INV28 Healing the Identity Body
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In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I call to Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Hilarion and all healing masters and angels to envelop and fill my identity body with your all-penetrating, all-accelerating healing flame, that restores everything to the immaculate wholeness for my lifestream, making my identity body the ideal instrument for the fulfillment of my Divine plan in this lifetime and for my ascension. I especially call for:
(Make personal calls)
Part 1
1. Mother Mary, I accept that I am more than the identity I have taken on here on earth, both in this and previous lifetimes.
O Mother Mary, body mine,
is truly, fully, wholly thine,
my body elemental free,
as every illness healed by thee.
O Mother Mary, you are real,
and therefore every wound you heal,
in Mother’s Garden I feel free,
from all that used to burden me.
2. Mother Mary, I accept that I am more than a mortal human being. I am an immortal spiritual being.
O Mother Mary, feelings mine,
are truly, fully, wholly thine,
my feeling body filled with grace,
all traumas it does now erase.
O Mother Mary, I let go,
of all that pulls me from below,
your Healing Flame is such a Grace,
all my mistakes it does erase.
3. Mother Mary, I accept that I am pure awareness and that the Conscious You cannot be harmed or changed by anything in this world.
O Mother Mary, thinking mine,
is truly, fully, wholly thine,
my mental body crystal clear,
as Mother’s Presence is now here.
O Mother Mary, so sublime,
uplifting me beyond all time,
whatever was still in my past,
I feel that it has truly passed.
4. Mother Mary, I accept that I am more than the identity from my culture, nation, family and other characteristics from earth.
O Mother Mary, I am free,
reborn to new identity,
in pure awareness I am whole,
as I let go of worldly soul.
O Mother Mary, from beyond,
to earth I need no more respond,
in Mother’s Garden I am free,
as in our oneness I will be.
5. Mother Mary, I accept that I am more than a powerless human being. I am a co-creator with God, and with God all things are possible.
O Mother Mary, I feel free,
surrender is the master key,
all selves I simply can let go,
as healing grace you do bestow.
O Mother Mary, I’m with you,
my mind is one, no longer two,
divisions have no hold in me,
my aura is all filled with thee.
6. Mother Mary, I accept that I am more than the limited self that thinks it cannot do many things on earth.
O Mother Mary, sacred tone,
from all past errors does atone,
I hear the sound of Mother’s Bell,
that sets me free from death and hell.
O Mother Mary, I will flow,
as I now have the will to grow,
in life’s own river I transcend,
as ego I no more defend.
7. Mother Mary, I accept that I am more than my subconscious selves that automatically react to things on earth. Instead, I can consciously choose my reaction or I can choose not to react. I have the right to not react.
O Mother Mary, in your Grace,
you set me free from every trace,
of fallen beings and their lies,
you raise my gaze to lofty skies.
O Mother Mary, all is healed,
as Mother’s Vision is revealed,
with single eye I do now see,
that oneness is reality.
8. Mother Mary, I accept that I am more than a separate self. I am a connected self, and I can experience my connection to my I AM Presence, to you and to all ascended masters, reaching all the way to our Creator.
O Mother Mary, show to me,
the selves that keep me far from thee,
I now surrender dual lie,
and I am free from worldly tie.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
the world is unreality,
yet in my core I also feel,
the conscious me is truly real.
9. Mother Mary, I accept that I am not alone in this dense world. I am the Conscious You, which can never be separated from the Christ mind because without it was not any being made that was made.
O Mother Mary, what a sound,
that emanates from Holy Ground,
my heart in sync with Mother’s heart,
as nothing will keep us apart.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
that Presence mine is truly me,
and in that oneness I will be,
whole for all eternity.
10. Mother Mary, I accept that as the Conscious You, I am able to step outside my entire sense of identity and experience myself as pure or neutral awareness. I am willing to have that experience.
O Mother Mary, by your Grace,
in hierarchy I find my place,
as I decide to co-create,
all matter does accelerate.
O Mother Mary, vision give,
in new awareness I will live,
as one with Christ I take my stand,
all matter is at my command.
11. Mother Mary, I accept that you are the Divine Mother for me, and as such you can conquer all conditions in matter. I feel enveloped in your loving Presence and I experience that I am more than anything on earth, even anything in my identity body.
O Mother Mary, Sacred Flow,
in life’s own river, all will grow,
the upward path is clear to all,
who dare to follow inner call.
O Mother Mary, a new age,
frees human beings from the cage,
we see that Spirit is in form,
society we will reform.
12. Mother Mary, I accept that even though the Conscious You tends to be what my subconscious selves think I am, I know I am more, and I am breaking free from the bonds of my worldly sense of identity.
O Mother Mary, you are here,
filling up the atmosphere,
we now command the Ma-ter Light,
to manifest our sacred sight.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
my place in Cosmic Hierarchy,
to co-create a better earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
Part 2
1. Mother Mary, I accept that the Conscious You is indeed immortal. Thus, I cannot die by letting any self in my identity body die.
