Call forth a new awareness of how the current money system has been perverted by disassociating money from anything of real value. Then call forth the awareness of how to establish a sound money system leading to a Golden Age of abundance for all people, not just the elite.
Read teachings about this invocation.
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Open a pdf file: WINV26MoneySystem
In the name of the unconditional love of the Divine Masculine, the Divine Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, Amen.
In the name of Archangel Michael, Master MORE, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Gautama Buddha, the Dhyani Buddhas, Maraytaii, The Great Divine Director and the entire spirit of the Ascended Host, I invoke a mass awakening so people can see how the duality consciousness has perverted the money system, and thus created an unbalanced economy that concentrates wealth in the hands of a small elite while keeping the population in poverty.
(Describe specific situations and places where you want this invocation to bring change.)
God is Father and Mother
God is Father, God is Mother,
never one without the other.
Your balanced union is our source,
your love will keep us on our course.
You offer us abundant life,
to free us from all sense of strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
awakening from this bad dream.
We see that life is truly one,
and thus our victory is won.
We have returned unto our God,
on the path the saints have trod.
We form God’s body on the Earth,
and give our planet its rebirth,
into a Golden Age of love,
with ample blessings from Above.
We set all people free to see
that oneness is reality,
and in that oneness we will be
whole for all eternity.
And now the Earth is truly healed,
all life in God’s perfection sealed.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other.
1. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that money is meant to be a medium of exchange and a short-term storage of value. It is not, and must never be allowed to become, an end in itself.
The Golden Age is real.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
2. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that after money was created, a small elite saw that by perverting the money system, they could use money to gather privileges for themselves and further their never-ending quest for power and control over the people.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
3. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that there is indeed a power elite on this planet who want to enslave the people and have us serve them as worker bees. The elite are trapped in the consciousness of wanting something for nothing, of wanting to reap the reward of other people’s labor.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
4. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that wanting something for nothing is a perversion of the Mother, where you seek to reap without sowing. Wanting to reap the reward of other peoples’ labor is a perversion of the Father, where you seek to control and suppress others because you have created an illusion of separating man from God.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
5. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that when a society is separated from the reality of God, you cannot have true equality. Instead, you have the creation of an elite who will then suppress the people and reap the rewards of their labor, as in the feudal societies of Europe, where the noble class had the physical power to suppress the people.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
6. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that when the feudal societies collapsed, the elite realized that visible force was not the ultimate way to suppress the people. It was better to suppress and control the people in hidden ways, so that the people did not realize they were suppressed.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
7. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the power elite realized that the creation of this new medium of money gave them an opportunity to control the people by perverting the money system. They could steal the value of people’s labor—without the people understanding what was happening.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
8. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that when money is used correctly as a medium of exchange, we only have the amount of money needed to exchange the total amount of goods and services produced by society. There is a direct relationship between the amount of money and the amount of something that has real value.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
9. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that when there is a direct correspondence between money and something of real value, it is not possible to create money out of nothing, money that has no real value associated with it. Thus, even though the money supply can grow, the value of money is not degraded, for we only have the money needed to exchange goods and services.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be. (Give 3X, 9X or more)
1. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that when money is based on real value, it is possible to have a steadily growing economy and a steady increase in the money supply without having an increase in the prices of goods and services. The value of the money – what you can buy for that money – will remain constant.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
2. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that as productivity increases – as new methods and services are invented – the value of people’s labor goes up. Thus, everyone experiences an increase in abundance. This is the divine economy, the spiritual economy, the natural economy. For nature has a built-in force that leads towards greater abundance for all life.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
3. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that you get away from the divine economy by disassociating money from something that has real value. This started with the kings in Europe who needed money to wage war with each other. Yet war cannot produce something of value; it can only destroy something of value. Thus, the warring kings set the stage for the emergence of a perverted money system.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
4. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the medieval kings entered into an unholy alliance with the emerging bankers of Europe. The bankers realized that they could make money by lending gold and charging interest, and they started secretly lending out the money people had deposited in their vaults.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
5. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the warring kings of Europe were open to the suggestions of the bankers, that instead of having money that was based on gold or silver, the kings created a new type of money, called fiat money—money by decree. The bankers created this money, lent it to the king, who could then use it to finance his war.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
6. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that by disconnecting money from something of real value, the bankers could create money out of nothing by lending more money than the reserves in their vaults. Through the emergence of fractional reserve banking, the kings and the bankers could increase the money supply beyond what is needed to trade goods and services that have real value.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
7. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that when there is more money in circulation, the first people who spend the newly issued money will inevitably bid up prices of goods and services, including real estate. This increases prices, which gradually filters through the economy until the prices of all goods and services have gone up.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
8. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that if you double the amount of money by creating money that is not backed by anything of value, then prices of most goods and services will go up proportionally. Thereby, the value of the labor of the majority of the population has now been reduced, because we still only work so many hours, but we need more money to pay for goods and services.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
9. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that a money system in which all new money is created as debt – and for which interest must be paid to the bankers – leads to a spiral, where eventually the value of people’s labor is degraded to the point where they cannot maintain a decent standard of living.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be. (Give 3X, 9X or more)
1. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that the money system – the fiat money system based on fractional reserve banking, based on creating money out of debt – has a built-in inflationary factor. There is a need to create new money to pay the interest, which can eventually cause the system to collapse.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
2. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that those who are in charge of a perverted money system cannot contain their greed. The politicians will want more money, the bankers will want to make a greater profit, and all they need to do is roll the printing presses and print more money.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
3. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the power elite inevitably become blinded by greed, and they set the economy into an inflationary spiral that will destroy it—if it is not balanced by the people performing real labor and creating real goods and services.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
4. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that even though the average worker is better off today, this is only true because we have been willing to multiply our talents. Yet because of the perverted money system, we have not been reaping the natural, God-given reward for our labor.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
5. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that inflation is a hidden form of tax, where the people do not realize they are taxed because we do not see it on our tax bill or paycheck. What we do not see is that the value of the money, and thereby the value of our labor, has been reduced.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
6. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that if we had a divine economy, the standard of living would be much higher for all people. We would have a worldwide economy where no people would have to exist on less than two dollars a day. In a divine economy, the amount of abundance would have increased so greatly that there is enough to give everybody a decent standard of living.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
7. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the power elite – through the perversion of the money system, and through eroding the value of the fiat money they have created – have delayed the God-ordained growth in the economy and the manifestation of the abundant life that should have come about by now—had it not been for the intervention of the elite.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
8. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that in a debt-based money system, the elite who create money out of nothing can buy goods and services at the old prices. Yet as the new money circulates through the economy, prices go up so that the people have to pay more.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
9. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that an inflationary money system causes a greater and greater concentration of wealth in the control of a smaller and smaller elite. Thus, we now have a few percent of the population in most nations who control the majority of the wealth. And this is not the divine economy, where there is abundance for all.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be. (Give 3X, 9X or more)
1. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that the fiat money system is an absolute perversion of the abundant life of God. It is the power elite seeking to control the people through the money supply. In the United States, this has lead to an unholy alliance between the federal government and the Federal Reserve—which is not a federal agency and thus not answerable to the people in a direct manner.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
2. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the governments of today also face the situation that they want to spend more money than the people are willing to pay in taxes. Thus, they let the bankers create it out of nothing, thereby eroding the value of money—and thus taxing the people without the people being aware of this.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
3. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that in order to fiance the war in Iraq, President Bush set the money machine in motion. The Federal Reserve created the money out of nothing, lending it to the federal government, so that they could use it to finance the military invasion in Iraq.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
4. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that this is not only done to finance wars. It is done in many other areas of the economy, where the government wants to spend more than they think the people are willing to pay in taxes, so they simply camouflage it as inflation. The people pay it anyway, but now we do not notice, and thus we do not object.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
5. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the bankers and those in the top financial elite make a huge profit from creating money out of nothing, because the people not only have the degradation of the value of the money but also pay the interest on the national debt. Yet the bankers are not concerned about a nation paying back the debt—as long as we keep paying the interest and allowing them to create more money out of nothing, so that they can keep their money machine rolling.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
6. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that there is a direct connection between war and the money machine. For the bankers long ago realized that there was no better way to earn a profit than to set nations against each other in war. For when nations are committed to war, they spend more money than they would in peacetime. And the power elite make the profit, for they often finance both sides of the conflict and also produce the weapons used in the conflict.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
7. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that a perverted money system is a form of slavery that is far beyond physical slavery. For economic slavery is a form of slavery that most people do not understand, and therefore we cannot object to it. We simply notice that we have to work harder and harder.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
8. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the people need to muster the will to educate ourselves as to why we have to work harder and the money is not stretching as far as it used to. Because if the people are not willing to take responsibility for our society and the money system, we draw unto ourselves those who are willing to pervert the system and take advantage of the people.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
9. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that if the good people do nothing, the power elite will inevitably keep increasing the money supply in their greed, blindness and spiritual pride. For they think they will never have to suffer the consequences of their actions, being so used to the people bearing the karma that they think they can get away with anything.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be. (Give 3X, 9X or more)
1. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that we cannot expect the power elite to stop the downward spiral. Thus, if we do not put on the brakes, it is just a matter of time before the money machine will run amok, until the whole system collapses and the nation is faced with the necessity to return to a sound money system.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
2. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that when you have a sound money system – where money is tied to real value, such as the value of people’s labor – you have the foundation for a golden age economy. In the Golden Age, there is a steady growth in abundance and opportunity, where all people get a fair return from their efforts.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
3. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that in the Golden Age of Saint Germain, no one is poor, no one is lacking for food, no one is lacking for a decent standard of living. No one is lacking for the free time to pursue the spiritual aspects of life according to their own choosing.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
4. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that there is no end to the growth in the economy in a golden age society. For the concept of limits to growth is put upon us by the elite, who want us to accept limits for our growth, while they have no intention of limiting their own accumulation of wealth, power, and privilege. But they have to find a way to get the people to be satisfied with less, so that they can have more.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
5. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that money is not evil, but that money is an expression of the Mother and the Mother flame. But if the Mother is disconnected from the Father, then the Mother becomes an end in itself. And so money becomes an end in itself—rather than a means to the end of keeping the divine economy growing, bringing forth greater abundance.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
6. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that when we have the perversion of the Mother, instead of an upward spiral of increasing the amount of abundance, we have a situation where we limit the growth so that there is a concentration of wealth in the hands of a small elite.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
7. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the elite want to concentrate wealth in their own hands, and they do not care that the total amount of abundance is not increased, for they do not care that the people live in poverty. In fact, they prefer it, because then they seem richer in comparison.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
8. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that the power elite are trapped in the duality consciousness, which is relative, and therefore compares everything based on a relative value judgment. And so they are raising themselves in comparison to others by keeping the people down, by limiting the value of our labor, thereby limiting the total amount of wealth.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
9. In the name of Saint Germain, I call forth an awakening to the fact that this is the total perversion of both the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, where the Divine Father provides the increase in the total amount of abundance, and the justice of the Divine Mother distributes that among all people, so that all can have a decent standard of living and pursue their divine plans as they see fit individually.
Oh Saint Germain, your violet light,
makes the future oh so bright.
Consuming poverty and strife,
all people have abundant life.
Your violet flame the Earth does seal,
the Golden Age is now for real.
Oh Saint Germain, your Freedom Flame
perfects the Earth in God’s own name.
The Earth is sealed in Freedom’s Flame
In oneness with Saint Germain, I say to all people everywhere, “Wake up and claim your birthright!” Saint Germain is ready to give us the Golden Age, for as the father of the Golden Age, it is his good pleasure to give us his kingdom.
I hereby claim Saint Germain’s Golden Age. I accept it, I bring it into manifestation! I am willing to prove Saint Germain and receive the abundance and the wonders that he is ready to release. For I am willing to put his ideas to use for the benefit of all, rather than the misuse of concentrating wealth in the hands of the elite.
1. Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
The violet flame is your own plan
to raise the Christ in every man.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
2. For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
with Jesus you now point the way
that brings the dawn of a new day.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
3. Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.
Where Freedom’s flame will reign supreme,
fulfilling Heavens highest dream.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
4. Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
From you above to us below,
we will maintain a constant flow.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
5. Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
her radiance will shine through space
awakening the I AM race.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
6. By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.
All darkness is replaced by light,
as all of cosmos shines so bright.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
7. Oh Saint Germain, we keep the flame
of freedom burning in your name,
until the Golden Age we see,
an age in which all life is free.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
I accept Saint Germain’s Golden Age as a manifest reality on this planet. (3X or more)
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the spirits and energies of economic slavery.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the lies of anti-christ that lead to economic slavery.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the ultimate spiritual slavery of the consciousness of lack.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the ultimate material slavery of the money system being controlled by the power elite.
I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel Michael binding the forces of economic slavery on Earth.
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of his abundance. (3X) Amen.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, Amen.
I affirm that the infinite power of the Divine Feminine surrounds all people with an impenetrable shield of unconditional love that consumes all poverty consciousness. I affirm that we are sealed from all energies of lack sent against us by the forces of this world. I accept that Archangel Michael binds the enemy within us, the human ego, so that when the prince of this world comes, he has no poverty consciousness in us. I surrender the anti-self and all lack in myself and all people, and I accept that it is consumed by the infinite love of the Divine Feminine. I accept that people’s anti-selves are replaced by our Christ selves, now and forever.
By the power of the Christ Flame within me, I affirm that I am sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Abundance. I affirm that all people are sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Abundance. I affirm that the Earth is sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Abundance. Thus, the Mother Light is raised into perfect union with the Divine Father. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, it flows into the matrix of the Son that brings the abundant life to all people who abide in Oneness. Amen.
Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels