WINV06: Miracle Invocation for Consuming Conflict

Invoke spiritual light to consume all violent conflicts, both new and old.

Read teachings about this invocation.

Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.

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Instructions: This invocation is given primarily for dissolving human conflicts, for preventing a crisis from escalating into widespread violence and war or to stop a war already in progress.

This invocation is not a passive prayer, where you ask God to do something for you. This invocation is an active prayer, a co-creative prayer, where you are fully conscious of God’s command to all people to “Multiply and take dominion over the Earth!” You are multiplying your spiritual light, thereby invoking more from Above, and then sending that light to take dominion over the situation surrounding this conflict. You are being the open door, whereby God’s light can enter this world and take dominion over this crisis.

The expression “decision makers” refers to all of the people involved with and affected by this conflict—including everyone who knows about the situation. Although many of these people are not in a position to make decisions about the outer aspects of the situation, we are all in a position to make the choice between engaging in negative energy, thereby accelerating the crisis, or stopping the negative spiral, thereby deflating the conflict. Any conflict is driven by a vortex of negative energy that overpowers people and drives us toward violence. Thus, every person involved – meaning every person who knows about the conflict – is in a position to decide whether to reinforce of stop the downward spiral. And only when a critical mass of people make the decision to stop the spiral, will the conflict be dissolved. Thus, the goal of this invocation is to set people free from the negative energy, so we can all make a truly free decision and choose life.

Take note that you too are a decision maker, and therefore you are also calling for your own protection and growth. You are calling for the healing of all conflicts in your own soul, so that you will not be a house divided against itself. In the broadest sense, all human beings are decision makers because we all contribute to the spirals of conflict and violence that have been going on for millennia. Thus, this invocation is calling for the healing of the collective psyche of humankind.

If you do not have time for the full invocation, you can give Sections 1, 2 and 4 in one setting and then give Sections 1, 3 and 4 in the next setting.

Section 1

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.

Beloved Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, Shiva, the Dhyani Buddhas and Kuan Yin, I dedicate this invocation to the manifestation of the protection, enlightenment and healing of all souls affected by . . .
(Describe the conflict or crisis for which you are invoking healing.)

Lord’s Prayer
Our Father-Mother God who is within all life, we honor your Presence, the I AM, within us. We accept your kingdom manifest on Earth through us, replacing this conflict with your peace. We accept our responsibility to manifest your peace on Earth, as it is manifest in Heaven. We accept that any conflict is a result of the state of consciousness of the decision makers, and we vow to raise our consciousness and lift all other decision makers up with us.

We accept that you are giving us our daily opportunity to be all that you are, and we take dominion over this conflict. We acknowledge that you forgive us our imperfections, as we forgive each other and surrender our will to the higher will within us. We therefore accept the truth that the universe returns to us what we send out. We accept that this conflict is a result of the universe reflecting back the misqualified energies sent out by the decision makers, both now and in the past. We hereby vow to stop the downward spiral of misqualified energy. We invoke the flame of Miracle Forgiveness to envelop all decision makers, so we can forgive God, ourselves and all people for any hurt resulting from this conflict, both now and in the past.

We take responsibility for our lives and for all aspects of this conflict. We vow to rise above the temptations of the lower self, so that you can deliver us from all imperfect energies. We affirm that your kingdom, power and glory is manifest in this conflict, now and forever. We affirm that we will not blame you for this conflict and that we will take responsibility for it, thereby setting ourselves free from all negative feelings that would only cause us to misqualify more energy and set the stage for future conflicts. We vow to stop the downward spiral of one conflict leading to further conflicts, and we accept it done now by your all-power in Heaven, working through us as the all-power on Earth. Amen.

Section 2

Archangel Michael, shatter the illusions of war
1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to manifest your Flaming Presence over this conflict. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces, dark spirits and energy vortexes creating or upholding the lies that fuel this conflict and lead the decision makers toward the point where war becomes inevitable. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that violence or war is inevitable! SHATTER the lie that violence is an appropriate solution to conflict! SHATTER the lie that violence is the only or the ultimate solution to conflict! Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that conflict is always a choice and that conflict never stops until we chose peace.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Michael
Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

2. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the lie that when someone else has violated God’s command, “Thou shalt not kill!” it suddenly becomes acceptable that we do the same. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that killing or violence can be justified in the eyes of God. SHATTER the lie that the ends can justify the means and that we can restore God’s law by violating God’s commands. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that the only way to bring God’s kingdom to Earth is to follow the command to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

3. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the lie that killing our enemies will bring us rewards in Heaven. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that killing or violence could possibly be condoned or rewarded by God. SHATTER the lie that God ever called anyone to engage in a Holy War. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that God is not mocked and that we will inevitably reap what we have sown. Reveal the truth that even those who think they kill in the name of God will not escape their just reward, because those who live by the sword will die by the sword and those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

4. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the lie that when lives have been taken, only more bloodshed can set things right with God. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that killing more people can somehow compensate for the killing done in the past. SHATTER the lie that spilling more blood can wash away the sins of the past. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that God is a God of love who never required blood sacrifices in compensations for sins. Strip us of the illusion that two wrongs can ever make a right.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

5. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the lie that using force or going to war is necessary for the defense of a nation or a group of people. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that violence or force can ever be an efficient defense. SHATTER the lie that there is no alternative to going to war. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that the ultimate form of personal and national defense is to be right with God so that the power of God can protect us. Help us see that when we resort to violence, we set ourselves apart from God and therefore we are outside God’s protection.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

6. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the lie that the ultimate solution to the present conflict is to kill all of the people we have defined as our enemies. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that genocide will resolve conflict or can be justified in the eyes of God. SHATTER the lie that we can get away with genocide. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that what we do to others, the universe will inevitably do to us, and therefore the spirals of violence will continue on this planet until people choose to turn the other cheek no matter what is done to them.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

7. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the hypocrisy that makes people feel like they are always right and their enemies are always wrong. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that there is a double standard and that what others do is violence but what we do is justified and necessary. SHATTER the lie that we are somehow God’s chosen people and therefore we are above God’s law. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that no one can get away with violating God’s law and that God’s chosen people are those who uphold his Law of Love.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

8. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the lie that defending our national honor, our land or our way of life is more important than human lives. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that national or personal honor justifies the killing of other people. SHATTER the lie that a piece of land or a line on a map is worth more than human lives. SHATTER the lie that preserving our way of life is more important than preserving the lives of ourselves and others. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that God told us not to kill because human life is more important than any of the affairs of men. God gave us life, and only God has the right to take it away. Strip us of the mass illusion that we have the right to play god.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

9. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark forces and dark spirits creating or upholding the lie that our leaders are always right and that challenging them is unpatriotic. Archangel Michael, SHATTER the lie that if our leaders call for war, we must always support them. SHATTER the lie that we are unpatriotic by speaking out against war and demanding a new approach to conflict. Archangel Michael, reveal the truth that it is our duty to be loyal to God first and our nations second, and that it is our right to demand that our leaders follow the Law of Love.

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

Help all decision makers Choose Life!
Beloved Archangel Michael, save us or we perish! (3X)
Archangel Michael, save all decision makers from the consciousness of death that causes us to identify ourselves as mortal human beings who are separated from our God.

Beloved Archangel Michael, thou Defender of Faith, if people knew better, they would do better, and I call for you to cut free all decision makers from the lies of anti-christ that have enveloped our souls, so we have no way of understanding the true, spiritual cause of this conflict. Archangel Michael, help all decision makers rise above the consciousness of death and be free to see the truth of Christ and the shining reality of God. Cut us free to see God and no longer live as human beings but live as the spiritual beings that we truly are.

Archangel Michael, by the authority of my free will, I now say on behalf of all decision makers: “We are willing to change our lives. We are willing to lose our mortal sense of life, our mortal sense of identity, that is based on the limitations of this world and the duality of the carnal mind. We are willing to let our eyes be single, so that we can see beyond the subtle lies of the serpentine mind and be filled with the Light of Christ. We are willing to surrender our emotional attachments to the things of this world and the limitations that seem so real. We are willing to lose this sense of life to win the immortal life of the Christ consciousness and accept our true identity as sons and daughters of God.”

Therefore I now say, with the full authority of my free will and the power of the Christ Flame within me:


“We choose the consciousness of life, the Christ consciousness, and we accept that we are alive forevermore in the light of Christ. We accept that behind all appearances of this world is the reality of our God, and therefore we vow to nevermore give permanency to any worldly appearances. We affirm that God is everywhere and therefore also in us. We choose to be one with our God, and therefore we are the Presence of Archangel Michael in this world.”

Archangel Michael, bind all dark forces behind this conflict 
1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to bind and expose all leaders who are secretly manipulating this conflict in violation of the trust of their own people. Strip all decision makers of the blindness that prevents us from seeing what our leaders are doing behind our backs. Enlighten us so we can see through all of the propaganda spread by the governments and media in the nations involved with this conflict. Expose the false prophets in church and state, those who claim they are working for a good cause while plotting to control the people. Archangel Michael, shatter and consume all smokescreens, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

2. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and consume all illusions blinding the leaders and media people in all involved nations. Strip them of the illusion that national security can justify violations of the laws of God and man. Strip them of the illusion that causes them to think that only continued use of force can defend them against violence. Cut free all decision makers to see that the more we use force, the more the universe will generate a counterforce. Awaken us to the reality that no nation can defeat the universe. Archangel Michael, shatter the planetary illusion of defense through violence and consume it, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

3. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and bind the dark spirits and fallen angels who are the spoilers, those seeking to create conflict in order to prove God wrong. Archangel Michael, send billions of Blue-flame angels to bind these evildoers who claim to be working for peace but only want war. Cut free all decision makers from the lies and temptations used by the spoilers to agitate us and trap us in a senseless desire for destruction. Strip us of all blindness, so we can finally see the insanity of perpetual conflict. Archangel Michael, bind the spoilers, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

4. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and bind all fallen angels, and their henchmen, who are using violence to trap us in spiritual slavery. Archangel Michael, send billions of Blue-flame angels to bind these evildoers and cut them off from the light of God. Cut free all decision makers from the lies and temptations that cause us to repeat the old karmic patterns, thereby continuing the cycle of violence and giving our lifeblood to the dark forces. Strip us of the blindness that causes us to think we are defending our country, race, ethnic group or honor, while in reality we are cattle, led to the slaughter by the forces of evil. Archangel Michael, bind these dark spirits, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

5. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and bind all dark spirits and fallen angels who are using the divide-and-conquer tactic to scatter the children of God. Archangel Michael, send billions of Blue-flame angels to bind these evildoers and remove them from the Earth. Cut free all decision makers from the lies and temptations that cause us to think that division and conflict is more important than unity and peace. Strip us of the blindness that causes us to think we are doing God’s work by killing our spiritual brethren. Archangel Michael, bind these dark spirits and fallen angels, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

6. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and bind the laggard souls, those who will not give up their egos and who refuse to grow toward union with God. Beloved Jesus, send your angels of judgment to awaken these recalcitrant souls to the reality that they must either change their ways or be removed from the Earth. Archangel Michael, cut free all decision makers from the pride that makes us unwilling to admit our wrong actions and beliefs. Strip us of the blindness that causes us to feel that we would rather die than change our ways and seek peace. Archangel Michael, remove all laggard souls from the Earth, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

7. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and bind the rebellious souls who will not give up their belief that the end can justify the means. Beloved Jesus, send your angels of judgment to awaken these recalcitrant souls to the reality that one cannot bring God’s kingdom by violating God’s laws. Archangel Michael, cut free all decision makers from the blindness that causes us to believe in the insanity that violence will bring peace or that violence is the ultimate solution to conflict. Archangel Michael, shatter and consume this mass delusion, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

8. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and bind the power elite who are seeking to create wars in order to sell weapons to both sides and profit from the bloodshed. Beloved Jesus, send your angels of judgment to awaken these merchants of death to the reality that God is not mocked and that they will inevitably reap what they have sown. Archangel Michael, cut free all decision makers from the blindness that causes us to become fodder for the moneychangers who have invaded our Father’s house, selling the satanic lie that only the spilling of blood can wash away the sins of the past. Archangel Michael, shatter and consume the planetary infatuation with violence, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

9. Archangel Michael, take dominion over this conflict and bind the power elite who are seeking to create artificial tension in order to further their short-term political agenda or their long-term agenda of complete world domination. Beloved Jesus, send your angels of judgment to awaken these devil worshippers to the reality that it does not profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. Archangel Michael, cut free all decision makers from the blindness that causes us to become sacrifices on the altars of power and control, while thinking we are working for a worthy cause. Archangel Michael, bind the members of the power elite and remove them from the Earth, NOW!

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest God’s kingdom on Earth.

Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.

I claim planet Earth for God
By the authority of the Christ Flame within my heart, I claim planet Earth for God and for the Ascended Host. I will not allow the forces of anti-christ to destroy this planet in their attempts to prove that God was wrong by giving us free will. I will not allow them to destroy souls in their prideful quest for revenge against God. Therefore, I use my free will to choose the truth of Christ over the lies of anti-christ.

Beloved Archangel Michael, send billions of Blue-flame Angels to cut all decision makers free from the lies of anti-christ, the consciousness of death and the veil of separation. Beloved Jesus, send your angels of judgment to all decision makers and help us see beyond the duality of the carnal mind, so we can freely choose whom we will serve. Beloved Mother Mary, send your angels of unconditional love to set all decision makers free from fear. I call that all decision makers be empowered to make a completely free choice between the consciousness of death and the consciousness of life. By the authority of the Christ Flame within my heart, I call to all decision makers involved with this conflict:


Archangel Michael, bind the souls who choose death and remove them from the Earth, so they cannot drag humanity down into their self-created Hell. Archangel Michael, protect those who choose life, so we can manifest the Christ consciousness and become the open doors for bringing God’s kingdom and replacing this conflict with true peace. Cut all decision makers free from the illusion that causes us to go along with the mass consciousness instead of taking active measures to stop the conflict. Awaken us to the eternal truth that if good people do nothing, evil will inevitably triumph. Inspire us to take dominion over this conflict and bring Christ peace.
I claim planet Earth for God, and I accept Jesus Christ as the spiritual King of Earth, now and forever. Amen.

Section 3

Oh Mother Mary, teach all decision makers unconditional forgiveness
Oh Mother Mary, help all decision makers understand, accept and internalize the fundamental truth that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to us whatever we send out. Therefore, our outer situation is a reflection of our inner situation. Help us see that when we choose to engage in anger, blame or a desire for revenge, we are truly hurting ourselves more than anyone else. Help us know that the universe will reflect all negative feelings back to us, and they will build a prison around our souls.

Oh Mother Mary, help all decision makers see that our I AM Presence is as pure and perfect as the day it was created as an immaculate concept in the mind of God. Therefore, nothing we have encountered in this world, including this conflict, has damaged or stained the divine perfection of who we really are. Oh Mother Mary, help us accept that we can let God’s perfection shine through our souls and outer awareness. Help us forgive ourselves and all life, so that we can let go of all imperfections that cover our true identity and form a wall around the light beam of our I AM Presence.

Oh Mother Mary, help all decision makers see that when we forgive unconditionally, we are letting the light of our I AM Presence shine through us to bring God’s perfection into our world. Help us accept that when we forgive, our Father works hitherto, and we work, and therefore we are one with our Father!

I take dominion over the Ma-ter light in this conflict
1. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all illusions, causing people to identify themselves as separated from God and in opposition to each other. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, awaken all decision makers to the reality that all of us are sons and daughters of God and that all life is one. Teach us that when we hurt another, we are hurting ourselves and the Earth Mother. Heal the etheric bodies of all decision makers and the Earth Mother.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mother of Light
Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

2. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all illusions of anti-christ working in this conflict. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, awaken all decision makers to the reality that if good people do nothing, evil will always triumph. Give us the vision and courage to actively stop the spiral of violence through the love of Christ within us. Heal the mental bodies of all decision makers and the Earth Mother.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

3. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all energy vortexes, causing people’s emotions to be so agitated that we lose all sanity and rationality. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, heal the emotional bodies of all decision makers, so we can feel the inner peace that passes understanding. Give us the love and courage to pull ourselves away from the mass delusion of this conflict. Heal the emotional bodies of all decision makers and the Earth Mother.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

4. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all vortexes of panic and irrationality, causing decision makers to act blindly without considering long-term consequences. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, set all decision makers free from the overwhelming energies of the mass consciousness, so we can think about long-term consequences before we act. Give us the courage to dare to go against the mass consciousness and refuse to be pulled into a lynch-mob mentality. Heal the physical bodies of all decision makers and the Earth Mother.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

5. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all misinformation or disinformation enveloping the minds of all decision makers. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, awaken all decision makers to the need to stop believing the worst and to stop focusing on the negative aspects of this conflict. Give us the courage to stand up to the power elite, who are manipulating us through disinformation. Inspire us to demand the truth and help us see this conflict through the eyes of Christ.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

6. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up the egos of all decision makers, causing us to be trapped in hypocrisy. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, awaken all decision makers to the need to take full responsibility for our roles in this conflict. Inspire us to see beyond our pride and admit that God never approved the concept that we must do evil that good may come. Give us the courage to stand up to our own egos, so we can come apart from the blindness of hypocrisy. Inspire us to have the humility to bring peace and start a spiral of unconditional love.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

7. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all prejudice based on race, religion, nationality or other outer divisions. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, awaken all decision makers to the reality that God does not judge us based on man-made criteria but on the purity of our hearts. Give us the courage to purify our hearts of all judgment. Inspire us to seek the perfect love that casts out fear, so we can love one another as God loves us.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

8. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all false desires for justice through punishment. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, awaken all decision makers to the reality that everyone will reap what they have sown. Teach us that God’s law of cause and effect will return all imperfect energy to its originator. Inspire us to see that when we seek to punish others, we interfere with God’s law and create karma, thereby setting the stage for the next conflict that might kill our own children. Give us the vision to stop these age-old karmic patterns, so we can turn the other cheek and allow God’s law to work through us.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

9. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance that makes up all hopelessness or the sense that it is too late to stop the conflict. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, awaken all decision makers to the reality that with God all things are possible. Inspire us to see that it is never too late to lay down our arms and forgive our brethren. Give us the courage to say no to the forces that incite us to violence. Inspire us to simply turn away from the conflict and embrace the peace that passes understanding.

Hail Mary, Mother of Light—SHIVA! (3X)

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

Help all decision makers remember our first love 
Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, help all decision makers remember that before our souls came into this world, we made a choice to come here. Help us remember the moment when our I AM Presence stood before God, as God made the call for those who were willing to descend into God’s latest creation, the material universe itself, and help it become a self-aware universe that could start the spiral of self-transcendence leading to full God consciousness.

Help us remember how we stood there in that central hall before the throne of God and looked out over the vastness of this beautiful universe with its multitudes of galaxies and solar systems and planets. Help us remember that we saw plain as day the fact that someone had to descend into that universe to start the spiral, the ascending spiral of self-awareness, that would lead the entire universe to become self-conscious and to become conscious of the self as God.

Help us remember how our I AM Presence looked upon this vast universe and felt the unconditional love of God, the drive for self-transcendence, well up from the very center of our beings. Help us remember how we looked at God and said, “Here I am Lord, send me! I will go and bring your unconditional love into this universe until all becomes an expression of that unconditional love.”

