A powerful invocation for calling forth personal healing and the healing of others, including groups of people affected by a specific disease.
Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.
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In the name of the Cosmic Christ, I call to the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, and I dedicate this invocation to the restoration of wholeness in: … (Mention the name(s) of the person(s) and briefly describe the condition(s) to be healed.)
God is Alpha and Omega
God is Father, God is Mother,
through the Son, one with each other.
Oh separation is the lie,
the ego is the unseen tie.
Conditions are the subtle tools
to trap the unsuspecting fools.
All ownership a prison wall,
and thus we rise to heed the call.
Transcendence is the Master Key,
becoming MORE is liberty.
Surrender is abundant life,
surrender overcomes all strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
fulfilling Heaven’s highest dream.
Christ vision keeps us on our course,
remembering our common Source.
In balance we will always grow,
remaining in the Sacred Flow.
We see the ONE beyond all form,
as oneness is the only norm.
Residing in the Sacred Space,
enveloped in Eternal Grace.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other.
First Ray – Power
1. I AM the ONE, I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. I will give unto them that are athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Refrain 1:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
2. I am willing to be healed! I am willing to be whole by overcoming all elements of division in my consciousness and being.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
3. I am willing to acknowledge that everything in the material universe, including my physical body, is created by mental images projected upon the Ma-ter Light.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
4. I am willing to acknowledge that no form in this universe is permanent or ultimately real.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
5. Every form must be sustained by a mental image that is being projected upon the Ma-ter Light many times every second.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
6. Any disease is the result of an unbalanced image being projected upon the Ma-ter Light that makes up my four lower bodies.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
7. As long as the same mental image is being projected upon the Ma-ter Light, a disease cannot be fully healed. The disease is constantly recreated by the image.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
8. In fully acknowledging that the universe is a mirror, I declare that I am willing to look at and transcend any mental images that are manifesting disease in my physical body.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM beyond any sense of identity in this world.
I AM free to BE
all that I AM and MORE.
My sense of identity is clear.
I AM a co-creator with my God.
I choose to no longer ego-create in separation,
but to co-create in oneness.
Second Ray – Wisdom
1. With all my getting, I will seek wisdom. I am willing to know what mental images are creating disease and imbalance in my four lower bodies.
Refrain 2:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
2. I AM the ONE, becoming many forms that are destined to return to the One in the cosmic dance between the Divine Lover and the Beloved.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
3. I acknowledge that many of the mental images in my being were taken in from the consciousness of my family and cultural group as well as the mass consciousness.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
4. I acknowledge that these images were accepted and adapted by me over many lifetimes, creating my personal version of a self based on the illusion of separation.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
5. I acknowledge that these images are the true cause of any material condition in my life, and thus a disease cannot be fully healed by dealing with the physical body alone.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
6. I acknowledge that by seeking to cover over physical symptoms, I simply drive the images deeper into the subconscious mind, from which they will manifest disease in the future, perhaps in a future embodiment.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
7. I acknowledge that many of these images were created in good faith and that people believe they are true and accurate. I know that the ego will never see them as illusions.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
8. Thus, I am willing to seek the all-penetrating wisdom that can help me see the images that are unbalanced and thus lead to imbalances in my being.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM MORE than my thoughts,
MORE than any beliefs in this world,
and I know I AM free to BE.
I AM one with the single-eyed wisdom of Christ
penetrating all illusions and empowering me
to remove the beam in my own eye,
so the prince of this world has nothing in me.
Third Ray – Love
1. I see that if I have not charity, have not unconditional love, I am nothing.
Refrain 3:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than my emotions.
I AM an ever-flowing stream
of God’s unconditional love.
I AM created as an expression
of God’s unconditional love,
and my love is so great
that I AM flowing with love—unconditionally.
2. I acknowledge that my four lower bodies are designed as vessels for the unconditional love of God to be expressed unconditionally in this world.
Repeat Refrain 3
3. I AM the One, manifest as the trinity of Alpha and Omega, held in perfect creative tension by the only begotten Son, the Logos of the Christ mind.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than my emotions.
I AM an ever-flowing stream
of God’s unconditional love.
I AM created as an expression
of God’s unconditional love,
and my love is so great
that I AM flowing with love—unconditionally.
4. I see that all of the unbalanced mental images I have accepted are designed as “justifications” for shutting off the flow of unconditional love through my being.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than my emotions.
I AM an ever-flowing stream
of God’s unconditional love.
I AM created as an expression
of God’s unconditional love,
and my love is so great
that I AM flowing with love—unconditionally.
5. I acknowledge that in my very core, I love God, I love life, I love myself too much to continue to shut off the flow of Love.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than my emotions.
I AM an ever-flowing stream
of God’s unconditional love.
I AM created as an expression
of God’s unconditional love,
and my love is so great
that I AM flowing with love—unconditionally.
6. I acknowledge that Love is an unconditional force, and as long as I set up conditions for how it should be expressed or withheld, it cannot flow through me.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than my emotions.
I AM an ever-flowing stream
of God’s unconditional love.
I AM created as an expression
of God’s unconditional love,
and my love is so great
that I AM flowing with love—unconditionally.
7. I am willing to see all conditions I have accepted, the very conditions that form the unbalanced mental images in my being.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than my emotions.
I AM an ever-flowing stream
of God’s unconditional love.
I AM created as an expression
of God’s unconditional love,
and my love is so great
that I AM flowing with love—unconditionally.
8. Because I love my God and my Higher Being more than anything in this world, I am willing to unconditionally surrender all conditions into the flow of Love.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than my emotions.
I AM an ever-flowing stream
of God’s unconditional love.
I AM created as an expression
of God’s unconditional love,
and my love is so great
that I AM flowing with love—unconditionally.
Fourth Ray – Purity
1. I see that Love is a transcendental force, meaning that it never stands still, it never seeks to own or posses.
Refrain 4:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
2. I see that when I accept any condition that justifies shutting off the flow of constant self-transcendence, I have separated myself from the River of Life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
3. Although the Law of Free Will gives me the right to define myself as a separate being, it also makes me subject to the second law of thermodynamics that breaks down all imbalanced forms.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
4. I AM the ONE, the creative fount, expressed as the eternal flow of becoming that forms the River of Life, enfolding all that IS in the wings of the Holy Spirit.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
5. In shutting off the flow of Love and refusing to self-transcend, I turn my four lower bodies into a closed system.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
6. In any closed system, impurities will begin to accumulate, until they cause the system itself to break down.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
7. I see that the real cause of physical disease is the accumulation of impure energies – meaning energies that I seek to posses and use for the needs of the separate self – in all of my four lower bodies.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
8. Only by reestablishing the flow of unconditional Love can I transform the impure energies back into energies that can flow and bless all life. Thus, I am committed to plunging myself back into the River of Life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM more than any material form
I AM an image in the mind of God
I see the purity of my Divine Blueprint.
I transcend all mental images
less than this immaculate concept,
and I feel the rushing of the River of Life,
purifying my being into a flawless crystal.
Fifth Ray – Truth
1. As impurities vanish, I gain the clear vision to see the underlying truth that all life is one.
Refrain 5:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
2. I now see that the impure images and beliefs all sprang from the same illusion, namely the illusion that I was separated from my Source and thus separated from other forms of life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
3. I see that from this illusion, my separate sense of identity was born. Thus, the ego is the underlying cause of all disease, each disease being the manifestation of a particular illusion.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
4. I see the conflict in my being because the ego wants to keep me outside of the River of Life in order to ensure its own survival—even if this means the disease and death of my physical body.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
5. I AM the ONE, expressing myself as self-aware beings with the opportunity to become all that I AM through the process of consciously choosing to be MORE.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
6. I now consciously decide that I am committed to wholeness. And thus, in full awareness of my identity as a self-aware co-creator, I choose to separate myself from my separate self.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
7. I now see the Christ truth that the real cause of disease is the consciousness of seeking to own and posses anything in this world and use it for building the separate self. Therefore, I can never heal disease by seeking to do it from the same state of consciousness that created the disease in the first place.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
8. I am willing to transcend the entire consciousness of separation. I acknowledge that I am a spiritual being and that I am ultimately real, whereas my separate self is ultimately unreal. I now see that that which is unreal has no power over that which is real.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM being washed clean
by the mighty rushing waters
of the River of Truth.
My vision undivided, the light of Christ Truth
fills my four lower bodies
as an infinitely deep, emerald pool,
the very Fountain of Youth.
Sixth Ray – Service
1. I see that my physical body is only a temporary vessel that is meant for my Spirit to express its Divine qualities in the material world. It is not meant for my ego to own or posses.
Refrain 6:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
2. Seeing beyond the illusion of separation, I see that the body is not meant to be an end in itself. I did not volunteer to descend to the material world in order to fulfill the body’s needs or be trapped by its infirmities.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
3. I now give up all attachments to my physical body, my emotions, my beliefs and my worldly sense of identity. I say with Jesus that I am willing to lay down my life for a friend, I am willing to dedicate myself to raising all life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
4. I now see that the Ma-ter light that makes up my physical body can as easily outpicture perfect health as it can outpicture the current conditions. I therefore dedicate my four lower bodies to the fulfillment of my Divine plan.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
5. I see that my Divine plan sprang from my core desire to serve in raising up all life on this planet. When I know that “I and my Father are one,” I also see my oneness with all life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
6. I AM the ONE, the self that encompasses all life, and as the self-aware extensions of myself become MORE, I become MORE.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
7. I am not seeking to heal my physical body in order to run away from the pain. I am seeking healing exclusively as a means to empower me to give better service in raising up all life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
8. I realize that I have been crucified in my four lower bodies, and I now give up the ghost of the separate self. I surrender myself into the total freedom of being willing to move with the Spirit, wherever it takes me.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I and my Divine Father are one.
I acknowledge myself as an expression
of the Divine Mother in action.
As the Christ is born within me,
I surrender into the oneness of all life,
and I know I live only
to serve the Christ in all life.
Seventh Ray – Freedom
1. I acknowledge that true freedom is never possible as long as I seek freedom for the separate self. True freedom is found ONLY in transcending the illusion of separation, whereby I am set free from the gravitational pull of the second law of thermodynamics.
Refrain 7:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
2. I now see that I am ready to acknowledge myself as a spiritual being who is here on a unique mission that is meant to contribute to the manifestation of Saint Germain’s Golden Age.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
3. I see that what I truly seek is not freedom from disease but freedom from identification with the body, so that I can see the body only as a temporary vehicle for the fulfillment of my Divine plan.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
4. In acknowledging the true role of the body, I see that disease is only a projection of the images in the mind.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
5. As I transcend all illusions of separateness, I KNOW with absolute certainty that the body will also transcend all disease.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
6. I know that the very cells and atoms of the physical body will become pure, and thus they will naturally and inevitably accelerate to a higher vibration that throws off all impurities.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
7. I AM the ONE, and every being that came from my Being can become all that I AM, by transcending the sense of self in the cosmic dance, whereby the Beloved becomes the Divine Lover, loving all life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
8. I have nothing more that I personally want to posses or experience on this planet. I unconditionally surrender all sense of separateness, and I plunge myself into the total freedom of flowing with the River of Life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
I AM truly free in oneness
with my Higher Being
and my Divine plan.
The rushing, mighty wind of the Holy Spirit
fills my cells and atoms with oceans of violet flame,
until the separate self dissolves
and I merge with the ocean of liquid light.
Eight Ray – Integration
1. I realize that true freedom is never found in seeking to escape anything in this world, but only in transcending my identity in this world.
Refrain 8:
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
2. True freedom is found ONLY by integrating with the Spirit of Oneness that is beyond this world.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
3. I am willing to integrate with the One Spirit of each of the seven rays, coming into oneness with the Spirit of the eighth ray of Integration.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
4. I am not seeking to run away from my four lower bodies, including pain and disease in my physical body. Instead, I see beyond any material condition and see the pure Ma-ter light within it.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
5. I now see the Ma-ter light as an expression of the One Spirit of the Divine Father. I see that I am an expression of that One Spirit.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
6. The One Spirit within me is now commanding the One Spirit within the cells and atoms of my four lower bodies to manifest the perfect vehicle for my service to all life.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
7. In complete integration with the One Spirit within me and the One Spirit within all life, I am letting the One Spirit direct me to where I can be of greatest service in raising the All—which is truly the One.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
8. I AM the ONE, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. And I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE, for although I am the ONE, I am forever the MORE.
I AM a Spiritual Being.
In integration with the One Spirit within me,
and the One Spirit within all life,
I see the One Spirit behind all appearances.
I know that only the One Spirit is real.
I integrate with the Spirit of Victory,
expanding my mind to the vastness of space,
merging with the Buddha of Unconditional Peace.
I AM the ONE
I AM the ONE, I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. I will give unto them that are athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
I AM the ONE, becoming many forms that are destined to return to the One in the cosmic dance between the Divine Lover and the Beloved.
I AM the One, manifest as the trinity of Alpha and Omega, held in perfect creative tension by the only begotten Son, the Logos of the Christ mind.
I AM the ONE, the creative fount, expressed as the eternal flow of becoming that forms the River of Life, enfolding all that IS in the wings of the Holy Spirit.
I AM the ONE, expressing myself as self-aware beings with the opportunity to become all that I AM through the process of consciously choosing to be MORE.
I AM the ONE, the self that encompasses all life, and as the self-aware extensions of myself become MORE, I become MORE.
I AM the ONE, and every being that came from my Being can become all that I AM, by transcending the sense of self in the cosmic dance, whereby the Beloved becomes the Divine Lover, loving all life.
I AM the ONE, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. And I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE, for although I am the ONE, I am forever the MORE.
OM MANI PADME HUM (9, 33 or 144 times)
I am healed, I am sealed,
God’s own vision is revealed. (9, 33 or 144 times)
In the name of Alpha and Omega, I accept the perfect vision of my service to life, given to me by my Higher Self. I surrender all desires, wants and expectations of the separate self and plunge myself into the River of Life. I allow the Holy Spirit to move me to where I can flow with the River of Life and effortlessly fulfill my Divine plan.
I accept the single-eyed vision of Christ that exposes the beams in my own eye, so that I can see and consciously surrender all dualistic illusions in my being. I stand naked before Christ, as I seek to hide nothing from the all-seeing eye of God. I consciously surrender the ego’s illusion that what is hidden from men is also hidden from God. I hold on to nothing, and I am willing to see and surrender any and all illusions.
In this unconditional surrender, I see that nothing in this world has power over my Spirit, and thus I accept no imperfect conditions as permanent or even ultimately real. Thus, I become transparent to the illusions and the energies of this world. My eye is single, and thus the prince of this world has nothing in me. As I surrender all impurities in my being, I know that the immaculate concept for my four lower bodies is effortlessly manifest, and I accept that I am sealed in the perfect vision of God.
I know that that which is unreal cannot affect that which is real. I accept that I AM real and that only the immaculate concept for my life is real. I accept that God created me and saw that “It was good.” In the purity of this vision I remain sealed forevermore, as I AM MORE.
Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels