WINV24: Invocation for World Change

Calls for specific world changes, including restoring knowledge of the Divine Feminine in religion, changes in China, in the world economy, in the America government and in exposing extremism in Islam. 

Read teachings about this invocation.

Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.

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In the name of the unconditional love of the Divine Masculine, the Divine Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, Amen.

In the name of Archangel Michael, Master MORE, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Saint Germain and the entire spirit of the Ascended Host, I dedicate this invocation to the manifestation of constructive change in . . .

(Describe specific situations and places where you want this invocation to bring change.)

God is Father and Mother
God is Father, God is Mother,
never one without the other.

Your balanced union is our source,
your love will keep us on our course.
You offer us abundant life,
to free us from all sense of strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
awakening from this bad dream.
We see that life is truly one,
and thus our victory is won.
We have returned unto our God,
on the path the saints have trod.
We form God’s body on the Earth,
and give our planet its rebirth,
into a Golden Age of love,
with ample blessings from Above.
We set all people free to see
that oneness is reality,
and in that oneness we will be
whole for all eternity.
And now the Earth is truly healed,
all life in God’s perfection sealed.

God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other.

I invoke the power of the Divine Feminine
I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light to be in alignment with the perfect will of the Divine Masculine. I am the open door for the all-encompassing vision of the Divine Son, manifesting, through the eternal flow of the Holy Spirit, the Immaculate Concept for awakening people to the fact that the year 2012 represents an important growth opportunity for humankind.

I call into manifestation that a critical mass of people be awakened to how our consciousness affects every aspect of life on Earth, even the physical planet and the balance of nature. I call forth an expanded awareness that in the next four years this realization must come into the physical and produce positive change in the behavior of individuals and nations.

I call forth an awakening of the most spiritually aware people, the top ten percent, to the lessons we need to learn, so we can bring forth a shift in the collective consciousness. I call for the consuming of all denial that prevents people from seeing that if we do not acknowledge how our consciousness affects the Earth Mother, then the lesson must be learned by physical events, such as earth changes, natural disasters, climatic changes, or wars.

I call forth an awakening of the top ten percent from all focus on dire prophecies and all fear of the future. I call for people to be awakened to the supreme realism that with God – working through us – all things are possible. I call for people to be awakened to true peace, the inner peace that passes understanding and is independent of world conditions. I call for the spiritual people to be awakened to the childlike innocence that gives them a real sense of peace and optimism about the future and a vision of Saint Germain’s Golden Age.

Beloved Mother Mary, I give my fear and doubt to you, and I send it all into your Immaculate Heart, where it is instantly consumed by your infinite love. I acknowledge the power of surrender that empowers me to be centered and thus not only be at peace but to BE peace in this world. Thus, I affirm that I AM the Flame of Peace on Earth, the open door for the infinite peace of the Buddha that consumes the illusions of the consciousness of war.

I call for the Divine Feminine to be restored in religion
1. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that a religion that acknowledges God the Father but denies or ignores the feminine, Mother aspect of God is not a balanced religion.

Hail Father-Mother
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

2. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that the monotheistic religions have often been the outer trigger that lit the fire of warfare and conflict among people.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

3. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to a recognition of the Divine Mother, and the importance of unifying the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, both in our own psyches and in our religions.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

4. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that the big monotheistic religions have become completely unbalanced by ignoring the Divine Mother, by putting women down and even making women responsible for the fall.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

5. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that the fall was and is caused by the feminine in both men and women. Thus, blaming women for the fall is an extreme outcome of the male ego’s refusal to take responsibility, causing men to refuse to look for the beam in their own eyes.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

6. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that the refusal of responsibility causes men to go into a state of male pride, where they feel that the only way out of a particular situation is to attack and destroy those that they now project as being enemies. Instead, we must recognize that
it is the ego that is the real enemy, not other human beings.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

7. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that there is a serious flaw in the monotheistic religions. This must be corrected by a new awareness of the feminine aspect of God, as a counter-balance to the misuse of power in the name of control that is being outplayed in all three of the major monotheistic religions, from the crusades to modern-day terrorism.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

8. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to a growing awareness of the Divine Feminine and the importance of incorporating the Divine Feminine into all aspects of our religious and spiritual life, including allowing women to hold any position in any religion.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

9. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that men cannot get out of the trap of a male-dominated religion by themselves. They need women to help counterbalance their focus on the masculine aspect of God, which leads to an abuse of power based on the belief that the ends can justify the means.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

I call for an exposure of the need for change in China
1. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind, so that the Olympics in China will become a mirror that is held up in front of both China and the world. I call for everyone to realize that there needs to be serious and dramatic changes inside China and in the world’s approach to China.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

2. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that the nations and consumers in the West have had a completely immature and irresponsible approach to China. Businesses have used China as a source for inordinate profits, while consumers have been fooled by cheap goods into ignoring that the value of their labor has been systematically degraded.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

3. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that the West has suspended its normal consumer protection in order to allow companies to import cheap goods from China, and make a profit that they could not make by producing in the West.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

4. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the need for Western consumers to not always buy the cheapest goods but to consider: “Who produced that item, and what kind of conditions did those workers have?”

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

5. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the need for Western workers to show solidarity, and demand that workers in other nations are paid fair wages and given reasonable working conditions and benefits.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

6. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken western workers to the need to say that if workers in other countries are treated in a way we consider unacceptable, then we cannot in good conscience buy the merchandise. For by doing so, we enable the companies who are exploiting the workers in distant countries to continue doing so. And thereby we make ourselves vulnerable to exploitation.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

7. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken Western labor unions to their responsibility to demand that other nations enact protective measures for their laborers. And if this does not happen, they will encourage their members and consumers to boycott goods from such countries.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

8. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the need for China to go through a peaceful revolution, and realize they cannot allow the profit interests to run amok and thereby exploit their own people.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

9. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that China must enact protection for its own people. They must enact laws that spread the wealth among the entire population, instead of allowing a very small elite to become incredibly rich, whereas the majority of the population still live under the threat of starvation.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

I call for an exposure of all abuses in the economy
1. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken people to the need to transform the economic system because the value of our labor has been systematically stolen. This has created a hidden redistribution of wealth by concentrating it in the hands of a small elite.

Hail abundant Life
When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

2. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken Western consumers to the fact that we have been lulled to sleep by the good, comfortable, material lifestyle. It is time that we take a stand and demand that our societies have an economy based on the timeless spiritual principles that will give the abundant life to all people.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

3. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken people in Western nations to no longer allow a small elite to control and manipulate the economy to the point of killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

4. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken people to the fact that the rise in real estate prices is a systematic way by the big banks and mortgage companies to steal the value of people’s labor.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

5. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken people to the fact that when the price of a house doubles, the amount of interest that the buyer has to pay goes up exponentially. Thus, the consumer needs to spend an inordinate amount of income in order to pay back the mortgage, giving inordinate profits to banks and mortgage companies.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

6. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken people to the fact that the mortgage companies and the banks have a selfish interest in allowing property prices to go up indefinitely. They will not stop until the consumers can no longer pay the interest and the system collapses under its own weight.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

7. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken Western consumers to the fact that we cannot let things continue to slide. We need to be aware and take responsibility for all aspects of our society. And we need to speak out against all unjust and imbalanced conditions.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

8. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that there is not one savior, there is not one person, or one government, or one organization that will come and save humanity. For it is “we the people,” especially the top ten percent, who must be the open doors for bringing change to our societies and our nations.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

9. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the spiritual people to the fact that if we do nothing, the lowest ten percent will drag our nation and our civilization into a downward spiral that will self-destruct according to the second law of thermodynamics.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

I call for an exposure of all that is hidden in the American government
1. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light to manifest an exposure of all that is hidden in the American government, so that the American people can learn the highest possible lesson from being under the Bush administration.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

2. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to the need to expose many things that they would prefer not to see about their own government, about their president, about the administration and about themselves. I call forth the exposure of all that God wants to have exposed about the American nation and the Bush administration.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

3. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to learn the lessons of what happens when you allow your own government to run amok under the guise of providing national security in the fight against the external enemy of terrorism.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

4. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to the fact that the external enemy was blown out of proportion and used as an excuse for turning the American nation and military into puppets for the schemes of the international power elite.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

5. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to the fact that terrorism has been used as an excuse for testing the limits of how far the American people are willing to go in terms of giving up their civil liberties in the name of national security.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

6. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to the fact that you cannot allow your own government to start a systematic misuse of human rights, and at the same time think that you can avoid having an erosion of your own human rights.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

7. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to the fact that their government has been blinded by the philosophy that the ends can justify the means, and thus they will not stop on their own. The people must stand up for their rights and say, “Enough is enough! We cannot allow this to go on!”

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

8. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to the fact that the Bush administration has allowed systematic corruption by allowing private companies to make inordinate profits in Iraq with no oversight put in place. If you allow private companies and the government to think they can sweep everything under the rug in the name of secrecy, you will have a systematic abuse in both the government and private sector.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

9. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken the American people to the fact that the public and the media must take up their roles as watchdogs. And the spiritual people must let go of misguided loyalty, for it is far better that a nation is embarrassed and learns its lesson, than to have everything swept under the rug so that freedoms are secretly taken away.

When Father-Mother are as one,
we know abundance will be won.
It is our Father’s wish to see
that in abundance all are free.

And God the Mother in her love
brings down to Earth what is above,
her nurturance will set us free
from lack for all eternity.

I call for an exposure of all extremism in Islam
1. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken moderate Muslims to the absolute and urgent need for them to take a stand against extremism in all of its forms.

Hail Father-Mother
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

2. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken Islamic people to the fact that unless they rise up – in 2008 – and take a stand against extremism, it will be impossible to stop an escalating conflict that will tear the Islamic world apart.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

3. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken Islamic people to the fact that this will NOT lead to a war against the West. For there will be so much infighting amongst Islamic nations that they will be more concerned about killing their own brothers.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

4. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken Islamic people to the fact that if there is not a dramatic shift in their collective consciousness in the year 2008, it will be almost impossible to prevent a conflict where the Islamic factions are fighting against each other, and thereby fracturing the Islamic world, causing entire nations to disappear.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

5. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the need to hold the vision that there will be an exposure of the flaws in the entire approach to spirituality in the Islamic world, including how they have lost or destroyed the Divine Feminine.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

6. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the need to hold the vision that women in the Islamic world will wake up and begin to make their voices heard. For the changes that need to happen are so dramatic, that they will not come from the men who are blinded by the male ego, thus thinking that their religion is the only true religion and that their approach to that religion is the only true approach.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

7. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that there is a deliberate attempt to assassinate the influence of women in politics and religion in the Islamic world. This is an attempt to stop the moderating, balancing influence of the female element in the Islamic world, thereby continuing the ancient cycle of systematically suppressing both women and the Divine Feminine.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

8. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the fact that the suppression of the feminine creates imbalance after imbalance, conflict after conflict, where there seems to be no purpose and no end in sight. For it is simply the male ego having become a closed system, and therefore creating one self-destructive situation after another, not being able to stop itself from going into extremism.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

9. I invoke the Infinite Power of the Divine Feminine to raise the Ma-ter light and awaken humankind to the need to hold the vision that the Islamic world is finally awakened. And that whatever it takes, even a major calamity, will occur and finally awaken the Islamic people to the need to do something different, instead of repeating the old patterns that can never lead to peace.

We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.

When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.

God is Father and Mother
God is Father, God is Mother,
never one without the other.

Your balanced union is our source,
your love will keep us on our course.
You offer us abundant life,
to free us from all sense of strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
awakening from this bad dream.
We see that life is truly one,
and thus our victory is won.
We have returned unto our God,
on the path the saints have trod.
We form God’s body on the Earth,
and give our planet its rebirth,
into a Golden Age of love,
with ample blessings from Above.
We set all people free to see
that oneness is reality,
and in that oneness we will be
whole for all eternity.
And now the Earth is truly healed,
all life in God’s perfection sealed.

God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the spirits and energies of war.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the lies of anti-christ that lead to war.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the ultimate spiritual slavery of fighting the wars started by the forces of anti-christ.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the ultimate material slavery of fighting the wars started by the power elite.

I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel Michael binding the forces of war on Earth.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of his Peace. (3X) Amen.

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, Amen.

I affirm that the infinite power of the Divine Feminine surrounds all people with an impenetrable shield of unconditional love that consumes all conditionality. I affirm that we are sealed from all energies of anti-peace sent against us by the forces of this world. I accept that Archangel Michael binds the enemy within us, the human ego, so that when the prince of this world comes, he has nothing in us. I surrender the anti-self and the warring in the members of myself and all people, and I accept that it is consumed by the infinite love of the Divine Feminine. I accept that people’s anti-selves are replaced by their Christ selves, now and forever.

By the power of the Christ Flame within me, I affirm that I am sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Love. I affirm that all people are sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Love. I affirm that the Earth is sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Love. Thus, the Mother Light is raised into perfect union with the Divine Father. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, it flows into the matrix of the Son that brings the abundant life to all people. Amen.


Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels