity that makes them sensitive to other people. At the same time, they have the desire to have a special status, they want other people to respect them.

O Venus, your love is the key,
the hardened hearts on earth are free.
Embracing future bright and bold,
our planet’s story is retold.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that if Russians had acquired the same level of basic humanity as people in the democratic world, they would automatically be respected. But since Russians do not have that, other people cannot and will not respect them.

O Venus, loving Mother mine,
my heart your love does now refine.
I am the open door for love,
descending like a Holy Dove.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that instead of having other people respect them as equals, many Russians will settle for people fearing them because they are willing to use the brutality that comes from their lack of humanity.

O Venus, play the secret note,
that is for hatred antidote.
All poisoned hearts you gently heal,
as love’s true story you reveal.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the democratic world will not respect Russia, until Russians acquire the same level of basic humanity as they have in the democratic world.

O Venus, love fills every need,
for truly, love is God’s first seed.
O let it blossom, let it grow,
sweep earth into your loving flow.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that those among the Russian people who have humanity must speak out, wake up, demand change, and therefore pull the majority of the population up.

O Venus, music of the spheres,
heard by those who God reveres.
Our voices now as one we raise,
singing in adoring praise.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to acknowledge the shock of Russia invading a nation that is no threat to Russia but is claimed to be a brother nation. Help people acknowledge the brutality and lack of humanity demonstrated by Russian armed forces against civilians in Ukraine.

O Venus, we are joining ranks,
Sanat Kumara we give thanks.
Our planet has received new life,
to lift her out of war and strife.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that people below the line of basic humanity will only learn through the School of Hard Knocks. And if the knock that Russians have been given now is not sufficient, there will be harder knocks because the law of karma has not been rendered null and void by the declarations of the Russian leadership.

O Venus, your sweet melody,
consumes veil of duality.
Absorbed in tones of Cosmic Love,
all conflict we now rise above.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that what keeps Putin in power is the majority of the Russian people, but the collective consciousness in Russia is shifting and thus Putin is running out of time. Help Russians wake up and decide they want a better form of leadership.

O Venus, shining Morning Star,
a cosmic herald, that you are.
The earth set free by sacred sound,
our planet is now heaven-bound.

O Venus, service so divine,
you are for earth a cosmic sign.
Your selfless service is now mine,
a life in service I define.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.

Part 8

1. Mother Mary, use my calls to send shockwaves through the collective consciousness of Russia to challenge the state of denial that many Russians are in about the war in Ukraine and the state of war against the Russian people.

Omega, I now meditate,
upon your throne in cosmic gate.
I’m born out of the figure-eight,
that Alpha and you co-create.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and his power elite have indeed launched a war, an invasion against Ukraine, regardless of what the official propaganda says.

Omega, in your sacred space,
my cosmic parents I embrace.
I see that it is such a grace,
that I take part in cosmic race.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and the mainstream Russian media are blatantly lying to the Russian people about what is happening in Ukraine, including to their own soldiers.

Omega in the Central Sun,
you show me life is cosmic fun.
And thus a victory is won,
my homeward journey has begun.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the Russian forces in Ukraine are systematically attacking civilians and destroying cities in an extremely inhumane war.

Omega, femininity
is doorway to infinity.
With you I have affinity,
to know my own divinity.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that the “justifications” given by Putin and his power elite are lies that have nothing to do with reality.

Omega, in your cosmic flow,
my plan divine I clearly know.
My heart is now a lamp aglow,
as love on all I do bestow.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that their own sons are being forced to fight an inhumane war, faced with the choice to carry out orders to kill civilians or to be shot for treason. This is a completely inhumane act against the Russian people.

Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,
this is the light from which I came.
As I take part in cosmic game,
Christ victory I do proclaim.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that although Putin has an ambition of building a great Russian Empire, no man in the entire history of Russia has done more to damage Russia’s standing in the world.

Omega, I now comprehend,
why I did to earth descend.
And thus I fully do intend,
to help this planet to ascend.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that this is Putin’s war, not the people’s war, but if they do not protest, they will indeed be held responsible by God for enabling Putin to go on.

Omega, I do now aspire,
to join the ranks of cosmic choir.
My heart burns with a Christic fire,
that is this planet’s sanctifier.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the people who refuse to see that Russian people face a choice of whether they will rise towards greater humanity or allow Putin to drag them even deeper into inhumanity, as he turns on those Russians who object to his rule, seeking to silence or destroy them.

Omega, my heart is ablaze,
my life is in an upward phase.
Come teach me now the secret phrase,
so that I can this planet raise.

O Song of Life, you vitalize,
all hearts you truly synchronize.
O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,
turn earth into a paradise.

Peace, be still. (4X) And know that the I AM within you is God.


In the name of the Divine Mother, I call to Maraytaii and Mother Mary for the sealing of myself and all people in my circle of influence in the creative flow of the Divine Mother, the River of Life. I call for the multiplication of my calls by all representatives of the Divine Mother, so that we form the perfect figure-eight flow of “As Above, so below.” Thus, I accept that this is fully manifest, because the mouth of the Lord, the Divine Mother that I AM, has spoken it. Amen.


Copyright © 2022 by Kim Michaels