2.61 Oh Mother Mary, help me accept the One God
Oh Mother Mary, help me internalize the fact that everything is created out of the One God, and therefore everything is one with God. Help me accept that I am one with my God.
Help me overcome the forces in this world who are seeking to prevent me from accepting my oneness with my God. Help me overcome the culture and religion that denies the Presence of the Living Christ within me and programs me to deny my oneness with God. Help me overcome the mindset that caused the persecution of Jesus and still causes the denial of the Living Christ within all life.
I accept that Jesus came to raise me into oneness with my God, the oneness that has been lost due to the original sin. I see that all sin started when my soul departed from the direct connection to my I AM Presence and became trapped in the consciousness of duality, division and separation. I hereby choose to repent for that sin and leave it behind.
I see that all problems and imperfections spring from separation from the One God. I accept that oneness with God is the ultimate solution to the problems on planet Earth. I choose to make it a priority in my life to reclaim my oneness with my God. I vow to climb the pyramid of life and reach the point of oneness. I vow to attain the single-eyed vision of the Christ mind that will empower me to put the capstone on the pyramid of my life. I vow to be who I truly am, namely an individualization of the One God, a part of the whole that has the whole within itself. I accept the One God as my only God.
2.62 Oh Mother Mary, I choose Life!
Oh Mother Mary, I accept the fact that I am one with my God, that I never was separated from my God and that I never can be separated from my God. I am willing to rise above the heavy weight of the collective consciousness of humankind, a consciousness that springs from separation, division and duality. I vow to climb the pyramid of life that leads me to the point of oneness that empowers me to reclaim my oneness with God. Oh Mother Mary, help me overcome the gravitational force of the mass consciousness created by human beings and by the dark beings that roam this planet.
I accept that I too can climb the pyramid of life as Jesus and you did. I vow to follow the trail you have blazed, and I choose to let the ascending force, created by my ascended brothers and sisters, pull me up toward the apex of the pyramid of life. I choose to let the force of light be the deciding force in my life, and I am willing to be pulled up into the consciousness of life. Therefore, I say, “I choose life, I choose the consciousness of life that leads me to accept my oneness with my God!”
2.63 Oh Mother Mary, help me abandon all false religions
I accept that the true goal of the Ascended Host is to bring God’s kingdom to Earth and that God’s kingdom is a state of consciousness. I vow to change my state of consciousness and embrace a new sense of identity that is not based on separation and division but on indivisible oneness with my God. I understand that there is only one message behind all religions, and it is the message of oneness, the message that I am one with my God and that the sense of separation is an illusion.
Oh Mother Mary, help me look beyond the relative faculties of the carnal mind and the human intellect and see through all arguments for rejecting the message of oneness. I am willing to follow the way demonstrated by Jesus, and I accept that the way to salvation is the way to oneness with my God. I see that the key to oneness with my God is the Christ consciousness that Jesus demonstrated, and I vow to come into that oneness through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I accept the message of oneness, the Gospel of Oneness, the religion of oneness that is the one true religion. I vow to leave behind all idolatry of Jesus, and I leave behind the false religions preaching the Gospel of Separation. I vow to stop following the blind leaders, the false prophets, who are posturing as true leaders but are filled with dead men’s bones.
Oh Mother Mary, help me rise above the lies and the manipulations of the forces who have chosen to separate themselves from their God and have become trapped in the consciousness of separation. I vow to stop worshiping the false gods who are clamoring for my attention, and I vow to cast myself upon the rock of Christ and anchor myself firmly on the true way that leads to Christ consciousness. I vow to claim my oneness with my God as Jesus claimed his oneness.
2.64 Oh Mother Mary, I vow to multiply my talents!
I vow to use the teachings and the tools I have been given by Jesus and Mother Mary to multiply my talents, multiply my inner oneness. I set my priorities straight so that I am no longer pulled hither and yon by the activities of this world that constantly seek to pull me away from oneness with my God. I hereby choose to make it the top priority of my life to follow the way that leads me to the apex of the pyramid of life, where I can reclaim my oneness with my God!
I vow to come home to the kingdom of my God and become an ascended being, an ascended master. I am willing to be a co-creator and help co-create the other mansions in my Father’s house. I vow to be faithful over a few things until my God makes me ruler over many things. I choose to BE, and therefore I affirm the Presence of Oneness in all conditions I encounter in my life. I choose to BE one with my God, and therefore I AM the Presence of Oneness in this world.
Copyright © by Kim Michaels, 2012