O Mother Mary, body mine,
is truly, fully, wholly thine,
my body elemental free,
as every illness healed by thee.
O Mother Mary, you are real,
and therefore every wound you heal,
in Mother’s Garden I feel free,
from all that used to burden me.
2. Mother Mary, I accept that by letting my separate sense of self die, I will not end up in a vacuum. I will be spiritually reborn into a self that is connected to my I AM Presence.
O Mother Mary, feelings mine,
are truly, fully, wholly thine,
my feeling body filled with grace,
all traumas it does now erase.
O Mother Mary, I let go,
of all that pulls me from below,
your Healing Flame is such a Grace,
all my mistakes it does erase.
3. Mother Mary, I accept that I am an extension of my I AM Presence. This means I am the Presence manifesting itself in this world.
O Mother Mary, thinking mine,
is truly, fully, wholly thine,
my mental body crystal clear,
as Mother’s Presence is now here.
O Mother Mary, so sublime,
uplifting me beyond all time,
whatever was still in my past,
I feel that it has truly passed.
4. Mother Mary, I accept that the sense of being separated from the Presence is an illusion, an effect of my Conscious You having taken on the perspective of the separate self.
O Mother Mary, I am free,
reborn to new identity,
in pure awareness I am whole,
as I let go of worldly soul.
O Mother Mary, from beyond,
to earth I need no more respond,
in Mother’s Garden I am free,
as in our oneness I will be.
5. Mother Mary, I accept that from the experience of the Conscious You, everything is a matter of perspective. I experience myself based on the filter through which I am seeing.
O Mother Mary, I feel free,
surrender is the master key,
all selves I simply can let go,
as healing grace you do bestow.
O Mother Mary, I’m with you,
my mind is one, no longer two,
divisions have no hold in me,
my aura is all filled with thee.
6. Mother Mary, I accept that I can at any moment begin to change my perspective and I am indeed willing to follow your guidance on how to challenge all separate selves in my identity body.
O Mother Mary, sacred tone,
from all past errors does atone,
I hear the sound of Mother’s Bell,
that sets me free from death and hell.
O Mother Mary, I will flow,
as I now have the will to grow,
in life’s own river I transcend,
as ego I no more defend.
7. Mother Mary, I accept that you do not in any way blame me for having taken on these separate selves. Doing this is simply part of the experience we can have on a planet like Earth.
O Mother Mary, in your Grace,
you set me free from every trace,
of fallen beings and their lies,
you raise my gaze to lofty skies.
O Mother Mary, all is healed,
as Mother’s Vision is revealed,
with single eye I do now see,
that oneness is reality.
8. Mother Mary, I accept that the separate selves give me the immersion experience in the reality simulator of Earth. Yet I am now ready for the awakening experience, and I lovingly accept your guidance.
O Mother Mary, show to me,
the selves that keep me far from thee,
I now surrender dual lie,
and I am free from worldly tie.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
the world is unreality,
yet in my core I also feel,
the conscious me is truly real.
9. Mother Mary, I accept that the process for overcoming a separate self is to lose my life, my sense of what life is through a separate self, in order to follow Christ into eternal life.
O Mother Mary, what a sound,
that emanates from Holy Ground,
my heart in sync with Mother’s heart,
as nothing will keep us apart.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
that Presence mine is truly me,
and in that oneness I will be,
whole for all eternity.
10. Mother Mary, I accept that I must be willing to let a separate self die before I can experience myself as a new being in Christ.
O Mother Mary, by your Grace,
in hierarchy I find my place,
as I decide to co-create,
all matter does accelerate.
O Mother Mary, vision give,
in new awareness I will live,
as one with Christ I take my stand,
all matter is at my command.
11. Mother Mary, I accept that the choices I have are binary, but not dualistic. I cannot experience myself as a separate self and as a connected self at the same time. I am either experiencing myself through a separate self or I am experiencing myself without the filter of that separate self. It cannot be both at the same time.
O Mother Mary, Sacred Flow,
in life’s own river, all will grow,
the upward path is clear to all,
who dare to follow inner call.
O Mother Mary, a new age,
frees human beings from the cage,
we see that Spirit is in form,
society we will reform.
12. Mother Mary, I accept that all suffering and limitation comes from seeing myself through the perception filter of a separate self. I am willing to experience life without having such a filter.
O Mother Mary, you are here,
filling up the atmosphere,
we now command the Ma-ter Light,
to manifest our sacred sight.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
my place in Cosmic Hierarchy,
to co-create a better earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
Part 3
1. Mother Mary, I accept that I am a co-creator with God. Yet through the separate self I experience myself as a victim of conditions in this dense matter world, and they are always limiting me and what I can do.
O Mother Mary, body mine,
is truly, fully, wholly thine,
my body elemental free,
as every illness healed by thee.
O Mother Mary, you are real,
and therefore every wound you heal,
in Mother’s Garden I feel free,
from all that used to burden me.
2. Mother Mary, I accept that this sense of being powerless in relation to matter is simply the consequence of experiencing matter through the perception filter of a separate self.
O Mother Mary, feelings mine,
are truly, fully, wholly thine,
my feeling body filled with grace,
all traumas it does now erase.
O Mother Mary, I let go,
of all that pulls me from below,
your Healing Flame is such a Grace,
all my mistakes it does erase.
3. Mother Mary, I accept that I am a co-creator. I am designed to co-create without ever feeling that I become a victim of my own co-creation or the co-creation of others. It is only the filter of the separate identity that makes me experience myself as a victim of my own co-creation.
O Mother Mary, thinking mine,
is truly, fully, wholly thine,
my mental body crystal clear,
as Mother’s Presence is now here.
O Mother Mary, so sublime,
uplifting me beyond all time,
whatever was still in my past,
I feel that it has truly passed.
4. Mother Mary, I accept that although I experience Earth as a dense planet that limits me, this is an illusion created by the perception filter of the separate self. I am willing to have you help me shatter that illusion.
O Mother Mary, I am free,
reborn to new identity,
in pure awareness I am whole,
as I let go of worldly soul.
O Mother Mary, from beyond,
to earth I need no more respond,
in Mother’s Garden I am free,
as in our oneness I will be.
5. Mother Mary, I accept that although human beings have densified matter on earth, what affects me is not the limitations of matter. It is how my separate self reacts to the density of matter, by accepting it as an objective condition.
O Mother Mary, I feel free,
surrender is the master key,
all selves I simply can let go,
as healing grace you do bestow.
O Mother Mary, I’m with you,
my mind is one, no longer two,
divisions have no hold in me,
my aura is all filled with thee.
6. Mother Mary, I accept that if the current density of matter is co-created collectively by humankind, then it is not an objective condition. So why should my mind be subject to and submit to a condition that does not objectively exist, but is a subjective illusion?
O Mother Mary, sacred tone,
from all past errors does atone,
I hear the sound of Mother’s Bell,
that sets me free from death and hell.
O Mother Mary, I will flow,
as I now have the will to grow,
in life’s own river I transcend,
as ego I no more defend.
7. Mother Mary, I accept that even if all people on Earth have fallen prey to this illusion, I do not have to submit to it. My Conscious You can rise above it and come to experience and accept that what people call matter is simply the Ma-ter Light, and the Ma-ter light responds to my mind.
O Mother Mary, in your Grace,
you set me free from every trace,
of fallen beings and their lies,
you raise my gaze to lofty skies.
O Mother Mary, all is healed,
as Mother’s Vision is revealed,
with single eye I do now see,
that oneness is reality.
8. Mother Mary, I am willing to have you take me through a process of systematically questioning all of the illusions about matter found on earth. I am willing to experience that the Ma-ter light will indeed respond to my mind, when I am connected to my I AM Presence and to you.
O Mother Mary, show to me,
the selves that keep me far from thee,
I now surrender dual lie,
and I am free from worldly tie.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
the world is unreality,
yet in my core I also feel,
the conscious me is truly real.
9. Mother Mary, I accept that I am a co-creator with my God, and my God has given me free will and the ability to project mental images upon the Ma-ter light.
O Mother Mary, what a sound,
that emanates from Holy Ground,
my heart in sync with Mother’s heart,
as nothing will keep us apart.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
that Presence mine is truly me,
and in that oneness I will be,
whole for all eternity.
10. Mother Mary, I accept that I am a co-creator with my God, and my God has given me the potential to take dominion over the Ma-ter light. I am willing to exercise that potential.
O Mother Mary, by your Grace,
in hierarchy I find my place,
as I decide to co-create,
all matter does accelerate.
O Mother Mary, vision give,
in new awareness I will live,
as one with Christ I take my stand,
all matter is at my command.
11. Mother Mary, I am willing to have you take me through a systematic process of shattering all of my illusions relating to the Ma-ter light and my ability to change the forms that the Ma-ter light has taken on. I do this by letting the separate selves die and formulating a new mental image.
O Mother Mary, Sacred Flow,
in life’s own river, all will grow,
the upward path is clear to all,
who dare to follow inner call.
O Mother Mary, a new age,
frees human beings from the cage,
we see that Spirit is in form,
society we will reform.
12. Mother Mary, I am willing to have you and Saint Germain help me become a true alchemist, who can turn the lead of current physical conditions into the gold of the Christ vision for my life.
O Mother Mary, you are here,
filling up the atmosphere,
we now command the Ma-ter Light,
to manifest our sacred sight.
O Mother Mary, I now see,
my place in Cosmic Hierarchy,
to co-create a better earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
In the name of the Divine Mother, I call to Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael for the sealing of myself and all people in my circle of influence in the creative flow of the Divine Mother, the River of Life. I call for the multiplication of my calls by all representatives of the Divine Mother, so that we form the perfect figure-eight flow of “As Above, so below.” Thus, I accept that this is fully manifest, because the mouth of the Lord, the Divine Mother that I AM, has spoken it. Amen.