WINV21: Invocation for Restoring the WORD in Russia

Invoke the restoration of the WORD in Russia. The Word is the recognition that there is a reality that is beyond the man-made, ego-based illusions. Only by attuning to this reality can we solve the problems that plague our society.

Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE

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In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.

By the authority of my Christ Flame, I invoke the entire LOGOS, all beings who are in Oneness with the universal Christ Mind, the source of spiritual life, the source of all truth and the fount of the Living Word. I demand the shattering of the veil of illusion created by the liar and the lie. I demand the exposure of all lies and how they have perverted the WORD of Truth. I demand that all people are given a true choice to give up the ghost of dualistic illusions and accept the eternal life of Christ Truth. I demand the restoration of the WORD of Truth in all areas of Russian government and society, especially in…

(Describe the situations and conditions that you want this invocation to resolve.)

We honor the LOGOS
In the beginning is the LOGOS, and this Universal Christ mind is with God, and the Christ mind is God. All things are made by the LOGOS; and without the Christ mind is not any thing made that is made. In the LOGOS is life; and the life of the Universal Christ mind – individualized as the Living Christ – is the light of co-creators.

The light of the Christ mind shines in darkness; and those blinded by the darkness of the duality consciousness comprehend it not. The LOGOS is the true Light, which lights every co-creator that comes into the world.

The LOGOS is in the world, and the world is made by it, and the world knows not the Living Word of the LOGOS. The LOGOS comes unto its own as the Living Word, and those blinded by duality receive not the WORD. But as many as receive the Living Word, to them gives the LOGOS power to BE the Suns of God, even to them that believe on the WORD. Those who accept the Living Word are reborn, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

And the LOGOS is made flesh, and dwells among us as the Living Christ, the WORD incarnate. And we behold the glory of the Living Christ in Jesus, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. And now we accept our potential to BE one with the Living Word and thus BE the Suns of God, the Living Christs in this age. And we vow to fulfill our God-given mandate to multiply the WORD within us and BE the open doors, whereby the LOGOS, as the Living Word in us, will have dominion over the Earth.

Archangel Michael, cut the Russian people free from the veil of ignorance
1. Archangel Michael, consume all energies of the anti-word around and within the minds and energy fields of the top ten percent of the most spiritually aware people in Russia. Awaken them to their Divine plans and how they must be the forerunners for awakening the people. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael
Archangel Michael, take command,
God government in this fair land.
Raise up the torch of Freedom’s Flame,
that all may know the “I AM” name.
The Russian people are set free,
one people under God to be.

Archangel Michael, you are here,
to keep our vision always clear.
We form God’s Body here below,
the open door for Grace to flow.
As into action now we spring,
the Golden Age we will to bring.

2. Archangel Michael, surround the minds and energy fields of the most spiritually aware Russians with your shield of blue-flame protection. Protect them from the onslaught of confusion and aggressive mental suggestion produced by the power elite in their quest to pacify the Russian people. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

3. Archangel Michael, cut free the most spiritually aware Russians from the programming that seeks to prevent them from discovering and accepting their reason for being. Help the Russian people see that they are God’s co-creators and that they are meant to have dominion over Russia instead of letting the power elite have dominion. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

4. Archangel Michael, cut free the most spiritually aware Russians from the consciousness of imperial ambitions spread by the power elite. Awaken all Russians to the understanding that Russia can be a great nation through the creativity and culture of its people, and that it does not need to pursue greatness through military strength. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

5. Archangel Michael, cut free the most spiritually aware Russians from the consciousness of nationalism, and the need to prove that Russia is a great political and economic power, spread by the power elite. Awaken all Russians to the understanding that Russia is a unique nation, and because it is unique, it is not superior or inferior to other nations. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

6. Archangel Michael, cut free the most spiritually aware Russians from the consciousness of a false national identity spread by the power elite. Awaken all Russians to the understanding that Russia has a God-given national identity that has been almost destroyed through communism and must be rediscovered. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

7. Archangel Michael, cut free the most spiritually aware Russians from the consciousness of authoritarianism spread by the power elite. Awaken all Russians to the understanding that they have a right to follow the WORD of God within themselves, and that they must take a stand against the false authority of the power elite. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

8. Archangel Michael, cut free the most spiritually aware Russians from the consciousness of totalitarianism spread by the power elite. Awaken all Russians to the understanding that they must take responsibility for their nation and stop the power elite from taking away the power of the people. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

9. Archangel Michael, cut free the most spiritually aware Russians from the consciousness of control spread by the power elite. Awaken all Russians to the understanding that the people need to control the authorities, not the other way around. Awaken all Russians to the need for them to prevent that those in the military, the police and the intelligence community turn Russia into a police state. I AM the victory of the Living Word exposing the power elite.

Hail Michael

Protect all Russians from the forces of the anti-word
By the authority of the Christ Flame within my heart, I call to Archangel Michael for the absolute God-protection of all Russians who are meant to be part of the initiative for restoring the WORD in Russia. Protect them from all aggressive mental suggestion and all emotional programming that seeks to pacify them and prevent them from fulfilling their reason for Being.

1. Archangel Michael, take command,
God government in this fair land.
God’s power, wisdom and his love
flows to Mother Russia from Above.

Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.

Mother Russia is now free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land.

2. Raise up the torch of Freedom’s Flame,
that all may know the “I AM” name.
We keep our course all through the night,
as we are guided by your light.

3. The Russian people are now free,
one people under God to be.
Our love for Russia so intense,
we take our stand in her defense.

4. Archangel Michael, you are here,
to keep our vision always clear.
As we our sacred work begin,
we know God’s kingdom is within.

5. We form God’s Body here below,
the open door for Grace to flow.
Consuming now all patterns old,
the future looks so bright and bold.

6. As into action now we spring,
the Golden Age we will to bring.
We have the vision and the fire,
lifting Russia ever higher.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

Beloved Jesus, awaken all Russians to Christ reality
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the recognition of God’s reality, and that there is a truth that is beyond any belief system or institution on Earth. This Living Truth cannot be manipulated or misused by the power elite, and all people can know it through the key of knowledge within themselves. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ
Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.

Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun.

2. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that agnosticism springs from a failure to use the key of knowledge. When the most spiritually aware Russians exercise their Christ discernment, they can awaken the nation to a higher reality that cannot be manipulated by the power elite. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

3. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that the power elite in Russia are using education to brainwash the people with an ideology that is anti-christ. Their goal is to pacify the people so they can rule Russia. Awaken the Russian people to their responsibility to take command over their nation. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

4. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that the power elite are using religion to brainwash the people with an ideology that is anti-christ. Their goal is to make the Russian people believe orthodox Christianity is the only true religion. Yet it is a religion that perverts the true teachings of Christ and thus pacifies the people. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

5. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that the power elite want Russia to go from one dualistic extreme to another. Their goal is to replace the communist ideology, which was designed to take power away from the people, with another belief system that robs the people of their power. Thus, they seek to spread agnosticism or Christianity as two ways to make people believe they cannot know truth from within themselves. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

6. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that the power elite in Russia are trying to make people live by the “if it feels good, do it” philosophy. Awaken the spiritually aware people to the need for them to use their Christ discernment and awaken the people from the illusion that nothing matters. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

7. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that they need to show the rest of the people how to discern between Christ reality and dualistic lies. They need to show the people how to discern between the true teachers and the false teachers that appear in many disguises, including messengers who falsely claim to represent the Ascended Host. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

8. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that they need to show the rest of the people how to discern between Christ reality and black magic. They need to show the people how to discern between a true use of spiritual light and the use of psychic energies for selfish purposes or for controlling others. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

9. Beloved Jesus, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that the power elite are using the Russian court system to take power from the people. Awaken the Russian people to the need to demand fair courts that are based on Christ discernment, so that justice will prevail and the people’s faith in the courts be restored. I AM the victory of the Living Word judging the power elite.

Hail Victorious Christ

Awaken all Russians to their love for truth
Beloved Jesus, awaken all Russians to the love for God and God’s truth that they already have in the inner recesses of their beings. Help them realize that the true purpose of any spiritual teaching is NOT to give absolute truth but to serve as a tool for raising people’s consciousness, so they connect to the Spirit of Truth within themselves. By seeking the Spirit of Truth, people can overcome both mental and physical slavery and establish God’s kingdom in Russia. Inspire all Russians to embrace the path to Christhood, so that the true second coming of Christ in Russia can happen by the Christ being born in them.

1. Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
The second coming is at hand
as Christed ones now take a stand.

The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.

The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.

2. No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
we follow Christ the inner king
his truth to all we vow to bring.

3. Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.
We shout his message from the roof
as we become his living proof.

4. Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
Defending life, we take a stand,
the second coming is at hand.

5. The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
We share your love for Saint Germain
he will the Earth with Justice reign.

6. Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun,
the inner Christ will make all free
in God’s own Presence now to be.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

Mother Mary, awaken the love for Earth in all Russians
1. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that both capitalism and communism are elitist systems that take money away from the people and concentrate it in the hands of the elite. Both must be replaced by a new economic philosophy that gives equal economic opportunity to all, and thus does not institutionalize the gap between rich and poor. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light
Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
The base is of the purest white,
the soul is basking in delight.
The solar center is at peace,
all troubles in the heart now cease.

The throat is shining oh so blue,
the brow emits an emerald hue.
The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss.

2. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the need for a reform of the health-care system so that it will benefit the people and not the power elite. Awaken all Russians to the need to value their physical bodies as temples for the Spirit, so they will not destroy them through alcohol or other forms of abuse. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

3. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that the nationalization of many businesses or natural resources is an attempt to take money and power away from the people. Russia must throw off all remnants of communist thinking that make it seem necessary for the state to control everything. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

4. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the realization that neither state control nor unrestricted capitalism will bring prosperity to the people. Both state control and capitalism work towards a state where the elite has monopolized economic opportunity. There is a middle way, based on Christ discernment, that gives equal economic opportunity to the people. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

5. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the need for reforms that develop the economy by investing in agriculture, industry and infrastructure. Yet this must be done by encouraging small independent businesses instead of large national or multi-national conglomerates. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

6. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the need to speak out against corruption in all levels of society. Awaken people to the fact that corruption is used as a weapon by the power elite, allowing them to control those who should be the servants of the people. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

7. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the need to speak out against irresponsible behavior in all areas of society. Awaken people to the fact that social and political irresponsibility is used as a weapon by the power elite, allowing them to pacify the people by making them focus on immediate pleasure instead of taking responsibility for their lives and their nation. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

8. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the need to speak out against the perversion of the entertainment industry. Awaken people to the fact that entertainment is used as a weapon by the power elite, allowing them to pacify the people and brainwash them with subtle beliefs that take away their power. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

9. Mother Mary, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to the need to demand honesty and transparency in all areas of the bureaucracy. Awaken people to the fact that bureaucracy is used as a weapon by the power elite, allowing them to use public servants to give themselves privileged positions while restricting the people. I AM the victory of the Living Word balancing Power and Love in the spiritual people of Russia.

Hail Mother Light

Help us overcome all imbalances in love and power
By the authority of the Christ Flame within my heart, I call forth the awakening of the most spiritually aware Russians to their true potential in this age. Mother Mary, help them overcome all self-absorption and attain the proper balance of love and power, so they can challenge the power elite without being drawn into the eternal dualistic struggle. Help all Russians become true representatives of Christ and do the works of the Living Christ for this age, thus raising the Mother Light in themselves and for Russia.

1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.

3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.

4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.

5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.

6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.

7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.

8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.

9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again.

10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.

By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

I accept that Mother Mary and the Ascended Master Igor envelop Mother Russia in the infinite and unconditional love of the Divine Mother. I accept that Russia is a sun, radiating divine love to all nations.

Saint Germain, awaken all Russians to the potential for a Golden Age
1. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame
Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.

Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.

2. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially political activities, such as organizations and new political parties. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

3. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially the manipulation of public opinion before elections. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

4. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially administrative pressure on those who do not belong to the ruling party. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

5 . Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially the efforts to restrict or destroy the multi-party system. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

6. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially all attempts to restrict or destroy free elections and a representative democracy. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

7. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially the deadly combination of materialism, communism and atheism that raises money and power as the only god. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

8. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially the tendency to let economic growth be based on the export of oil, gas and arms. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

9. Saint Germain, release floodtides of Violet Flame to awaken the Russian people to the fact that Russia can overcome its current limitations and manifest a Golden Age. Yet for this to happen, the people must take a stand against all attempts to suppress their freedom, especially all attempts to allow the power elite to manipulate Russia into another arms race in their never-ending quest for greater profits. I AM the victory of the Living Word triggering a Golden Age in Russia.

Hail Freedom Flame

Saint Germain, awaken all Russians to their love for freedom
Saint Germain, awaken the most spiritually aware Russians to their inner love for Freedom. Awaken the many Russians who volunteered to take embodiment at this time in order to help make your Golden Age a manifest reality. Awaken them to the reality of their divine plans so they can take a stand for Freedom and be the instruments for setting the Russian people free from the tyranny of the consciousness of anti-christ and the power elite.

1. Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
The violet flame is your own plan
to raise the Christ in every man.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

2. For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
with Jesus you now point the way
that brings the dawn of a new day.

3. Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.
Where Freedom’s flame will reign supreme,
fulfilling Heavens highest dream.

4. Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
From you above to us below,
we will maintain a constant flow.

5. Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
her radiance will shine through space
awakening the I AM race.

6. By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.
All darkness is replaced by light,
as all of cosmos shines so bright.

7. Oh Saint Germain, we keep the flame
of freedom burning in your name,
until the Golden Age we see,
an age in which all life is free.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

I Choose the Life of Christ!
Archangel Michael, shatter and consume all illusions of the anti-word! (3X)
Archangel Michael, awaken the most spiritually aware people from the consciousness of death that causes us to identify ourselves as mortal human beings who are separated from our God. Cut us free from the condemnation and self-condemnation that causes us to think we have no right to let the Living Word challenge the power elite through us.
Beloved Archangel Michael, thou Defender of Faith, if people knew better, they would do better, and by the authority of my God-given free will, I hereby declare that I am willing to know better. I am willing to see anything in my being and life that is out of alignment with the truth of Christ. And when I see it, I will surrender it into the all-consuming fires of the Holy Spirit, the Violet Flame of Saint Germain. Thus, by my willingness to remove the beam in my own eye, I attain the transparency whereby the prince of this world comes and has nothing in me. I now see that total surrender, leading to total transparency, is the ultimate spiritual defense.

Archangel Michael, I am willing to change my life. I am willing overcome all self-absorption and realize that I am not here to fulfill earthly desires or even seek personal growth. I am here to fulfill the higher spiritual desires, expressed in my divine plan, of working for the growth of all. I am willing to recognize that spiritual growth which is not expressed in helping others is not Christhood. Thus, I will no longer focus on my personal growth but will focus on the growth of all people. I will see other people as part of my larger self, the one Body of God on Earth.

Therefore I now say, with the full authority of my free will and the power of the Christ Flame within me:


I choose the consciousness of eternal life, the Christ consciousness, and I accept that I am here to be the open door for the Living Word and allow the WORD to judge those who choose death over life. Thus, I am willing to be the instrument for challenging the illusions of anti-christ and setting the people free from the power elite. I will be non-attached to other people’s reactions and their condemnation of me, for I will respect their free will. Yet I will also respect my own free will, and my right to choose to remain centered in the infinite peace of Christ in every situation. I know that I AM balanced Power-Love in action, and thus I am above the dualistic extremes.

I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of the Living Christ in this world.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all Russians free from the lies of anti-christ.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all Russians free from spiritual slavery under the forces of anti-christ.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all Russians free from material slavery under the power elite.

I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel Michael binding the power elite on Earth.

Russia is the Lord’s and the fullness of the WORD. (3X) Amen.

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his Blue-flame Angels surround all Russians with an impenetrable shield of Blue-flame energy. I affirm that all Russians are sealed from the toxic energies sent against them by the forces of this world. I accept that Archangel Michael binds the enemy within all Russians, the human ego, so that when the prince of this world comes, he has nothing in them. I surrender the anti-self of Mother Russia and accept that it is consumed by the Violet Flame and the unconditional love of Mother Mary. I accept that Russia’s anti-self is replaced by her Christ self, now and forever.

By the power of the Christ Flame within me, I affirm that the Living Word is restored as the ultimate authority in all aspects of Russian society. The WORD is manifest through the Freedom Flame, acting through my I AM Presence and the presence of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, the Ascended Master Igor and Saint Germain. Amen.


Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels