7.41 Freedom from Psychic Projections on the Seven Rays

First Ray – Power

I hereby consciously acknowledge and accept that I am a co-creator with God, and that I have a right to be in embodiment on Planet Earth. I have a right to walk the spiritual path, to transcend my ego and my past, and to put on and express my Christhood as my God-given individuality. I have a right to let my light so shine before men that they may see my good works, and thus either accept or reject their own potential, expressed in the ancient truth that what one has done, all can do.

Archangel Michael, protect me
from all projections of anti-will.
Elohim Hercules, clear my throat chakra
from all perversions of will-power.
Master MORE, show me
the first-ray perversions in my being.

Mighty I AM Presence, I AM one with
your unconditional power. 
Beloved Jesus, let the WORD of Christ
judge all beings who attack me.
Beloved Akshobya, be the mirror
that returns all projections to their source.


Second Ray – Wisdom

I now consciously acknowledge and accept that in order to manifest my Christhood and be free of my past, I need to have complete respect for the free will of others, and complete respect for my own free will. I acknowledge that whereas I have a right to project any mental images upon the Ma-ter light, projecting images and energy into the minds of other people will violate their free will. I hereby vow to never direct any psychic projections at others, and I vow to never accept any psychic projections into my inner sanctuary. I vow to completely focus on exposing and transcending the beam in my own eye, so the prince of this world has nothing in me.

Archangel Jophiel, protect me
from all projections of anti-wisdom.
Elohim Apollo, clear my crown chakra
from all serpentine lies.
Beloved Lanto, show me
the second-ray perversions in my being.

Mighty I AM Presence, I AM one with
your unconditional wisdom. 
Beloved Jesus, let the WORD of Christ
judge all beings who attack me.
Beloved Akshobya, be the mirror
that returns all projections to their source.


Third Ray – Love

In order to win my own spiritual freedom, I vow to become psychically non-violent, so that I take full responsibility for my own reaction to any situation. I see that when I do not react with any conditional feelings, meaning any feeling less than the perfect love that casts out fear, I will not produce psychic energy. And when I do not accumulate psychic energy, I will have no need to send any psychic projections at other people. When I am in control of my own reaction, I will be in control of my free will, and thus I have no need to control the free will of others. And when my aura and chakras are free from all energies below the level of unconditionality, I will not have any openings for psychic projections or energies to enter my own being. I can be free within myself, and thus I can set all others free to be who they are and grow from there.

Archangel Chamuel, protect me
from all projections of anti-love.
Elohim Heros, clear my heart chakra
from all conditional love.
Paul the Venetian, show me
the third-ray perversions in my being.

Mighty I AM Presence, I AM one with
your unconditional love. 
Beloved Jesus, let the WORD of Christ
judge all beings who attack me.
Beloved Akshobya, be the mirror
that returns all projections to their source.


Fourth Ray – Purity

I now declare that I am willing to see the beam in my own eye and that I am willing to surrender anything that stands in the way of my oneness with my I AM Presence. I love my Presence more than any aspect of my ego, and I desire to be able to respond to any situation with unconditional love, so that I never again project any impulse that limits other parts of life. Instead, I desire to be the Living Christ who only serves to raise up all life.

Archangel Gabriel, protect me
from all projections of anti-purity.
Elohim Purity, clear my base chakra
from all impure intentions.
Serapis Bey, show me
the fourth-ray perversions in my being.

Mighty I AM Presence, I AM one with
your unconditional purity. 
Beloved Jesus, let the WORD of Christ
judge all beings who attack me.
Beloved Akshobya, be the mirror
that returns all projections to their source.


Fifth Ray – Truth

I now acknowledge that as I express my Christhood, there will be those who do not want to change, do not want to take responsibility for themselves. They will feel threatened by me, and thus they will seek to project all manner of psychic energy and thoughts at me, in order to get me to conform to their mental boxes. And although I will rejoice with Christ when people say all manner of things falsely against me for his sake, I will also acknowledge that their projections are a direct violation of my free will. I have a right to make my own choices based on my own perception of life, without being affected by the psychic projections from other people or dark forces.

Archangel Raphael, protect me
from all projections of anti-truth.
Elohim Cyclopea, clear my third-eye chakra
from all perverted vision.
Beloved Hilarion, show me
the fifth-ray perversions in my being.

Mighty I AM Presence, I AM one with
your unconditional truth. 
Beloved Jesus, let the WORD of Christ
judge all beings who attack me.
Beloved Akshobya, be the mirror
that returns all projections to their source.


Sixth Ray – Service

I hereby declare that I have had enough of being a doormat for the psychic energies of other people or the forces of death and hell. I desire to be free of everything that limits my service to God, to the Ascended Host and to God. I hereby demand my freedom from all psychic projections, and I command the Seven Archangels to protect and seal me, until I am able to see and surrender the false beliefs that make me vulnerable to these projections.

Archangel Uriel, protect me
from all projections of anti-peace.
Elohim Peace, clear my solar plexus chakra
from all energies less than peace.
Beloved Nada, show me
the sixth-ray perversions in my being.

Mighty I AM Presence, I AM one with
your unconditional peace. 
Beloved Jesus, let the WORD of Christ
judge all beings who attack me.
Beloved Akshobya, be the mirror
that returns all projections to their source.


Seventh Ray – Freedom

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I command the Seven Elohim to clear my chakras from all accumulations of psychic energies. I command the Seven Chohans to enlighten me, so I can see through and surrender the psychic perversions of the seven rays. I command my I AM presence to help me see anything that stands in the way of our oneness. I command Jesus to let the WORD of Christ be the judgment of all beings who are directing psychic energy at me. I command Akshobya to form the perfect mirror to reflect all psychic projections directed at me back to their source, so that the beings who send them may have the opportunity to learn the eternal lesson that you will reap what you sow.

Archangel Zadkiel, protect me
from all projections of anti-freedom.
Elohim Arcturus, clear my soul chakra
from all perversions of freedom.
Saint Germain, show me
the seventh-ray perversions in my being.

Mighty I AM Presence, I AM one with
your unconditional freedom. 
Beloved Jesus, let the WORD of Christ
judge all beings who attack me.
Beloved Akshobya, be the mirror
that returns all projections to their source.



Copyright © by Kim Michaels, 2012