WINV09: Invoking Infinite Light into World Politics

A variation of the Infinite Light Invocation specifically to invoke light into the economy, the political situation, conflict and the potential for war. 

Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.

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In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother of Light, Amen.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I dedicate this invocation to the manifestation of the perfect vision of Christ in . . .

(insert personal prayer here).

Lord’s Prayer of Light
My God, who is the pure Being of God, I honor your Presence of Infinite Light, of undifferentiated light, of formless light. I acknowledge the Presence of Light that has no opposite, and I honor light as a pure concept, as a conscious Being of Light.

My God, who is my Creator, I honor your gift of life and self-awareness. I say with you, “Let there be light in all aspects of my being and life!” And I accept that there is light and only light.
I acknowledge that I live in a world that forms the Omega polarity to the Alpha polarity of my Creator’s Light. I acknowledge that everything in the world of form is created from the Mother Light. I acknowledge that the Mother Light is created from, is drawn out of, the Presence of Infinite Light. Therefore, that very Mother Light has God’s Being embedded within it, and it has the potential to attain self-awareness and outpicture the perfection of God.

I acknowledge that I came here to be a co-creator with my Creator, and I am a self-conscious being, created under the lineage of my Creator. I vow to fill this role by taking dominion over my own being and allowing the Light of God to stream through my being. I am the open door for a stream of God’s light that will awaken the Mother Light. I will multiply my creative powers and take dominion until the kingdom of God is materialized on Earth.

I take dominion over the economy
1. I come apart from the mass consciousness and seek oneness with my I AM Presence. In that oneness, I command the Mother Light that makes up the international power elite: “Consume the smokescreen that has allowed a small elite to manipulate national economies and the world economy, and replace it with the immaculate concept of the divine economy.” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mother of Light
Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

2. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the international banking system: “Consume the smokescreen hiding a system that has no allegiance to human rights or equal opportunity, and replace it with the immaculate concept of the Golden Age economy.” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

3. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up all individuals, organizations or governments using money to gain power: “Consume the smokescreen that hides all who misuse the money system to gain power, and replace it with the immaculate concept of a just economy” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

4. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up all individuals, organizations or governments manipulating currencies or stock markets: “Consume the smokescreen hiding the corruption of this elitist system, and replace it with the immaculate concept of an economy with no corruption.” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

5. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up all individuals, organizations or governments manipulating energy prices, especially the price of oil: “Consume the smokescreen hiding the corruption, and replace it with the immaculate concept of free energy technology that will make oil obsolete.” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

6. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up all individuals, organizations or governments using oil to manipulate the economy and start wars: “Consume the smokescreen hiding the corruption in the oil market and replace it with the immaculate concept of a new determination to find alternatives to oil.” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

7. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the international economy: “Consume the smokescreen hiding how the power elite is creating an economic crisis in order to gain more control, and replace it with the immaculate concept of how to transcend the elite.” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

8. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the mainstream media: “Consume the smokescreen hiding how the media refuses to educate people about the manipulation of the economy, and replace it with the immaculate concept of a non-corruptible media.” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

9. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the international power elite: “Consume the smokescreen hiding those who worship money as God, serving mammon instead of serving God in all people, and replace it with the immaculate concept of a non-elitist economy. ” I say to all people: “Wake up and recognize the power elite behind most historical events.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

I am the open door
I AM a son/daughter of God, and at this very moment I stand up to be counted as a co-creator with God on Earth. I hereby consciously choose to acknowledge the power of my free will to choose light, to choose life, to choose the perfection of God over the imperfection in this world. I choose to affirm that nothing imperfect is real and that only God’s light and God’s perfection is real and has permanence.

I hereby acknowledge my true individuality as my I AM Presence, and I choose to let the light of my Presence stream through me and consume all unlike itself. I choose to be the God Flame that I AM in Heaven, manifest on Earth. I choose to be the open door for the true spiritual law to now be brought down to the physical octave on planet Earth.

I choose to be the open door for the Being of the Presence of Infinite Light to stream forth in the material universe and consume all imperfections and imbalances. I call upon the Presence of Infinite Light to send the unstoppable, unconquerable Light of God to superimpose the perfect vision of God upon the Ma-ter substance that makes up my own being, my outer circumstances and this planet itself, from all aspects of human society to Mother Nature.

1. Archangel Michael, take command,
God government in every land.
God’s power, wisdom and his love
flows to our planet from Above.

Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.

Mother Earth is now set free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land.

2. Raise up the torch of Freedom’s Flame,
that all may know the “I AM” name.
We keep our course all through the night,
as we are guided by your light.

Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.

Mother Earth is now set free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land.

3. Humanity is always free,
one people under God to be.
Our love for Earth is so intense,
we take our stand in her defense.

Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.

Mother Earth is now set free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land.

4. Archangel Michael, you are here,
to keep our vision always clear.
As we our sacred work begin,
we know God’s kingdom is within.

Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.

Mother Earth is now set free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land.

5. We form God’s Body here below,
the open door for Grace to flow.
Consuming now all patterns old,
the future looks so bright and bold.

Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.

Mother Earth is now set free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land.

6. As into action now we spring,
the Golden Age we will to bring.
We have the vision and the fire
to lift this planet ever higher.

Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.

Mother Earth is now set free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

I take dominion over the abuse of life
1. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness of separation behind all misuse of life: “Consume all selfishness and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have reverence for the intrinsic and infinite value of life!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

2. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind pedophilia: “Consume all sexual perversion and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have reverence for the holy child!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

3. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind pornography, prostitution and the commercial exploitation of the body: “Consume all fixation on the body and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have reverence for the physical body as the temple of God!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

4. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind sexual slavery and other forms of slavery: “Consume all exploitation and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have respect for each person’s divine plan!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

5. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the selling and use of drugs: “Consume all greed and escapism and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have reverence for life as a unique opportunity!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

6. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind murder and serial murder: “Consume all lust after blood and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have reverence for the right to life!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

7. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind suicide: “Consume all non-accountability within and all black magic from without and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people value life as a supreme opportunity for growth!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

8. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness of indifference that allows millions of children to starve and live in poverty: “Consume all poverty consciousness and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have the abundant life!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

9. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the power elite that is manipulating the economy: “Consume all spiritual blindness and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have the vision of Christ and see all life as one!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is sacred.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

I accept my Christ potential
I choose to accept my Christ potential and I vow to dedicate my life to putting on the mind of Christ as quickly as possible. I vow that I will never have any false gods before the true God in Heaven, represented to me by my own I AM Presence. I vow that I will not take upon myself any graven image in the form of an imperfect vision. And therefore I will not accept any of the imperfect conditions on Earth as permanent or real. I will see that beyond all imperfections is the Ma-ter light of God. I will hold the immaculate concept and see that God’s vision is materialized because it is superimposed upon the Ma-ter substance itself.

I therefore declare that as long as I AM in the world, I AM the light of the world. I vow to see only the immaculate concept, given to me through the Christ mind. I vow to BE the flame of God, consuming all unlike itself. I vow to nevermore limit God’s ability to work through me, and I vow to always affirm the reality of the Living Christ within me and my oneness with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, I shall not deny my oneness with my Master. And by affirming my oneness with the Living Christ within me and with the Living Christ within Jesus, I truly am the light of the world. And through the power and authority of the Christ within me, I therefore say, “Let there be light and only light on planet Earth. And there IS light. It is finished. Amen.”

1. Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
The second coming is at hand
as Christed ones now take a stand.

The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.

The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.

2. No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
we follow Christ the inner king
his truth to all we vow to bring.

The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.

The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.

3. Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.
We shout his message from the roof
as we become his living proof.

The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.

The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.

4. Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
In defense of life we take a stand,
the second coming is at hand.

The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.

The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.

5. The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
We share your love for Saint Germain
he will the Earth with Justice reign.

The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.

The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.

6. Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun,
the inner Christ will make all free
in God’s own Presence now to be.

The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.

The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

I take dominion over all conflicts
1. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind ethnic, racial and religious intolerance: “Consume all potential for genocide, especially in Africa, and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have respect for God’s diversity!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

2. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind totalitarianism, especially in Russia and the former Soviet republics: “Consume all abuse of power and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have respect for God’s power!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

3. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind totalitarianism, especially in China: “Consume all abuse of power and replace it with the immaculate concept that all Chinese accept that individual rights are not defined by the state but given by God!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

4. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the international indifference to the fate of Tibet: “Consume the cause behind the occupation of Tibet and replace it with the immaculate concept for a spiritually free nation!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

5. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the tension between India and Pakistan over Kashmir: “Consume all unwillingness to compromise and replace it with the immaculate concept for divine diplomacy!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

6. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind fanaticism, especially in the Muslim populations in Europe, Canada and America: “Consume all extremism and replace it with the immaculate concept that all Muslims understand the spiritual principles behind Islam!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

7. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians: “Consume all superiority/inferiority consciousness and replace it with the immaculate concept for God government in Israel and a Palestinian state!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

8. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind terrorism and the attempt to start a war in the Middle East: “Consume all hidden manipulation and replace it with the immaculate concept for the manifestation of the divine solution to all problems in the Middle East!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

9. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness that causes the people and governments in the Middle East to be unwilling to grow: “Consume all fear of change and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people have a clear vision of the ongoing River of Life!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept God’s peace.”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

Awaken to the reality of Light
I affirm my oneness with the Presence of Infinite Light, and I say to all people, “Awaken to your original calling and your reason for being on this planet. I call you to see beyond your human egos, your dualistic beliefs and world view. I call you to awaken and rise above your limited sense of identity. I call you to reconnect with your true, divine individuality, so you can rise to your God-given right to be the sons and daughters of God in the Earth, to be the co-creators with God in the Earth. I call you to rise above your fears, your lack of worthiness, your sense that you have no right to be here on Earth or to exercise your Christhood. I call you to awaken and consciously make the decision to take back your dominion over yourselves, and then exercise that dominion of the self by taking dominion over the Earth.” I now say to all people:


“I call you to come apart from the mass consciousness, to be a separate and chosen people who have elected to worship the one true God who resides in the kingdom of God within you. I call you to be the open doors, whereby the immaculate concept can once again be held in the conscious minds of the inhabitants of the Earth. I call you to use the power of your attention and to let God’s vision be superimposed upon matter itself, so that this planet can shed the imperfect images that have been forced upon it for eons.”

I call forth the abundant life for all people on Earth. I call forth God’s kingdom on Earth, as that kingdom is already manifest in Heaven, in the form of a perfect vision held in the minds of the Ascended Host. I call for the light of the Father to stir the ocean of the Mother Light and materialize God’s perfect vision in the Ma-ter universe. Let there be Light on Earth. And there IS Light!

1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our Saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.

By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

I take dominion over all war
1. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness of religious fanaticism in Islamic nations: “Consume the potential for the emergence of a strong Islamic warlord and replace it with the immaculate concept that all muslims see Islam as a religion of peace!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

2. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind all players in the conflict in Iraq: “Consume the potential for a civil war or a war between Christian and Muslim nations and replace it with the immaculate concept for God’s peace!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

3. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the hawkish factions of the United State’s government: “Consume all misuse of U.S. military power and replace it with the immaculate concept for God government in America!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

4. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the proliferation or use of nuclear weapons, including nuclear terrorism: “Consume the potential for the use of nuclear weapons and replace it with the immaculate concept that the atoms themselves refuse to kill people!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

5. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness of paranoia and fear behind the creation of nuclear weapons: “Consume the illusion of a false security and replace it with the immaculate concept for a planet without nuclear weapons!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

6. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness that is using terrorism to manipulate public opinion and undermine civil liberties in the West: “Consume all blind fear and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people believe every problem has a divine solution!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

7. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the military-industrial complex and all attempts to create wars for profit: “Consume the potential for a third world war and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people take a stand for the peace that is beyond understanding!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

8. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind all manipulation of the supply and price of oil: “Consume the potential for another war over oil and replace it with the immaculate concept for the emergence of energy sources that cannot be controlled by the power elite!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

9. In oneness with my I AM Presence, I command the Mother Light that makes up the consciousness behind the power elite seeking to use war to create a one-world government: “Consume the potential for the emergence of a centralized government that is anti-God and replace it with the immaculate concept that all people accept only God government!” I say to all people: “Wake up and accept that all life is One”

Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.

Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.

I take dominion over all karma and negative energy
By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I declare that I and my I AM Presence are one and that my God works hitherto and I work. I now envision myself seated under the waterfall of infinite light, streaming like a rushing, unstoppable force through my being. I hear and feel the all-conquering power of this light, and I accept that I am the open door for the Presence of Infinite Light to step through the veil on Earth. I use my conscious attention to direct this unstoppable force into the imperfect conditions of all returning karma and energy vortexes and transfigure them into the perfect vision of Christ.

1. Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
The violet flame is your own plan
to raise the Christ in every man.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.

Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

2. For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
With Jesus you now point the way
that brings the dawn of a new day.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.

Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

3. Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.
Where Freedom’s flame will reign supreme,
fulfilling Heavens highest dream.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.

Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

4. Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
From you above to us below,
we will maintain a constant flow.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.

Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

5. Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
her radiance will shine through space
awakening the I AM race.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.

Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

6. By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.
All darkness is replaced by light,
as all of cosmos shines so bright.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.

Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

7. Oh Saint Germain, we keep the flame
of freedom burning in your name,
until the Golden Age we see,
an age in which all life is free.

Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.

Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.

NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from dark spirits and dark energies.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from the lies of anti-christ.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from spiritual slavery under the forces of anti-christ.

I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting all people free from material slavery under the power elite.

I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel Michael binding the power elite on Earth.

And there IS light, now and forever. Amen.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. (3X) Amen.

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother of Light, Amen.

I affirm that I am sealed in the miracle light of the heart of Mother Mary. I accept and absorb the gratitude of Mother Mary and the gratitude of Heaven. I vow to BE here below, all that I am Above, and I declare my oneness with my I AM Presence, with the Ascended Host and with the Presence of Infinite Light. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Mother of Light, the Queen of Light, in the name of the Miracle Mother, I accept that I am sealed in the heart of Mother Mary, now and forever. I accept that all people are sealed in the heart of Mother Mary, now and forever. I accept that the Earth is sealed in the heart of Mother Mary, now and forever. Amen.


Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels