WINV31: Awakening the Divine Mother in the Middle East

A powerful invocation for invoking a fundamental shift in consciousness in the Middle East. 

Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.

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In the name of the Cosmic Christ, I call to the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, and I dedicate this invocation to the awakening of the Divine Mother in the Middle East … (Make specific calls.)

I call forth light in the Middle East

The Living Presence of Abraham, the Ascended Master MORE declares:
Let there be light in the Middle East and let it be the New Day of the light of Christ, burning evermore brightly until no one can fail to notice the radiance of the Shekinah Glory, the lightning of the return of Christ, shining as the lightning from the East to the West.

Let there be light in the Middle East and let it be the pulsating light of the Son of God that drives the beating of the physical heart in the chest of every man, woman and child, until they awaken to the realization that the Christ light is not without, but shines from the kingdom of God that is within themselves.

Let there be light in the Middle East and let it be like the Star of Bethlehem that signals a second birth of the Christ child in every heart that is willing to give room for the Living Christ to be born.

Let there be light in the Middle East and let it be the light that dispels the veil of darkness that makes it difficult for people to discern what is real and what is unreal. Let the rising star of the Christ light give an opportunity for all to see what is real and unreal.

Let there be light in the Middle East and let it be the light of the judgment of Christ that divides the sheep from the goats, divides those who are willing to discern from those who will not discern, for they prefer to remain in the consciousness of death.

Let there be light in the Middle East and let it be the Light of Life that indeed empowers all to be spiritually reborn, to be born of water and of Spirit. And let the light judge those who prefer to remain the spiritually dead, that their opportunity will come to an end and that they will no more embody on this planet, allowing the Earth Mother to rise, to throw off the shackles of the death consciousness and to bring forth new life everywhere.

We who acknowledge ourselves as the seeds of Abraham, we take upon ourselves our responsibility to be the Christ on earth and thus we ratify the Living Word of God:


The agreement in heaven
1. I AM the ONE, I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. I will give unto them that are athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Refrain 1:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

2. Master MORE, I acknowledge that the ascended masters who govern the destiny of the Middle East have said: “Enough is enough!”

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

3. Master MORE, I acknowledge that a cycle has come to an end, and thus those who have put down the Divine Mother in the people of the Middle East have lost their opportunity to overcome their abuse of power.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

4. Master MORE, I acknowledge that those who have been enslaving the people of God for eons have now lost the dispensation that allowed them to embody on this planet.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

5. Master MORE, I acknowledge that there is agreement in Heaven that these lifestreams will not come back to this planet after this lifetime.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

6. Master MORE, I acknowledge that these fallen lifestreams can be taken out of embodiment sooner, if the spiritual people ratify the agreement here on earth, call forth their judgment and manifest a sufficient level of Christhood.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

7. Master MORE, I acknowledge that because you were embodied as Abraham, you are the spiritual father of the people of God in the Middle East and the world, and your offspring is like the sands of the seashore; innumerable.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

8. Master MORE, I acknowledge that you have the right to call upon your spiritual offspring to rise up and acknowledge who we are, and to acknowledge our calling to be your hands and feet and thus take over the positions of the blind leaders.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their inner calling
of manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
I demand peace in the Middle East,
for the days of strife are done.

The agreement on earth
1. Lord Lanto, I acknowledge and accept that I am one of the seeds of Abraham, and so are many of my spiritual brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Refrain 2:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

2. I AM the ONE, becoming many forms that are destined to return to the One in the cosmic dance between the Divine Lover and the Beloved.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

3. Lord Lanto, I acknowledge that we are the seeds of Abraham when we accept that God has given us the right and the responsibility to have dominion over the earth.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

4. Lord Lanto, I acknowledge that we who are the seeds of Abraham are the ones who must decide what we will accept and what we will not accept on earth.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

5. Lord Lanto, I acknowledge that God has not given the earth to the fallen beings who are the blind leaders. WE have given the earth to them because we have not been willing to take up our responsibility to have dominion.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

6. Lord Lanto, I acknowledge my true identity as the spiritual offspring of Abraham and I accept my responsibility to have dominion over the earth.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

7. Lord Lanto, I use my God-given authority to call upon all other offspring of Abraham to awaken to who we are and awaken to the potential that our united voice and decision gives the Ascended Host the authority to remove evil from this earth.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

8. Lord Lanto, I affirm that I for one have had enough of the warfare, conflict and strife in the Middle East, and I DEMAND CHANGE. I also call upon my spiritual brothers and sisters to make the same declaration, so there will be the agreement on earth to mirror the agreement in Heaven.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to take up their responsibility
to have dominion over the earth.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
for the power elite
have had their day in the Middle East.

The awakening to the true God of love
1. John the Beloved, we who are the seeds of Abraham call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that Jesus came to demonstrate true love for the true God who is beyond all graven images.

Refrain 3:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

2. John the Beloved, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that Jesus came to show us that the true God is a God of love and is nothing like the Old Testament god of perverted power.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

3. I AM the One, manifest as the trinity of Alpha and Omega, held in perfect creative tension by the only begotten Son, the Logos of the Christ mind.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

4. John the Beloved, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that Jesus came to show us that God’s power is always balanced by God’s love. And thus the true God has both a masculine and a feminine expression, meaning that the monotheistic image of an all-male god is completely false.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

5. John the Beloved, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that Jesus came to show us that when power is not balanced by love, you will have a misuse of power, as we see throughout the history of the Middle East.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

6. John the Beloved, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that Jesus came to show us that when power is exercised without love, you will have a power elite who believe they are God’s chosen people and have a right to do whatever they want, even if it violates the Law of Love.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

7. John the Beloved, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that Jesus came to show us that when the masculine aspect becomes unbalanced, through a suppression of the feminine aspect, you will have people who believe the ends can justify the means, and this attitude is the seed of all human conflicts and atrocities.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

8. John the Beloved, I call for all those who are the seeds of Abraham to be awakened to see the false image of the “all-powerful” male god and the need to balance the masculine and feminine aspects of God in ourselves and in our societies.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to throw off the shackles
of the false image of an all-male god.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
let the true God of Abraham
be known in the hearts of all people.

The restoration of respect for life
1. Serapis Bey, we who are the seeds of Abraham call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that all disrespect for life springs from a lack of balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of God.

Refrain 4:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

2. Serapis Bey, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that only a true love of God the Father leads to uncompromising respect for free will and other people’s divine right to be different from ourselves.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

3. Serapis Bey, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the knowledge that only true love for God the Mother leads to the trust that the Divine Mother will nurture all of her children regardless of their outer differences.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

4. I AM the ONE, the creative fount, expressed as the eternal flow of becoming that forms the River of Life, enfolding all that IS in the wings of the Holy Spirit.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

5. Serapis Bey, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken from the hatred of the Mother that makes us think we have the right to override God’s Law and seek to control or kill other people.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

6. Serapis Bey, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken from the false belief that there is only one true religion and that people of a different religion are a threat to God’s plan—because growth through free will is indeed God’s plan.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

7. Serapis Bey, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken from the hatred of the Mother that makes it seem justifiable to kill people in the name of God.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

8. Serapis Bey, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken from the anti-christ illusion that we have a right or need to judge other people based on a man-made standard instead of the pure love of the Christ consciousness.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to their true identity
as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
we call forth the willingness
to love beyond earthly differences. 

Transcendence of the past
1. Mother Mary, we who are the seeds of Abraham call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken from the illusion that feelings of anger, hatred or the desire for revenge can ever be justified in the eyes of the Father-Mother God.

Refrain 5:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

2. Mother Mary, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that God has NOT appointed us as the instruments of revenge or punishment. Thus, the sins of the past can NEVER be washed clean by the spilling of more blood.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

3. Mother Mary, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that God has set up an entirely impersonal law that makes sure all people will reap what they have sown.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

4. Mother Mary, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that the second law of thermodynamics will break down everything built on the sands of the consciousness of anti-christ.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

5. I AM the ONE, expressing myself as self-aware beings with the opportunity to become all that I AM through the process of consciously choosing to be MORE.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

6. Mother Mary, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that when we think we have to interfere with the workings of God’s law, we only bind ourselves to the ongoing dualistic struggle.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

7. Mother Mary, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that constant growth, constant self-transcendence, is a requirement of the Law of Free Will.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

8. Mother Mary, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the truth that unless we are willing to lose our lives – including our attachments to the past – in order to follow Christ into the constant self-transcendence of the River of Life, we will indeed lose everything we think we own.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that only forgiveness sets us free from the past.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who have hatred of the Mother
shall have their projections returned to them.

The will to choose life
1. Beloved Jesus, we who are the seeds of Abraham ratify the judgment of Christ upon all people in the Middle East who are so attached to the past that they will not follow you and let the dead bury their dead.

Refrain 6:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

2. Beloved Jesus, we ratify the judgment of Christ upon all people in the Middle East who are holding on to the Old Testament ethic of an eye for an eye, those who will not follow your call to turn the other cheek.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

3. Beloved Jesus, we ratify the judgment of Christ upon all people in the Middle East who hold on to the idea that some people are chosen by God, are better than others and are thus above the laws of the true God of Love.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

4. Beloved Jesus, we ratify the judgment of Christ upon all people in the Middle East who have set themselves up as the blind leaders who have perverted the concept of religion and turned it into a political tool for controlling the people.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

5. Beloved Jesus, we ratify the judgment of Christ upon all people in the Middle East who have set themselves up as the blind leaders by perverting existing scriptures and being unwilling to hear the Living Word.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

6. I AM the ONE, the self that encompasses all life, and as the self-aware extensions of myself become MORE, I become MORE.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

7. Beloved Jesus, we ratify the judgment of Christ upon all people in the Middle East who are the blind leaders and who have made the Word of God of no effect by their tradition. I also ratify your judgment upon those who have made themselves blind followers of tradition and will not take up their responsibility to transcend the past.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

8. Beloved Jesus, we ratify the judgment of Christ upon the 10,000 lifestreams on this planet for whom you have given an opportunity to overcome their abuse of power, an opportunity that you have now withdrawn. We acknowledge that as we rise in our Christhood, they will be taken from the earth.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken to the realization
that truth is found only in the Living Word.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny the Living Word
have had their day in the Middle East.

The will to transcend and be free
1. Beloved Saint Germain, we who are the seeds of Abraham call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that the One true God is a Living God who has created us so that God can become MORE through our self-transcendence.

Refrain 7:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

2. Beloved Saint Germain, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that when we hold on to anything on earth, we have put a dead god before the Living God.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

3. Beloved Saint Germain, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that when we hold on to the past or to tradition, we are worshipping a graven image.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

4. Beloved Saint Germain, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that when we hold on to the past, we violate the Law of Life, the second law of thermodynamics, and we will create more problems than we can solve.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

5. Beloved Saint Germain, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that the problems in the Middle East will only get worse, until sufficient numbers of people become willing to give birth to the Christ within themselves.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

6. Beloved Saint Germain, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that the lack of outer freedoms in the Middle East is a reflection of the lack of inner freedom.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

7. I AM the ONE, and every being that came from my Being can become all that I AM, by transcending the sense of self in the cosmic dance, whereby the Beloved becomes the Divine Lover, loving all life.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

8. Beloved Saint Germain, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that unless a critical mass of people become willing to look at and transcend the old mental boxes, the Middle East will deteriorate into poverty, war and chaos.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to stop worshiping a dead god
and flow with the River of Life.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who hold on to graven images
are condemned by their Word.

The integration of masculine and feminine
1. Beloved Alpha and Omega, we who are the seeds of Abraham call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that the current problems are caused by a perversion of the power of Father and a suppression of the love of Mother.

Refrain 8:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

2. Beloved Alpha and Omega, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that the ONLY possible way to avoid widespread chaos is through an integration of the masculine and feminine elements in all people and in society.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

3. Beloved Alpha and Omega, we call upon all people in the Middle East to awaken to the realization that it is an absolute necessity to free women from the current suppression, and then balance the masculine and feminine elements in both individuals and society.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

4. Beloved Alpha and Omega, we affirm your judgment upon those who will not let go of their own hatred of the Mother, based upon the image of the angry, judgmental, male god of the Old Testament. We call upon people to realize that all anger is an anger against the true God of Love.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

5. Beloved Alpha and Omega, we affirm your judgment upon those who will not let go of the false image that women are responsible for the fall, and thus deserve to be suppressed in the home and in society.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

6. Beloved Alpha and Omega, we affirm your judgment upon those in a male body who will not take responsibility for their own past choices and acknowledge that each person fell because of his or her own decisions.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

7. Beloved Alpha and Omega, we affirm your judgment upon those in a female body who will not take responsibility for their future and express balanced power in the home and in society.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

8. I AM the ONE, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. And I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE, for although I am the ONE, I am forever the MORE.

I AM a Spiritual Being.
I call upon the seeds of Abraham
to awaken and realize that the true God
has both masculine and feminine expressions.

I say with Master MORE:
“Enough is enough”
those who deny that we are the Divine Feminine
are judged by their own hatred of the Mother.

God is Father and Mother
God is Father, God is Mother,
never one without the other.

Your balanced union is our source,
your love will keep us on our course.
You offer us abundant life,
to free us from all sense of strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
awakening from this bad dream.
We see that life is truly one,
and thus our victory is won.
We have returned unto our God,
on the path the saints have trod.
We form God’s body on the Earth,
and give our planet its rebirth,
into a Golden Age of love,
with ample blessings from Above.
We set all people free to see
that oneness is reality,
and in that oneness we will be
whole for all eternity.
And now the Earth is truly healed,
all life in God’s perfection sealed.

God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other.

Beloved Archangel Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Uzziel and Uniel, awaken the spiritual people in the Middle East and then all people to the realization and acceptance that they are the Divine Mother in the Middle East. Awaken them from the illusion that someone outside themselves will come and make everything right. Awaken them to the reality that God will indeed manifest a Golden Age in the Middle East and the world, but only when we accept that God can do this only through us.

Thus, we are here to establish the vertical oneness of each person achieving oneness with his or her Higher Being. And then we establish the horizontal oneness of the spiritual people achieving oneness with each other beyond all earthly differences. Out of this oneness is born the Christ, which will judge those who are not willing to leave the death consciousness behind, and thus they will no more be allowed to embody on earth. And as the earth is made lighter, the Divine Mother WILL manifest the Golden Age in the Middle East and on Earth. Thus, we say:

WE ARE THE ONE, AS ABOVE SO BELOW! (3, 9 times or more)

OM MANI PADME HUM (9, 33 or 144 times)

Earth is healed, Earth is sealed, God’s own vision is revealed. (9, 33 or 144 times)

In the name of Alpha and Omega, I accept that the spiritual people of the Middle East have the perfect vision of their service to life, given to them by their Higher Selves.

On behalf of all people in the Middle East, I accept the single-eyed vision of Christ that exposes the beams in our own eyes, so that we can see and consciously surrender all dualistic illusions. I accept that the Middle Eastern people are awakened to see the difference between the reality of Christ and the unreality of the dualistic illusions that spring from the mind of anti-christ.

In unconditional surrender into oneness with my Higher Being, I see that nothing in this world has power over my Spirit, and thus I accept no imperfect conditions as permanent or even ultimately real. Thus, I become transparent to the illusions and the energies of this world. My eye is single, and thus the prince of this world has nothing in me. As I surrender all impurities in my being, I know that the immaculate concept for the Middle East is effortlessly manifest, and I accept that the Middle East is sealed in the perfect vision of God.

I know that that which is unreal cannot affect that which is real. I accept that I AM real and that only the immaculate concept for my life is real. I accept that God created me and saw that “It was good.” In the purity of this vision I remain sealed forevermore, and as I AM MORE, the Middle East is MORE and the Earth is MORE.


Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels