WINV44 Invoking a focus on reality

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In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ,  I call to my I AM Presence to flow through the I Will Be Presence that I AM and give these decrees with full power. I call to beloved Jesus, Maitreya, Gautama, and Sanat Kumara to help people overcome simplistic thinking and realign with the reality of Interdependent Originations, including… 

[Make personal calls]

Part 1

1. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that what is happening on earth is like a theater performance, it is a story acted out and it is not ultimately real.

O Jesus, blessed brother mine,
I walk the path that you outline,
a great example to us all,
I follow now your inner call.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

2. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that we are not human beings, but spiritual beings. We are here to experience the performance that is being outplayed on earth.

O Jesus, open inner sight,
the ego wants to prove it’s right,
but this I will no longer do,
I want to be all one with you.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

3. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that what is happening on the planet is real enough from a certain perspective, but we are not human beings, we are  spiritual beings, we are here to have an experience that can shift our consciousness.

O Jesus, I now clearly see,
the Key of Knowledge given me,
my Christ self I hereby embrace,
as you fill up my inner space.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

4. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that everything that is happening on earth is about shifting our consciousness.

O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,
expose the beam in my own eye,
as Christ discernment you me give,
in oneness I forever live.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

5. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that although we are living on planet earth, and although we have physical bodies that are affected by what is happening on this planet, we are not from earth.

O Jesus, I am truly meek,
and thus I turn the other cheek,
when the accuser attacks me,
I go within and merge with thee.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

6. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that we are not defined by earth, we are not defined by the physical octave and our physical bodies and outer minds. We are more than all of this.

O Jesus, ego I let die,
surrender ev’ry earthly tie,
the dead can bury what is dead,
I choose to walk with you instead.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

7. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see the essential humanity, our potential to go beyond our outer experiences.

O Jesus, help me rise above,
the devil’s test through higher love,
show me separate self unreal,
my formless self you do reveal.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

8. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that there is a part of our minds that empowers us to pause, to say “stop” to all the unruly thoughts and step back from the outer situation on earth.

O Jesus, what is that to me,
I just let go and follow thee,
with this I do pass ev’ry test,
to find with you eternal rest.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

9. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to step back from the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body and the identity body and connect to the essential humanity.

O Jesus, fiery master mine,
my heart now melting into thine,
I love with heart and mind and soul,
the God who is my highest goal.

O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,
consume the devil’s subtle ploy,
transfigured is our planet earth,
the golden age is given birth.

Part 2

1. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the essential humanity is that we can disconnect from all outer things and therefore, we can experience that we are more than the outer things, we are not defined by them.

Maitreya, I am truly meek,
your counsel wise I humbly seek,
your vision I so want to see,
with you in Eden I will be.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

2. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that there is a reality beyond the sense of reality we get through our four lower bodies, that is greater than the sense of reality we get through our four lower bodies.

Maitreya, help me to return,
to learn from you, I truly yearn,
as oneness is all I desire
I feel initiation’s fire.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

3. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that we are not defined by what we experience through our four lower bodies. We are defined by being who we are and connecting to that sense of “I AM.”

Maitreya, I hereby decide,
from you I will no longer hide,
expose to me the very lie
that caused edenic self to die.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

4. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the biggest challenge for the world is the economy, because the economy has been damaged by the pandemic.

Maitreya, blessed Guru mine,
my heart of hearts forever thine,
I vow that I will listen well,
so we can break the serpent’s spell.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

5. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the entire world is an interconnected whole where there are no separate causes but Interdependent Originations.

Maitreya, help me see the lie
whereby the serpent broke the tie,
the serpent now has naught in me,
in oneness I am truly free.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

6. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that there are no separate events that just happen out of the blue. Every event has a multiplicity of causes, a long, complicated sequence of causes.

Maitreya, truth does set me free
from falsehoods of duality,
the fruit of knowledge I let go,
so your true spirit I do know.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

7. Gautama Buddha, awaken the more progressive, creative people to realize this and begin to question the way we have looked at society so far.

Maitreya, I submit to you,
intentions pure, my heart is true,
from ego I am truly free,
as I am now all one with thee.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

8. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to question what caused the Corona pandemic. Was there just a single cause or was there something deeper? Was there certain conditions in society, in the way we look at society, that are part of the picture?

Maitreya, kindness is the key,
all shades of kindness teach to me,
for I am now the open door,
the Art of Kindness to restore.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

9. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to question: Does our response to the pandemic say something about those conditions that we might look at, analyze, learn from and change? Is there something positive we could take away from this pandemic that could help us move society in a better direction?

Maitreya, oh sweet mystery,
immersed in your reality,
the myst’ry school will now return,
for this, my heart does truly burn.

Maitreya, kindness is the cure,
in fires of kindness I am pure.
Maitreya, now release the fire,
that raises me forever higher.

Part 3

1. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to say: “The economy has taken a downturn, but was it only because of the pandemic or was there a multiplicity of causes?

Gautama, show my mental state
that does give rise to love and hate,
your exposé I do endure,
so my perception will be pure.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

2. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the economy is not an isolated phenomenon. The economy is part of the Interdependent Originations of society and of the collective consciousness.

Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,
the struggling self I now release,
the Buddha Nature I now see,
it is the core of you and me.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

3. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that if we look at the economy from a broader perspective, we see that the rich, the elite, did not become poorer during the pandemic.

Gautama, I am one with thee,
Mara’s demons do now flee,
your Presence like a soothing balm,
my mind and senses ever calm.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

4. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that despite the economic downturn, the rich have become richer. Their investments are worth more, the stock market has gone up.

Gautama, I now take the vow,
to live in the eternal now,
with you I do transcend all time,
to live in present so sublime.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

5. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the normal people are the ones most affected by the pandemic, either by being sick, by having other people that were sick, or by having to stay at home, losing money, losing their source of income.

Gautama, I have no desire,
to nothing earthly I aspire,
in non-attachment I now rest,
passing Mara’s subtle test.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

6. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the countries that have been most affected are the ones in which the collective consciousness is infused with the focus on oneself, the caring only about oneself, the caring only about one’s mental image and of holding that mental image.

Gautama, I melt into you,
my mind is one, no longer two,
immersed in your resplendent glow,
Nirvana is all that I know.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

7. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that China did not openly inform the world about the beginning of the pandemic because they were trying to uphold the mental image they have of China as the perfect state, the perfect communist society, the only remaining communist society.

Gautama, in your timeless space,
I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,
I know the God beyond all form,
to world I will no more conform.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

8. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the virus spread because of the mental image of the Chinese leadership. The virus appeared in China partly because of the leadership, but also because of the people of China, their mental image that China is superior to any other nation.

Gautama, I am now awake,
I clearly see what is at stake,
and thus I claim my sacred right
to be on earth the Buddhic Light.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

9. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that other nations also have a mental image of China and they have not decided what they want to do about China, how they want to relate to China.

Gautama, with your thunderbolt,
we give the earth a mighty jolt,
I know that some will understand,
and join the Buddha’s timeless band.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

Part 4

1. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to ask whether we can keep trading with a country like China that is suppressing its own people and not living up to the democratic ideals we have?

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I seek my place in love’s own choir,
with open hearts we sing your praise,
together we the earth do raise.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

2. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to ask whether we can allow the corporations in the Western world to continue making huge amounts of money on having cheap goods produced in China and selling them for a larger profit than they could do if they were manufactured in their own countries?

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
initiations I desire,
I am for you an electrode,
Shamballa is my true abode.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

3. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to ask whether we can allow this to go on and then overlook China’s human rights record; overlook what is happening in Hong Kong where they are clamping down on democracy?

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I follow path that you require,
initiate me with your love,
the open door for Holy Dove.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

4. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to question the attitude that we will not take a stand for democracy because China is too big. We do not really want to engage; we do not really want to make a decision concerning what to do about China.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
your great example all inspire,
with non-attachment and great mirth,
we give the earth a true rebirth.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

5. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the unwillingness to deal with issues is why the virus spread to all nations. They have not decided what they want to do about China and their relationship with China.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are this planet’s purifier,
consume on earth all spirits dark,
reveal the inner Spirit Spark.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

6. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the United States has done far worse than the countries that have a public health care system.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are a cosmic amplifier,
the lower forces can’t withstand,
vibrations from Venusian band.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

7. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to ask whether the United States can continue to be the only rich and powerful country that does not have a public health care system, and at the same time claim to be the greatest nation on earth and the best society to live in? Is it sustainable?

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I am on earth your magnifier,
the flow of love I do restore,
my chakras are your open door.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

8. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to ask whether it is sustainable that we have an economy where the rich are so much richer than the population?

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
Venusian song the multiplier,
as we your love reverberate,
the densest minds we penetrate.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

9. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the rich in the United States have made more money during the crisis than they would have done if there had not been a crisis. Can we allow such a completely unbalanced economy?

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are for all the sanctifier,
the earth is now a holy place,
purified by cosmic grace.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

Part 5

1. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to ask whether we can allow an economy that funnels more and more money to the rich, despite the fact that studies have proven that this has been going on for decades? Is this sustainable?

Gautama, show my mental state
that does give rise to love and hate,
your exposé I do endure,
so my perception will be pure.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

2. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to ask whether the unbalanced economy is part of why the United States has been so hard hit by the pandemic? Does it not show that the system is unbalanced towards the rich? Is this sustainable?

Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,
the struggling self I now release,
the Buddha Nature I now see,
it is the core of you and me.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

3. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that Russia is another nation that is very determined to maintain a certain mental image, so that the number of people who have died from the pandemic is far greater than the official numbers.

Gautama, I am one with thee,
Mara’s demons do now flee,
your Presence like a soothing balm,
my mind and senses ever calm.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

4. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the Russian leadership, going all the way up to Putin, are desperate to maintain a mental image of Russia’s greatness.

Gautama, I now take the vow,
to live in the eternal now,
with you I do transcend all time,
to live in present so sublime.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

5. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the Russian leadership want to maintain the image that they are in control and that they can take care of any problem.

Gautama, I have no desire,
to nothing earthly I aspire,
in non-attachment I now rest,
passing Mara’s subtle test.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

6. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that a leader who has all power cannot take care of any problem. This shows that a centralized system based on a concentration and power is not a sustainable society, especially not in this age.

Gautama, I melt into you,
my mind is one, no longer two,
immersed in your resplendent glow,
Nirvana is all that I know.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

7. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that President Trump chose to downplay the pandemic because he wanted to maintain a mental image of himself and his ability to govern.

Gautama, in your timeless space,
I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,
I know the God beyond all form,
to world I will no more conform.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

8. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that once he had put that image out there, he was not willing to change it, even though the pandemic did not go the way he expected.

Gautama, I am now awake,
I clearly see what is at stake,
and thus I claim my sacred right
to be on earth the Buddhic Light.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

9. Gautama Buddha, awaken governments and creative people to reflect on what our reaction to the pandemic, our reaction to the economy, says about us.

Gautama, with your thunderbolt,
we give the earth a mighty jolt,
I know that some will understand,
and join the Buddha’s timeless band.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

Part 6

1. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see how we need to change, how we are unbalanced, how our society is not sustainable.

Gautama, show my mental state
that does give rise to love and hate,
your exposé I do endure,
so my perception will be pure.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

2. Gautama Buddha, I invoke your thoughtform and affirm: “Gautama Buddha, you are the perfect mirror for earth.”

Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,
the struggling self I now release,
the Buddha Nature I now see,
it is the core of you and me.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

3. Gautama Buddha, awaken societies to reflect upon the entire situation and what can be learned from it.

Gautama, I am one with thee,
Mara’s demons do now flee,
your Presence like a soothing balm,
my mind and senses ever calm.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

4. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the earth is a performance, and the purpose of it is to shift people’s consciousness.

Gautama, I now take the vow,
to live in the eternal now,
with you I do transcend all time,
to live in present so sublime.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

5. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that the highest outcome of the corona pandemic and the economic crisis is that it shifts people’s consciousness, it shifts their awareness.

Gautama, I have no desire,
to nothing earthly I aspire,
in non-attachment I now rest,
passing Mara’s subtle test.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

6. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to look at themselves, look at their societies and say: “Here is what we can change. Here is where we need to change, otherwise things will fall apart.”

Gautama, I melt into you,
my mind is one, no longer two,
immersed in your resplendent glow,
Nirvana is all that I know.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

7. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to focus on wealth and see that it is no longer sustainable to allow a small elite to continue to run society in such a way that it only benefits the elite at the cost of the people.

Gautama, in your timeless space,
I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,
I know the God beyond all form,
to world I will no more conform.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

8. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that there is an absolute and urgent need to create societies that are balanced so that the elite cannot exploit the people. This is more urgent than the climate crisis, or the pandemic, the economic crisis or any other crisis.

Gautama, I am now awake,
I clearly see what is at stake,
and thus I claim my sacred right
to be on earth the Buddhic Light.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

9. Gautama Buddha, awaken people to see that this is the real crisis, the only crisis on earth, and that more and more societies are ready to do something about it, creating balanced societies that are sustainable and able to move towards the Golden Age of Saint Germain.

Gautama, with your thunderbolt,
we give the earth a mighty jolt,
I know that some will understand,
and join the Buddha’s timeless band.

Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.

Gautama Buddha, you are the perfect mirror for earth. 9X or 33X


In the name of the Divine Mother, I fully accept that the power of these calls is used to set free the Ma-ter light, so it can outpicture the perfect vision of Christ for my own life, for all people and for the planet. In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.


Copyright © 2021 by Kim Michaels