6.07 To Jesus I call

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I call directly to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and to my Christ self to come into my being and give me the inner direction that I need in order to overcome all inner and outer limitations and be free to serve God. Oh Jesus, I declare that I am willing to be God-taught, and I am willing to look at any imperfections in my life and personal psychology that need to be changed. I am willing to hear what I need to hear and not just what my ego and carnal mind want to hear. I am willing to look at and overcome all limitations that are holding me back from being who I truly am, from being a Christed one in embodiment. Jesus, give me the single-eyed vision of how to win my personal Christhood, so that I can fulfill my soul’s purpose for coming to Earth and win my ascension in the Light.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I call to Archangel Michael and my Christ self to protect me and cut me free from all external and internal forces that could interfere with my accurate communion with Jesus. I call especially for the binding of my personal ego and all carnal desires and for the exposure of any false ideas that might be projected into my mind from within or from without.

I call to the Holy Spirit and my Christ self to stand guard and give me the discernment of spirits that allows me to accurately read the vibration of truth and the vibration of untruth. In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I challenge the spirits, within or without, to show forth your light, and I call to Archangel Michael for the binding of all spirits that are not of the light. I accept it done this hour with the full power of Jesus Christ. Amen.

1. To Jesus I call,
I surrender my all,
I’m leaving my nets
and have no regrets,
I put mammon behind,
and God I will find.

Oh Jesus, my Lord,
wield your great sword,
and now cut me free
your disciple to be.

2. My heart has a thirst
for seeking God first.
My life is a quest,
and I will not rest,
until truth I find
and win the Christ mind.

Oh Jesus, my Lord,
wield your great sword,
and now cut me free
your disciple to be.

3. Oh Jesus, my dear
I know you are near,
I feel your great love
descend from above,
your Presence is here,
consuming my fear.

Oh Jesus, my Lord,
wield your great sword,
and now cut me free
your disciple to be.

4. As my heart is pure,
of this I am sure,
my God I will see
as he sets me free
from all mortal sin
in the kingdom within.

Oh Jesus, my Lord,
wield your great sword,
and now cut me free
your disciple to be.

5. No man can deceive
when I ask and receive
God’s truth as my guide
to overcome pride,
I’m humble and true
to God and to you.

Oh Jesus, my Lord,
wield your great sword,
and now cut me free
your disciple to be.

6. I overcome strife,
by forgiving all life,
I follow your call,
I’m the servant of all,
in serving I feel
your peace is so real.

Oh Jesus, my Lord,
wield your great sword,
and now cut me free
your disciple to be.

7. Oh Jesus, I see
that God is in me,
the works that you do
God in me can do too,
and that God in me
will set my soul free.

Oh Jesus, my Lord,
wield your great sword,
and now cut me free
your disciple to be.

My soul heeds your call
to leave behind all,
and rise in the Light
beyond human sight.
Oh Jesus, I see,
you’re always with me.


Copyright © Kim Michaels, 2012