7.51 I honor the Mother of Independence

Beloved Mother Mary, beloved Mother of Independence, beloved Mother of Liberty, I will to be truly independent, to be truly free. I recognize that true freedom can be achieved only by knowing the truth that will set me free. Therefore, I call to you and I declare that I am willing to know the truth of how my ego and the forces of this world have enslaved my soul. I am willing to have every aspect of my ego exposed, because I know that my ego is not my true identity. I know that letting go of my ego will not mean the loss of my individuality. It will mean the regaining of my spiritual identity that makes me independent of everything outside my true Self. I now see that I can find independence only in God’s kingdom within me.

If the exposure of my ego should cause me some pain, then I welcome it. I am willing to endure this temporary discomfort in order to win the greater freedom of walking through life as a God-free, spiritual Being who is independent of the ego and the forces of this world. Thus I ask you and my Christ self to expose my ego, so that I can see it for what it is and thereby gain the freedom to separate myself from it. I vow to seek first the kingdom of God as the complete oneness with my I AM Presence. I vow to let go of all ego-illusions so that the prince of this world has nothing in me. I will stop seeking to justify or confirm the mental images that my ego projects upon reality. Instead, I seek Christ truth and I am willing to be free.

In overcoming the ego, I am willing to fulfill my rightful role as a co-creator with God, sent into this world to bring God’s kingdom to Earth. I am willing to multiply the talents given to me by God and take dominion over the Earth. I am willing to let the Spirit of the Lord God, my own I AM Presence, come upon me and anoint me to preach good tidings unto the meek; to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.

I am willing to honor the Mother flame by being the instrument for freeing all children of God from captivity. I am willing to honor the Mother by being the instrument for freeing the Ma-ter light from all imperfect images and restoring it to the purity of God’s kingdom.


Copyright © by Kim Michaels, 2012