Shake all decision makers awake so we can experience a moment of truth and see how senseless the current conflict is compared to the true desires of our souls. Awaken us to the undeniable realization that we truly did not come to Earth to waste our lives on petty conflicts and insane power plays that will not help us co-create God’s kingdom. Help us reconnect to the original vision and desire of our lifestreams, so we can feel the inner peace and find the strength to leave behind this conflict and use it as a stepping stone for moving closer to the kingdom of God. Help us fulfill our original desire to bring God’s kingdom to Earth. Help us see that even a conflict can become a tool for awakening people to a greater purpose and a determination to bring about the perfect vision of Christ in building a better future for all.

Heal all decision makers from spiritual poisons
1. In the name of Jesus Christ, I call to beloved Mary, Mother of Miracles and beloved Kuan Yin, Mother of Mercy, teach all decision makers the miracle of holding the immaculate concept for ourselves, for all life and for the Earth. Beloved Vairochana, eradicate the poison of ultimate ignorance and delusion from our consciousness and world. Replace it with your All-pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya and reveal the ultimate reality that everything sprang from the one God. Fill us with the uncompromising courage of the lion that we may conquer all obstacles of ignorance, especially the ultimate illusion of being separated from God.


Hail Mary
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

2. Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, help all decision makers surrender all that stands in the way of the manifestation of God’s miracle in our lives. Beloved Akshobya, eradicate the poison of anger and hatred from our consciousness and world. Replace it with your Mirror-like Wisdom that reflects all things calmly and reveals their true nature as being God wearing a disguise. Fill us with the strength of the elephant that we may conquer all obstacles of hatred. Help us overcome all tendency to respond to situations with anger and fill us with your mirror-like calmness that reflects all imperfect energies back upon their source.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

3. Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, help all decision makers surrender our human egos and false sense of identity. Beloved Ratnasambhava, eradicate the poison of spiritual and intellectual pride from our consciousness and world. Replace it with your Wisdom of Equality and reveal that all things are of equal value in the eyes of God because all things are God. Fill us with the swiftness of the horse that we may conquer all obstacles of pride. Fill us with your equanimity that we may see and serve God in all whom we meet, including ourselves.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

4. Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, help all decision makers confess that we of our own selves can do nothing; it is the I AM Presence within us who is the true doer. Beloved Amitabha, eradicate the poison of cravings, lust and greed from our consciousness and world. Replace it with your Discriminating Wisdom and reveal the difference between the true desires of God and the false desires of the human ego. Fill us with the grace of the peacock that we may conquer all obstacles of unquenchable desires and fulfill the true desires of our souls.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

5. Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, help all decision makers accept that we are the Living Christs walking the Earth, and therefore God can do the works through us that he did through Jesus. Beloved Amogasiddhi, eradicate the poison of envy and jealousy from our consciousness and world. Replace it with your All-accomplishing Wisdom of Perfected Action and reveal the ever-present truth that with God all things are possible. Fill us with your uncompromising courage of perfected action that we may conquer all obstacles to the expression of our divine individuality in this life. Fill us with your absolute knowledge that God loves us as the unique individuals we were created to be, and therefore we can find peace only by being who we really are.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

6. Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, help all decision makers stop denying the Christ within ourselves and enter the inner path. Beloved Vajrasattva, eradicate the poison of non-will and non-being from our consciousness and world. Replace it with your Wisdom of God’s Diamond Will and reveal that the things of this world are transient and can never fulfill our true desires to be co-creators with God. Fill us with your all-conquering sense of Being in the Will of God. Fill us with your infinite love of God that we may be willing to lay down our mortal sense of identity to win the immortal life of Being the Christ in action always.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

7. In the name of the Miracle Mother East and West, I call to the Dhyani Buddhas to balance the souls of all decision makers and help us integrate your divine qualities and be whole as sons and daughters of God. I call to the Dhyani Buddhas to send your angels to cut free and retrieve all fragments of our souls and return them to us. I call to the angels of Kuan Yin and Mother Mary to integrate all soul fragments, so we may be whole once again and outpicture the perfect matrix of our unique individuality. I accept the full physical manifestation of our wholeness. In the name of Jesus Christ, it is finished! Amen.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

8. Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, help all decision makers accept the miracle of God’s kingdom manifest on Earth. I call directly to the heart of our Father-Mother God, beloved Alpha and Omega, help us accept that we are your sons and daughters and that you made us to be co-creators with you. Help us see that we have a right to be alive on planet Earth without being used as pawns by dark forces or the power elite. Help us claim our right to go beyond all selfish power plays and instead co-create the kingdom of God on planet Earth.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

9. Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, fill all decision makers with your infinite mercy and your unconditional forgiveness. Help us see that total forgiveness is the only path to total spiritual and material freedom. Fill us with the unconditional love that casts out our fear of letting go of all resentment toward any part of life. Help us lovingly and willingly surrender all non-forgiveness in our beings and extend unconditional, infinite mercy toward ourselves, all other people and God.


Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, take command over this conflict
Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, take command over this conflict and consume all that is less than the perfection of God through your Miracle Grace. Raise up all decision makers to be the handmaidens of the Lord and give birth to the Christ consciousness that truly is the open door which no human can shut. Raise up your own substance, matter itself, so that it refuses to be used for violence, killing and warfare and instead turns all violence back upon its originators.

Beloved Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, bring forth through your mercy and miracle grace the manifestation of a mass awakening that will empower all decision makers to see the reality that those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword. Shake us out of our spiritual blindness so we can accept that the cosmic mirror will reflect all imperfect energies back upon ourselves and our children. Awaken us to the need to stop the senseless spirals of violence that cause the sins of the fathers to be visited as a karmic return upon future generations.

Awaken all decision makers to the realization that violence can never bring peace. Help us see that continuing the age-old quest to bring peace through violence is nothing less than insanity. Peace can only come when someone has the courage to stop the spirals of violence by going against the mass consciousness and extending unconditional mercy. Give us the courage to see that it is up to us to take the first step toward peace, and if we don’t do it, no one will. Give us the courage to let God within us consume the fires of violence in our beings.

We express our gratitude for your infinite mercy, your unconditional forgiveness and your all-accomplishing Miracle Grace. We are so grateful to be alive at this cosmic moment to help the Earth move out of these age-old spirals of perpetual violence. We are grateful to witness how God in us turns a new leaf in history and turns the Earth into Freedom’s Star to light the Galaxy and bring new hope that God conquers all.

Section 4

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting us free from dark spirits and dark energies.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting us free from the lies of anti-christ and all spiritual blindness.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting us free from spiritual slavery under the forces of anti-christ.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting us free from material slavery under the power elite.

I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel Michael and Shiva binding all illusions on planet Earth and awakening all decision makers to the consciousness of peace.

I accept that Mother Mary and Kuan Yin envelop myself and all decision makers in the infinite and unconditional love of the Divine Mother. I accept that we are worthy to receive that love, and I absorb it into my being. I allow this perfect love to cast out all fears and other imperfect feelings in myself and all decision makers. I accept that our souls are finally free to respond to all situations with love. I accept that I am a sun, radiating divine love to everyone I meet. I accept that as God’s love streams through me, it consumes all unlike itself, it consumes all forces of anti-love on this planet.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. (3X) Amen.

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his Blue-flame Angels surround myself, my family and all decision makers with an impenetrable shield of Blue-flame energy. I affirm that we are sealed from all toxic energies sent against us by the dark forces behind this conflict. I affirm that we are sealed from all hatred, backlash and revenge from the forces of anti-christ, who are angry when we give this invocation. I accept that Archangel Michael and Shiva bind the enemy within all decision makers, the human ego, so that when the prince of this world comes, he has nothing in us. I surrender the anti-selves of myself and all decision makers and accept that they are consumed by the Violet Flame and the unconditional love of Mother Mary. I accept that our anti-selves are replaced by our Christ selves, now and forever.

By the power of the Christ Flame within us, we affirm that the kingdom of God is manifest on Earth. It is manifest through the infinite power of God, acting through our I AM Presences and the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM, Archangel Michael and Shiva. Amen.


Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels