Especially released to consume fear on a world scale and induce into the collective consciousness a new awareness of the real cause of fear and how fear is being used to control the people.
Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.
Open a pdf file: WINV30WorldFear
In the name of the unconditional love of the Divine Masculine, the Divine Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, Amen.
In the name of Archangel Michael, Master MORE, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Gautama Buddha, the Dhyani Buddhas, Maraytaii, The Great Divine Director and the entire spirit of the Ascended Host, I invoke the Presence of Oneness to manifest the Spirit of Oneness everywhere on this planet and thereby expose the dualistic illusions that give rise to all fear. I invoke Archangel Michael and Shiva to consume all energies of fear and the beings who embody them.
(Describe specific situations and places where you want this invocation to bring change.)
Oh Mother Mary, help us see beyond limitations
Oh Mother Mary, awaken the people who are serious about winning their victory and their ascension in the light. Help us realize that in order to win our victory we must follow the call of Jesus. We must be willing to “lose our lives,” meaning our mortal sense of identity, in order to find the immortal life of the Christ consciousness.
Help people tune in to, reconnect to and realign ourselves with the basic force behind all creation, the Presence of Unconditional Love that drives even God to become more. Help us experience the unconditional love that we have never experienced in this world.
Help us overcome all limitations and all imperfections in this world and rise above the limited, imperfect sense of identity as mortal human beings, as sinners who are forever condemned to be separated from our God.
Help us never allow ourselves to stand still, to become trapped in and attached to any limited sense of identity, any limited sense of life. Help us transcend the illusion of separation from God that is the root cause of all fear.
1. Archangel Michael, I accept that the Law of Free Will gives me the right to give you the authority to act on Earth. Thus, in the name of Christ, I command you to send your legions of angels to consume all vortices of fear on planet Earth.
Hail Reality’s Flame
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
2. Archangel Michael, send your legions to bind the beings who embody fear and seek to spread it among the people in order to steal their spiritual light. If they will not let go of fear, let them be taken to another realm, where they can have another opportunity without weighing the Earth and her people down.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
3. Archangel Michael, send your legions to shatter the veil of illusion created by the false teachers on Earth. Shatter it so that the people have an opportunity to see that the core illusion is the sense of separation from God and that this is the source of all fear.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
4. Archangel Michael, manifest your Presence with all people who have the potential and the will to awaken, so they can sense your Flame of Reality and know that all life is one and that all life is one with its source, namely the Creator.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
5. Archangel Michael, send your legions to shatter the veil of illusion created by the false teachers in religion of the remote God in the sky. Awaken people to the need to question all images of a separate God and help them accept that the kingdom of God is within them because the Creator is not separate from its creation.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
6. Archangel Michael, send your legions to shatter the veil of illusion created by the false teachers of materialism that there is nothing beyond the material universe. Awaken people to the need to question their own identity and accept that they are far more than material beings.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
7. Archangel Michael, send your legions to shatter the veil of illusion created by the false teachers of political ideologies that there is a perfect political system with no need for God. Awaken people to the need to question any philosophy that says human beings can form a closed system and need no authority beyond the ego.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
8. Archangel Michael, send your legions to shatter the veil of illusion created by the false teachers that the Earth is separated from the spiritual realm and that God cannot act on Earth. Awaken people to the existence of a power elite that seeks to control us by causing us to deny our identity as co-creators with God.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
9. Archangel Michael, send your legions to shatter the vortices of fear created by the financial crisis. Awaken people from the illusion we have no power over our own destiny. Help people accept the reality that we are designed to be co-creators with God, and when we accept the God within, we can co-create our way out of any problem on Earth.
Archangel Michael, in God’s name,
consume all fear and guilt and shame.
For in your Presence all is real,
Reality all wounds will heal.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
and thus we know there is no fear.
For in your Flame all life is one,
and thus love’s victory is won.
Oh Mother Mary, help us surrender all anti-love
Oh Mother Mary, awaken the spiritual people to our potential to let the unstoppable force of God, the unconditional love of God that drives all life to become more, consume all limited sense of identity and tear down the Tower of Babel that has become a prison wall around our conscious selves.
Help us accept that God loves us with a love that is all-consuming, and therefore it consumes all anti-love. Help us surrender all attachments to a limited, imperfect self image, which is the essence of anti-love in our beings. Help us accept that we truly are sons/daughters of the most high God, and that we have the potential to become all that God is.
Help us accept that we were created by the Creator to be extensions of itself and to go into the world of form to help the entire world of form become conscious of the fact that it is created by God and that it has the potential to self-transcend and become all that God is.
Help us accept that because we were created with a divine potential, and because we volunteered to descend to planet Earth for this eternal mission, we cannot allow ourselves to stand still in a sense of identity that was built from the imperfect images and beliefs found in this world. Help us leave behind the lies of the serpents who deliberately chose to rebel against God’s beautiful plan for this magnificent universe. Help us align ourselves with God’s eternal purpose to create a universe of unlimited beauty through constant self-transcendence.
1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken the spiritual people to the reality that the Creator created everything out of its own Being. Thus, our conscious selves are extensions of the Creator’s Being.
Hail Joyous Christ
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
2. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that we can never be separated from our God in reality. No self-aware being was meant to ever fall prey to the illusion of separation, yet because self-awareness necessitates free will, we can choose to accept this illusion.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
3. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that certain beings in a higher realm chose to rebel against God’s plan of ascension through free will. Thus, they have attempted to create a separate world where their will is law and God is shut out.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
4. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that because of free will, God can be shut out from the Earth, but only if enough people accept the illusion of separation and the graven images of a remote, external God.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
5. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the beings who rebelled against God’s plan shut themselves off from the flow of God’s energy, the River of Life. Thus, they can continue to exist only by getting people to give them their life energy.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
6. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the underlying dynamics of almost everything that happens on Earth is that the fallen beings are seeking to fool or force people into misqualifying God’s pure energy. The reason is that the fallen beings cannot absorb God’s pure love, but can only absorb energy that vibrates in the spectrum of fear.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
7. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the fallen beings can survive only by controlling the people of Earth and causing us to deny our true identity as co-creators who have access to God directly within ourselves. Thus, religion, science and political ideologies are used to get us to deny our oneness with our source.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
8. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the central purpose of your mission was to demonstrate that there is an alternative to being a blind follower of the blind leaders. We can indeed rise above the entire consciousness of separation by using the “Key of Knowledge” to reconnect to the reality of the oneness of all life.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
9. Beloved Jesus, send your Wisdom Angels to awaken people to the reality that we all have the potential to rise above the duality consciousness and put on the mind of Christ that separates the real from the unreal. Awaken people to the reality that we are being controlled through fear, but that all fear dissolves when we reconnect to the reality of oneness.
Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.
Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.
Oh Mother Mary, help us remember our first love
Oh Mother Mary, help the spiritual people remember that before we came into this world, we made a choice to come here. Help us remember the moment when our I AM Presences stood before God, as God made the call for those who were willing to descend into God’s latest creation, the material universe itself, and help it become a self-aware universe that could start the spiral of self-transcendence leading to full God consciousness.
Help us remember how we stood there in that central hall before the throne of God and looked out over the vastness of this beautiful universe with its multitudes of galaxies and solar systems and planets. Help us remember that we saw plain as day the fact that someone had to descend into that universe to start the spiral, the ascending spiral of self awareness, that would lead the entire universe to become self-conscious and to become conscious of the self as God.
Help us remember how our I AM Presences looked upon this vast universe and felt the unconditional love of God, the drive for self-transcendence, well up from the very center of our Beings. Help us remember how we looked at God and said, “Here I am Lord, send me! I will go and bring your unconditional love into this universe until all becomes an expression of that unconditional love.”
1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the only way to be free is to be one with the driving force behind creation, the force of Unconditional Love that drives all life, even God, to become MORE.
Hail Freedom’s Alchemy
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
2. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that when we are one with this River of Life, our becoming more raises all life. Thus, both the individual and the whole are constantly transcending themselves in the cosmic dance of never-ending beauty.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
3. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that it is impossible to separate yourself from this River of Love without descending into the vibration of fear that is a perversion of love.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
4. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that once you venture into the lower vibrations of fear, you will inevitably experience the fear of losing your life, your identity, your self-awareness.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
5. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that when you venture into fear, you must create a new identity as a separate being, and this separate self can indeed be lost.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
6. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the very core of all anti-freedom is the creation of this separate self. Thus, there is no way to be free without letting the separate self die and be reborn into our original identity as extensions of the Creator’s Being.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
7. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the separate self – and the beings who embody it – can only continue to exist by keeping our conscious selves trapped in the illusion of separation.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
8. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that the false teachers are seeking to control the people on Earth by keeping them trapped in the quest for the ultimate system, a system that will turn the Earth into a static sphere, where status quo is maintained through control.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
9. Saint Germain, send your legions of Freedom Angels to awaken people to the reality that as long as you believe in this quest, you will never overcome fear, and thus you will never be free. For freedom can never be static but can only be found in the constant self-transcendence of Unconditional Love.
Oh Saint Germain, the Earth will be
immersed in your great mastery.
The key to freedom is your Love,
descending like a sacred dove.
Your love all fear now does consume,
releasing Freedom’s sweet perfume.
Oh Saint Germain, all life is free
through Freedom’s Sacred alchemy.
Oh Mother Mary, help us take full responsibility for our lives
Oh Mother Mary, help people understand that all of our suffering, all of our pain, all of our limitations are due to the fact that we have forgotten our first love, the original love of our I AM Presences from which our conscious selves were born.
Help us understand that our conscious selves were born out of the unconditional love of our I AM Presences that gave the Presence the drive to become more than it is, more than I am. And as a result of that drive to become more, the Presence created the conscious self and descended into the material universe unto planet Earth itself. We came here to help raise the Earth to become Freedom’s Star, to become a sun in its own right that will radiate light to an entire galaxy.
Help us understand that over many lifetimes in the dense energies of this planet, we forgot the original desire, the original love of our Presences, and we gradually accepted a limited sense of identity as mortal human beings who are trapped on this planet.
Help us understand that there is an ongoingness to who we are as self-conscious beings who are part of the grand plan of our God.
1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that the force of the Divine Mother, known by science as the second law of thermodynamics, will break down all closed systems that seek salvation through control.
Hail Mother Flow
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
2. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that the Divine Mother is ever one with the Divine Father, meaning she is dedicated to constant self-transcendence. The purpose is to make sure that no being with free will can remain trapped in a limited sense of identity.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
3. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that the feminine, mother force is not passive. It is ever active in oneness with the self-transcendence of the father, and thus it is constantly breaking down all attempts to stop self-transcendence and create closed systems. This will manifest as the “wrath of Kali” in breaking down anything that keeps her children trapped in the illusion of separation, the illusion of anti-love.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
4. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that we who are in embodiment on Earth are meant to be the extensions of the Divine Feminine by acting to challenge the illusions of separation that keep people under the control of the blind leaders of anti-christ.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
5. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that we have a right, a God-given right, to decide that certain manifestations of anti-love are no longer acceptable on Earth. Thereby, we become the representatives of Christ to bring the judgment of Christ to Earth, the judgment that confronts people with the need to choose between Love and anti-love.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
6. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that the judgment of Christ is when you demonstrate that there is a higher reality and thus give people a real choice between the one reality of Christ, the reality of Love, and the many illusions of anti-christ, the illusions of anti-love.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
7. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that the purpose of this judgment is to set people free from the ultimate lie of the false teachers that once we have accepted a limited sense of identity, we can never escape it. We have a right to confront people with the reality that they can rise above any condition, any sense of identity, on Earth.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
8. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that it is high time for them to wake up and take a stand for Love, overcoming the fear of speaking out against the illusions of anti-love. It is time for the spiritual people on Earth to wake up and let God back into our lives, so that we – together with the Ascended Host – can co-create God’s kingdom on Earth.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
9. Mother Mary, send your legions of Love Angels to awaken people to the reality that the Ma-ter Light can instantly manifest the abundant life for all people on Earth. Thus, it is up to us to rise above the illusion of lack that is projected upon us by the false teachers in order to control us through fear. It is time for us to rise up and declare that poverty is no longer acceptable on Earth and demand the manifestation of God’s abundant life for all people.
Oh Mother Mary, we receive
your Love that brings such great reprieve.
Immersed in love we know and feel
that separation is not real.
Absorbed now in your Sacred Heart,
of God’s own body we are part.
Our full potential we will be,
from fear all people setting free.
Oh Mother Mary, help people experience that there is more to life
Oh Mother Mary, help all people experience that there is more to life than what we experience right now. There is more to life than what we have been told by the religions of this world, by the educational establishments of this world and by the governments of this world.
Help people experience that there is so much more to life, and there is so much more to us and that by reconnecting to that more, that flame of God, that drive for self-transcendence within us that is the driving force behind God’s creation, we can overcome all of our limitations. We can throw off the shackles of pain and suffering that permeate this world. We can even throw off the shackles of death as the last enemy itself and win our eternal victory as ascended beings. We can throw off the shackles of a limited sense of identity, and we can manifest the Christ consciousness right here on planet Earth, while we are still in a physical body.
Thereby, we can help raise the entire planet, and we can become as Jesus who said that “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.” We too can become Christed beings walking the Earth, and we can draw all men unto us and unto the God in us who is truly the more, the desire to become more, the unconditional love of constant and eternal self-transcendence.
Oh Mother Mary, help all people accept you as the Mother of God and accept you as our older sister. Help us look beyond our minds and fears and listen to the words that you speak in our hearts. Help us allow your words to penetrate the shells of fear that we have built around our minds and hearts, and allow you into our hearts.
Help us welcome you as the gentle mother who will take us upon your lap and rock us as you rocked the baby Jesus, until our beings are so filled with the unconditional love of the Mother of God that we truly let go of all our fears, our fears of giving birth to the Christ child within us, our fears of facing the Archangel Gabriel, who comes to announce to us that we have found favor with God and that we have the potential to give birth to the Christ child, to the Christ consciousness, that truly is our highest potential on this Earth.
Oh Mother Mary, help the spiritual people accept the Archangel Gabriel when he comes to us, so we will not reject him, we will not doubt him, we will not argue with him. We will say, as you did, “Oh Lord, be it unto me according to thy will, because I know now that your will is my will and my will is your will. I know I am born out of the unconditional love of God and God’s desiring to be more. And therefore, I am willing to be more, I am willing to be more right here on this planet and thereby bring the kingdom of God, which is more than any Earthly kingdom, into full physical manifestation on this planet.”
“And because I know that the unconditional love of God is the very center of my being, I have transcended all fears of expressing my Christhood on this Earth. I am willing to be centered in that love and stand before the world, as did my older brother Jesus, and I am willing to let them do or say what they will do or say, and thereby become the instrument for the judgment that calls all life to choose this day whom they will serve and calls them to come up higher and be more of who they truly are in God.”
1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the spirits and energies of fear.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the lies of anti-christ that lead to fear.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the ultimate spiritual slavery of fear.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the ultimate material slavery of being controlled by the power elite through fear.
I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel Michael binding the forces of fear on Earth.
Oh Mother Mary, we are One in the River of Life
NOTE: This affirmation is optional. Give as you have time.
In the name of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary, I call of this affirmation to go into the mass consciousness and awaken people to the reality that they are born out of love.
In the beginning was only Love, the dynamic Love that desired to BE MORE of itself. Out of Love’s desiring to BE MORE sprang the world of form, as a foundation for the cosmic dance between the Divine Lover and the beloved. Born from Love, creation is not a static world, but a constantly flowing, ever self-transcending River of Life in which the Divine Father and the Divine Mother are One.
In the beginning of my life as as self-conscious Being, I knew I AM a Child of Love. I too desired to be MORE of myself and joyously co-created in the River of Life. Out of my Love to be MORE, I descended into the denser spheres, to demonstrate that the beloved can be one with the Divine Lover even in a world of darkness.
Yet as my gift of Love was rejected over and over by those who have forgotten they are children of Love, I started withholding my Love, seeking to hide it from the profane. In doing so, I separated myself from the River of Life and I started to feel incomplete. I now entered and endless spiral of seeking to compensate for my incompleteness by having or doing “things” on Earth. I sought to cover my nakedness with the “things” of this world and then hold on to them with all my strength.
I now realize that all this is vanity and will never restore my wholeness. For what shall it profit me that I possess the whole world and lose my wholeness? I will be whole only when I accept that I AM a Child of Love and allow the River of Life to flow through me without conditions.
I now hear and feel the unstoppable rushing of the Living Waters of the River of Life, as they are flowing by me, pulling on me to let go of my separate sense of identity and once again be free in my Oneness with Life itself. I now let go of all anti-love in my Being, feeling how it is washed away by the Living Waters of Love. And now, in a final act of total surrender, I let go of everything I hold on to in this world. I let go of the ego and its desperate attempts to hold on to the illusion that I am separated from the River of Life, that the Divine Sun can be separated from the Divine Father and the Divine Mother.
Thus, I plunge myself into the River of Love with an ecstatic sense of being free to BE who I AM, once again the Child of Love who knows it is unconditionally loved by the Divine Father and personally loved by the Divine Mother. I allow the Living Waters of Love to wash away all attachments to any expression of anti-love, any illusion that I can be separated from Divine Love. Thus, I allow myself to be made perfect in Love.
I AM a Child of Love, and I now fully accept that I AM the Beloved of God. I no longer run away from the Unconditional Love of the Divine Father and the Nurturing Love of the Divine Mother. As I feel the Flow of Love through my Being, I feel whole, I feel complete. I experience Oneness with my Source, my I AM Presence as the representative of the Divine Father in my Being. I experience Oneness with Mother Mary as the representative of the Divine Mother in my Being.
Mother Mary, I love you as my true Mother, my Divine Mother, and I accept that I AM worthy of your Nurturing Love that sets me free from all anti-love. Thus, we are One in that Love, now and forever, and our Love will nurture all people and set them free to BE here below all that they are Above. Thus, I hold the immaculate concept that all people are Suns of Love.
I call forth the Presence of Unconditional Love to consume all anti-love in my being. (3X)
I call forth the Presence of Unconditional Love to consume all anti-love in all people. (3X)
I call forth the Presence of Unconditional Love to consume all anti-love on planet Earth. (3X)
SHIVA! (Repeat 9, 33 or 144 times)
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of his Unconditional Love. (3X) Amen.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, Amen.
I affirm that the infinite power of the Divine Feminine surrounds all people with an impenetrable shield of unconditional love that consumes all fear. I affirm that we are sealed from all energies of fear sent against us by the forces of this world. I accept that Archangel Michael binds the enemy within us, the human ego, so that when the prince of this world comes, he has no fear in us. I surrender the anti-self and all anti-love in myself and all people, and I accept that it is consumed by the infinite love of the Divine Feminine. I accept that people’s anti-selves are replaced by our Christ selves, now and forever.
By the power of the Christ Flame within me, I affirm that I am sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Love. I affirm that all people are sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Love. I affirm that the Earth is sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Love. Thus, the Mother Light is raised into perfect union with the Divine Father. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, it flows into the matrix of the Son that brings the abundant life to all people who abide in Unconditional Love. Amen.
Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels