The Seal of the Lord
Instructions: Give the following affirmation on a daily basis:
In the name of Jesus Christ,
I accept that the Seal of the Lord is upon me now.
I accept that the Seal of the Lord is upon me now.
I accept that the Seal of the Lord is upon me now.
Invoking the Cloak of Jesus
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM within me,
I call for the cloak of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to be placed upon me now.(3X)
I accept it done this moment with the full power of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, whose power protects me from all of the forces of this world. It is finished. Amen.
Affirming the Christ in Your Activities
Instructions: Before engaging in an important activity, give one of the following affirmations:
I dedicate this activity to Christ Victory, and I see only Christ perfection.
I dedicate [give a brief description of the activity] to Christ Victory, and I see only Christ perfection.
I dedicate this day to Christ Victory, and I see only Christ perfection.
Copyright © by Kim Michaels, 2012