Invoke a balancing action for restoring the highest balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of God in your own energy field, in your society and on a world scale. Restoring this balance is essential for resolving conflicts, as they all spring from an imbalance between the two creative forces.
Read teachings about this invocation: Mother Mary, Surya.
Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.
Open a pdf file: INV11BalMascFem
In the name of the unconditional love of the Divine Masculine, the Divine Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, Amen.
In the name of the Divine Mother for Earth, beloved Mother Mary, I invoke the Presence of the God Surya during this invocation. I attune my heart to Surya and the God Star Sirius, and I call forth the release of an extraordinary portion of light to reinforce the movement of the restoration of the Divine Feminine. I invoke Surya’s balancing energy, the light that will bring balance, that will restore balance. I envision the God Surya, who embodies the perfect union of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, and I tune in to your heart. I feel the influx of the balancing energy that will balance my own being, and thereby allow me to be a platform for bringing balance to this planet. I dedicate this invocation to the manifestation of constructive change in . .
(Describe specific situations and places where you want this invocation to bring change.)
Awakening the Creative Elite
1. God the Father can be known
through the seeds that he has sown,
yet to find a seed Divine,
look beyond all that is “thine,”
for only ego seeks to hold
instead of letting God unfold.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
2. Oh separation is the lie,
duality creates the tie
that keeps you trapped in earthly mold,
a sheep that stays within the fold.
Yet inner longing tells you true,
that there is so much more to you.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
3. So let your Spirit soar above,
embracing life with only love,
for as you open up your heart,
the veil is surely rent apart.
And you will see the inner light,
leading to a future bright.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
4. You see that matter is a part
of God’s creation—not apart.
Thus Father-Mother are as one,
and now your victory is won.
You see now with the single eye
that “I am God and God is I.”
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
5. So go now into all the world
with I AM banner all unfurled,
awaken all from fear and strife
to see that there is more to life.
When people see that life is one,
they all give birth to God the Son.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
6. The I AM people heed the call,
in selfless service to the All
they find a oneness so sublime
it is beyond both space and time.
Acceleration will set free
to find a higher unity.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
7. And planet Earth will now be free
the Golden age—reality.
Surrender is the sacred key
in oneness life will always be.
In unison is God and man
and thus unfolds the sacred plan.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. I affirm that the essence of the spiritual path is that I transcend myself, that I recognize that any aspect of my situation in this material universe is a reflection of my inner situation, because my consciousness is what creates my material reality.
Hail Father-Mother (repeat after each verse)
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
2. I affirm that the essence of spiritual growth is that I question my current mental box. I recognize that through my current beliefs, my world view, I have put myself in a mental box which then creates the physical box that I experience as limitations and restrictions.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
3. I affirm that the beginning of the spiritual path is when I wake up and recognize the reality that I need to transcend my current mental box before I will make true progress on the spiritual path, before I will be able to create the kind of life that I want for myself, others and the entire planet.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
4. I affirm that Mother Mary, as the Divine Mother, represents the Feminine aspect of God to all people on this planet, regardless of their religion, or even if they have no religion.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
5. I affirm that the Divine Mother cannot fit into any mental box created by one of the religions on Earth. For I recognize the first two commandments, namely to have no other gods before the true God and to not take unto myself any graven image.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
6. I affirm that I will no more create a mental image of what God is like, based on what I see in the material world. For when I do, I have created a graven image and I am worshipping a false god before the real God. For the true God, the Divine Masculine, the Divine Father, is beyond this world.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
7. I affirm that God is more than any mental box, the Creator is beyond its creation. The masculine aspect of God is beyond any images, any scriptures, any words whatsoever that are found in this world. The God that can be known, is not the ultimate God. For, the real God, the Living God, is beyond what can be captured by the words and images of this world.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
8. I affirm that even calling that God the Divine Masculine or the Divine Father is a misnomer. For when people hear the words, “Divine Father,” they project mental images upon that concept, based on their experience with what the father represents on Earth. And this is why some religions have created the image of God as an angry and judgmental father figure.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
9. I affirm that the Divine Masculine, the transcendent God, is beyond any man-made images. I affirm that there is a Masculine aspect of God, as the Creator, who initiated the process that caused the creation of this world of form. Yet, that Creator is the Infinite God and can never be anything but the Infinite God.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
Awakening the Creative Elite
1. God the Father can be known
through the seeds that he has sown,
yet to find a seed Divine,
look beyond all that is “thine,”
for only ego seeks to hold
instead of letting God unfold.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
2. Oh separation is the lie,
duality creates the tie
that keeps you trapped in earthly mold,
a sheep that stays within the fold.
Yet inner longing tells you true,
that there is so much more to you.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
3. So let your Spirit soar above,
embracing life with only love,
for as you open up your heart,
the veil is surely rent apart.
And you will see the inner light,
leading to a future bright.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
4. You see that matter is a part
of God’s creation—not apart.
Thus Father-Mother are as one,
and now your victory is won.
You see now with the single eye
that “I am God and God is I.”
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
5. So go now into all the world
with I AM banner all unfurled,
awaken all from fear and strife
to see that there is more to life.
When people see that life is one,
they all give birth to God the Son.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
6. The I AM people heed the call,
in selfless service to the All
they find a oneness so sublime
it is beyond both space and time.
Acceleration will set free
to find a higher unity.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
7. And planet Earth will now be free
the Golden age—reality.
Surrender is the sacred key
in oneness life will always be.
In unison is God and man
and thus unfolds the sacred plan.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. I affirm that in order to create a world of form, the Infinite God must manifest itself as a polarity to itself, by manifesting itself as a state of Being that can take on finite form. This Being, this state of Being, of the expressed God, is indeed the polarity to the unexpressed God. The transcendent, unexpressed God is the Divine Father, and the expressed God is the Divine Mother.
Hail Father-Mother
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
2. I affirm that the Divine Feminine is beyond the traditional role, the traditional images, of most religions on Earth. It is beyond the monotheistic religions and their image of God as the remote being in the sky, the father figure sitting on a great white throne, judging all people below.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
3. I affirm that although there is a transcendent God, who is beyond my reach, God has another aspect, namely the Divine Feminine, who is not beyond my reach. For I am an extension of, an expression of, an individualization of, the Divine Feminine.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
4. I affirm that all forms in this Universe are expressions of the Divine Feminine. Everything has the Divine Feminine embedded within it. And thus, God is never separated from me. For, as Jesus said, the Kingdom of God is within me.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
5. I affirm that I will understand the Divine Feminine only by challenging the mental boxes created by male-dominated religions, who will give me the impression that God is only a male figure.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
6. I affirm that I see beyond the lie that I cannot reach God on my own, that I need a mediator in the form of an outer religion. I affirm that no outer religion has the power to either give me entry into Heaven or send me to Hell for all eternity.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
7. I affirm that there is no outer religion that can guarantee or deny my salvation. For I see that salvation is the ultimate recognition of who I am, leading to my acceptance that I am an expression of God, the Feminine aspect of God, the expressed God.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
8. I affirm that I am no longer trapped in the most common illusion found on this planet, namely that God is separated from God’s creation. I accept that I am created from God’s Being, and thus I can never be separated from my source.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
9. I affirm that any religion which promotes an image of a god who is separated from me, is promoting a false concept of salvation. Thus, I rise above all images of God as a Masculine or Feminine figure that is separated from me. For I and my Father are one and I and my Mother are one.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
Awakening the Creative Elite
1. God the Father can be known
through the seeds that he has sown,
yet to find a seed Divine,
look beyond all that is “thine,”
for only ego seeks to hold
instead of letting God unfold.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
2. Oh separation is the lie,
duality creates the tie
that keeps you trapped in earthly mold,
a sheep that stays within the fold.
Yet inner longing tells you true,
that there is so much more to you.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
3. So let your Spirit soar above,
embracing life with only love,
for as you open up your heart,
the veil is surely rent apart.
And you will see the inner light,
leading to a future bright.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
4. You see that matter is a part
of God’s creation—not apart.
Thus Father-Mother are as one,
and now your victory is won.
You see now with the single eye
that “I am God and God is I.”
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
5. So go now into all the world
with I AM banner all unfurled,
awaken all from fear and strife
to see that there is more to life.
When people see that life is one,
they all give birth to God the Son.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
6. The I AM people heed the call,
in selfless service to the All
they find a oneness so sublime
it is beyond both space and time.
Acceleration will set free
to find a higher unity.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
7. And planet Earth will now be free
the Golden age—reality.
Surrender is the sacred key
in oneness life will always be.
In unison is God and man
and thus unfolds the sacred plan.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. I affirm that I transcend the image of God as both Feminine and Masculine. I recognize the transcendent God that is beyond form, and the God that is expressing itself as form, but yet is still the transcendent God who cannot be trapped in any particular form.
Hail Father-Mother
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
2. I affirm that because I am an expression of God, I too do not see myself as being trapped in any particular form or mental box. I recognize and acknowledge that I am more, more than my physical body and more than the outer mind.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
3. I affirm that I am more than the mortal sense of identity that I have been programmed to accept, both in this lifetime and beyond, by a society that wants me to follow the norm, that wants me to keep doing what people have always been doing, without questioning it, without asking why, without asking what sense it all makes.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
4. I affirm that I have come to the realization and acceptance of who I am, as an expression of the Infinite God. I have the potential to raise my identity to the level of infinity, where I become one with my source and thus I am ready to act as an extension of that source.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
5. I affirm that I am willing to do what the transcendent God has done in making itself the ultimate servant for all of the self-aware extensions of itself, by giving them an opportunity to grow. Thus, I am willing to objectively see whether I have chosen wisely, and have thereby expanded my sense of self, or chosen unwisely, and have thereby limited my sense of self.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
6. I affirm that I am willing to rethink my mental box of who I am, who God is, and what the world is. I see that God is All and in All. God has expressed itself as me. God has expressed itself as the world of form. Thus, God is everywhere.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
7. I affirm that God is never far from me and I will not allow any force on Earth to trick me into accepting the illusion of separation. I know that I can never be separated from God, and I challenge this illusion as the greatest fallacy on Earth.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
8. I affirm that God is One, God is undivided, God is indivisible. I now rise above the illusion of separation and the two opposite polarities, the division into the two dualistic extremes, that spring from it.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
9. I affirm that I will no longer take part in the endless dualistic game of going from one extreme to the other, or even being caught in the middle, but still being trapped in the level of the dualistic game. I want spiritual freedom, and I am willing to transcend the dualistic game. I am willing to become one with the Spirit of Truth.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
Awakening the Creative Elite
1. God the Father can be known
through the seeds that he has sown,
yet to find a seed Divine,
look beyond all that is “thine,”
for only ego seeks to hold
instead of letting God unfold.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
2. Oh separation is the lie,
duality creates the tie
that keeps you trapped in earthly mold,
a sheep that stays within the fold.
Yet inner longing tells you true,
that there is so much more to you.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
3. So let your Spirit soar above,
embracing life with only love,
for as you open up your heart,
the veil is surely rent apart.
And you will see the inner light,
leading to a future bright.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
4. You see that matter is a part
of God’s creation—not apart.
Thus Father-Mother are as one,
and now your victory is won.
You see now with the single eye
that “I am God and God is I.”
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
5. So go now into all the world
with I AM banner all unfurled,
awaken all from fear and strife
to see that there is more to life.
When people see that life is one,
they all give birth to God the Son.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
6. The I AM people heed the call,
in selfless service to the All
they find a oneness so sublime
it is beyond both space and time.
Acceleration will set free
to find a higher unity.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
7. And planet Earth will now be free
the Golden age—reality.
Surrender is the sacred key
in oneness life will always be.
In unison is God and man
and thus unfolds the sacred plan.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. I affirm the awakening of the “I AM people,” those who have a spiritual self, an I AM Presence, that is an extension of the Presence of God, the God that called itself “I AM THAT I AM.”
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
2. I affirm the unification of those who do not identify themselves based on any characteristics on Earth. They identify themselves exclusively based on their individuality—that for each one is anchored in the I AM Presence.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
3. I affirm the conscious coming into unity of people throughout the globe, those who dare to identify themselves as spiritual people—rather than basing their identity on some characteristic in this world, be it race, religion, skin color, nationality, ethnicity or their tribe.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
4. I affirm that the top ten percent of the most spiritually aware people connect to their spiritual beings, their I AM Presences, by going beyond the roles established by the traditional monotheistic religions. I affirm that people find their spiritual identity instead of following an outer leader or an outer institution.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
5. I affirm that the top ten percent transcend both the unbalanced Mother culture and the unbalanced Father culture and find the Middle Way. Thus, in our beings we have balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, so we can work together in harmony on creating a balanced culture.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
6. I affirm that the top ten percent transcend all traditional mental boxes and rethink culture, rethink all aspects of society. I affirm the acceleration of the process of rethinking every aspect of culture and society, so that we will come up with new solutions, new ways of looking at things.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
7. I affirm the full and final awakening of the creative elite who are the forerunners for new ideas. I affirm that we take in the mass consciousness and transform it in our own beings, so that we raise it up. Thus, others realize that a new wind is blowing, and it is time to ask ourselves, “Why are we doing this? Why are we living the way we are living? What is the purpose of becoming richer and richer, if we do not put those riches to use in raising up all people to a more abundant life?”
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
8. I affirm that the members of the creative elite are awakened to our responsibility to take dominion over the Earth and that we will no longer allow the state of imbalance that keeps two thirds of the population living in poverty. We affirm that this inequality on a global scale is no longer acceptable to us and we demand the abundant life for all people.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
9. I affirm that the members of the creative elite rise above the perverted consciousness of the unbalanced Father element that says, “We are the only ones that matter, we don’t need to worry about other people.” Thus, we no longer accept that the rich nations in the world are like feudal lords and the poor nations are like the slaves in the feudal societies. We claim our balance between the masculine and feminine aspect, and thus we accept that we are indeed our brother’s keepers.
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
Awakening the Creative Elite
1. God the Father can be known
through the seeds that he has sown,
yet to find a seed Divine,
look beyond all that is “thine,”
for only ego seeks to hold
instead of letting God unfold.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
2. Oh separation is the lie,
duality creates the tie
that keeps you trapped in earthly mold,
a sheep that stays within the fold.
Yet inner longing tells you true,
that there is so much more to you.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
3. So let your Spirit soar above,
embracing life with only love,
for as you open up your heart,
the veil is surely rent apart.
And you will see the inner light,
leading to a future bright.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
4. You see that matter is a part
of God’s creation—not apart.
Thus Father-Mother are as one,
and now your victory is won.
You see now with the single eye
that “I am God and God is I.”
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
5. So go now into all the world
with I AM banner all unfurled,
awaken all from fear and strife
to see that there is more to life.
When people see that life is one,
they all give birth to God the Son.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
6. The I AM people heed the call,
in selfless service to the All
they find a oneness so sublime
it is beyond both space and time.
Acceleration will set free
to find a higher unity.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
7. And planet Earth will now be free
the Golden age—reality.
Surrender is the sacred key
in oneness life will always be.
In unison is God and man
and thus unfolds the sacred plan.
God is Father, God is Mother,
always one within the other.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God within each other.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
I affirm that God Surya is releasing the balancing energy of the God Star Sirius to set all people free from the spirits and energies of imbalance between masculine and feminine.
I affirm that God Surya is releasing the balancing energy of the God Star Sirius to set all people free from the lies of anti-christ that lead to imbalance between masculine and feminine.
I affirm that God Surya is releasing the balancing energy of the God Star Sirius to set all people free from the ultimate spiritual slavery of fighting the wars between masculine and feminine started by the forces of anti-christ.
I affirm that God Surya is releasing the balancing energy of the God Star Sirius to set all people free from the ultimate material slavery of fighting the wars started by the power elite.
I affirm that God Surya is releasing the balancing energy of the God Star Sirius to set all people free from the material slavery that prevents the manifestation of the abundant life for all.
I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of the God Surya consuming the forces of imbalance on Earth.
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of Balance. (3X) Amen.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Transcendent God, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Expressed God, Amen.
I affirm that the infinite power of the Divine Feminine surrounds all people with an impenetrable shield of unconditional love that consumes all imbalance between masculine and feminine. I affirm that we are sealed from all energies of conflict between masculine and feminine sent against us by the forces of this world. I accept that Archangel Michael binds the enemy within us, the human ego, so that when the prince of this world comes, he has no imbalance in us. I surrender the anti-self and all imbalance between masculine and feminine in myself and all people, and I accept that it is consumed by the infinite love of the Divine Feminine. I accept that people’s anti-selves are replaced by their Christ selves, now and forever.
By the power of the Christ Flame within me, I affirm that I am sealed in the balancing Light of beloved Surya. I affirm that all people are sealed in the balancing Light of beloved Surya. I affirm that the Earth is sealed in the balancing Light of beloved Surya. Thus, the Mother Light is raised into perfect union with the Divine Father. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, it flows into the matrix of the Son that brings the abundant life to all people. Amen.
Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels