Invoking the judgment of the fallen beings who oppose the Golden Age

PDF FILE:  Invoking the judgment of the fallen beings who oppose the Golden Age (in CIS)

In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ,  I call to my I AM Presence to flow through the I Will Be Presence that I AM and give these decrees with full power. I call to Sanat Kumara to manifest your Presence in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and all other CIS countries and bring the judgment of the fallen beings who oppose the Golden Age, including… 

[Make personal calls]

Part 1

1. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who are standing in the way of the manifestation of the Golden Age on a planetary basis.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I seek my place in love’s own choir,
with open hearts we sing your praise,
together we the earth do raise.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

2. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who have an agenda to prove God wrong by getting human beings on earth to destroy each other.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
initiations I desire,
I am for you an electrode,
Shamballa is my true abode.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

3. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who exist in the lower identity realm and are supported by fallen beings in the mental, emotional and physical realm.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I follow path that you require,
initiate me with your love,
the open door for Holy Dove.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

4. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in the identity realm who have avoided taking embodiment out of fear of being in a physical body and not being able to escape the consequences of what they have set in motion themselves.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
your great example all inspire,
with non-attachment and great mirth,
we give the earth a true rebirth.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

5. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who have absolutely no respect for human beings and consider us to be far below them, to be far inferior to themselves.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are this planet’s purifier,
consume on earth all spirits dark,
reveal the inner Spirit Spark.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

6. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who consider themselves to be in a fundamental way different from human beings and who have absolutely no sympathy, compassion, kinship or respect for human beings.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are a cosmic amplifier,
the lower forces can’t withstand,
vibrations from Venusian band.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

7. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who believe they have an absolute right to manipulate human beings and to treat them as things, as robots, as mechanical beings, who can be manipulated and controlled at their whim.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I am on earth your magnifier,
the flow of love I do restore,
my chakras are your open door.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

8. Sanat Kumara, help people choose not to be influenced, manipulated, controlled and deceived by these fallen beings so that we become unwitting tools for their agenda of destruction.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
Venusian song the multiplier,
as we your love reverberate,
the densest minds we penetrate.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

9. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who are in embodiment and are directed as robots by the fallen beings in the identity realm.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are for all the sanctifier,
the earth is now a holy place,
purified by cosmic grace.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

Part 2

1. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in the identity realm who used the fallen beings in embodiment to create specific scenarios that created such suffering among human beings that people eventually became open to the influence of the fallen beings in the identity realm.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I seek my place in love’s own choir,
with open hearts we sing your praise,
together we the earth do raise.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

2. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who have created a state of collective insanity so that groups of people use all of their resources in an all-out effort to destroy whom they see as the enemy.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
initiations I desire,
I am for you an electrode,
Shamballa is my true abode.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

3. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in embodiment who act upon and spread the consciousness of superiority.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I follow path that you require,
initiate me with your love,
the open door for Holy Dove.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

4. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in embodiment who feel superior to human beings and therefore it is very easy for them to act out on this concept of superiority.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
your great example all inspire,
with non-attachment and great mirth,
we give the earth a true rebirth.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

5. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in the identity realm who are the masters that are directing the marionettes and making the fallen beings in embodiment do their bidding.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are this planet’s purifier,
consume on earth all spirits dark,
reveal the inner Spirit Spark.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

6. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in embodiment who have managed to set themselves up as leaders of various societies and have spread the idea that their society was or is superior to others.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are a cosmic amplifier,
the lower forces can’t withstand,
vibrations from Venusian band.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

7. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who thought they were acting based on some higher authority because the fallen beings in the identity realm had managed to make the embodied fallen beings believe that they were directed by some Divine authority.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I am on earth your magnifier,
the flow of love I do restore,
my chakras are your open door.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

8. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in the identity realm who cause two groups of fallen being in embodiment to fight each other, pulling people into this senseless warfare. 

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
Venusian song the multiplier,
as we your love reverberate,
the densest minds we penetrate.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

9. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who create a polarization between two opposing sides by using the belief in superiority and inferiority.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are for all the sanctifier,
the earth is now a holy place,
purified by cosmic grace.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

Part 3

1. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who have created conflict and strife and who have created hierarchical societies that have had the purpose of putting the majority of the population down so that they would come to feel inferior.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I seek my place in love’s own choir,
with open hearts we sing your praise,
together we the earth do raise.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

2. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who first create an unbalanced situation that makes most people feel inferior, and then offer select human beings a way out of it.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
initiations I desire,
I am for you an electrode,
Shamballa is my true abode.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

3. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who see themselves as superior and feel they have to spread their religion or political ideology to the entire planet.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I follow path that you require,
initiate me with your love,
the open door for Holy Dove.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

4. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who believe that in order to establish their superiority and spread their idea to the entire earth, another group that is their enemy must first be destroyed.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
your great example all inspire,
with non-attachment and great mirth,
we give the earth a true rebirth.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

5. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who create complete and utter fanaticism on both sides of the conflict and thus override the instinct not to kill your fellow man.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are this planet’s purifier,
consume on earth all spirits dark,
reveal the inner Spirit Spark.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

6. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who cause people to enter fanaticism by denying the humanity of their enemies and also denying that they are or have been in a fanatical state of mind.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are a cosmic amplifier,
the lower forces can’t withstand,
vibrations from Venusian band.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

7. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who seek to get people to deny that in an all-out war, there is fanaticism on both sides. Therefore, those who fought the nazis or the communists were also in a fanatical state of mind.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I am on earth your magnifier,
the flow of love I do restore,
my chakras are your open door.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

8. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who are left in the identity realm and who are attempting to manipulate human beings by creating divisions.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
Venusian song the multiplier,
as we your love reverberate,
the densest minds we penetrate.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

9. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings in the identity realm who have manipulated fallen beings in embodiment into thinking that the only way to avoid a future all-out confrontation is to accept that you have divisions between communism and capitalism.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are for all the sanctifier,
the earth is now a holy place,
purified by cosmic grace.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

Part 4

1. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who divided the world after the second world war, namely Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I seek my place in love’s own choir,
with open hearts we sing your praise,
together we the earth do raise.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

2. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the people who will not acknowledge that this division was a product of the fallen consciousness and who therefore cannot escape the manipulation of the fallen beings.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
initiations I desire,
I am for you an electrode,
Shamballa is my true abode.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

3. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who created the division between Capitalism and Communism in order to maintain the state of polarity between two opposing sides.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I follow path that you require,
initiate me with your love,
the open door for Holy Dove.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

4. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who were hoping that they could inflate this conflict to a point where fanaticism on both sides had become so strong that the need to destroy the enemy caused people to set aside the consequences.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
your great example all inspire,
with non-attachment and great mirth,
we give the earth a true rebirth.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

5. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who created the division of the world between the Communist sphere and a so-called “free-world” and who have used it to create and uphold the division into the countries of communism and the countries of capitalism.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are this planet’s purifier,
consume on earth all spirits dark,
reveal the inner Spirit Spark.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

6. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who are creating these divisions based on superiority, fanaticism and the belief that one needs to destroy the enemy regardless of the consequences.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are a cosmic amplifier,
the lower forces can’t withstand,
vibrations from Venusian band.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

7. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who create fanaticism in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries, both among the people and among the leadership.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I am on earth your magnifier,
the flow of love I do restore,
my chakras are your open door.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

8. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the people in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries, who believe that in order for them to survive, they must fight for their survival regardless of the consequences.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
Venusian song the multiplier,
as we your love reverberate,
the densest minds we penetrate.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

9. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the people in Russia who  are in such a state of denial that they think they could wage a nuclear war and still survive as a nation and still maintain their grip on the nation.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are for all the sanctifier,
the earth is now a holy place,
purified by cosmic grace.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

Part 5

1. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the people who are in such a state of denial, such a state of fanaticism, that they will not acknowledge that Russia cannot stand against the entire world and that they would indeed be against the entire world if they used nuclear weapons.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I seek my place in love’s own choir,
with open hearts we sing your praise,
together we the earth do raise.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

2. Sanat Kumara, I call forth the binding of the fallen beings in embodiment who have this state of consciousness.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
initiations I desire,
I am for you an electrode,
Shamballa is my true abode.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

3. Sanat Kumara, I call forth the binding of the fallen beings in the emotional realm who are encouraging people to kill regardless of the consequences.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I follow path that you require,
initiate me with your love,
the open door for Holy Dove.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

4. Sanat Kumara, I call forth the binding of the fallen beings in the mental realm who are using sophisticated mental theories to make people believe in their scenarios and thereby go into denial.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
your great example all inspire,
with non-attachment and great mirth,
we give the earth a true rebirth.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

5. Sanat Kumara, I call forth the judgment and the binding of the fallen beings in the identity realm who are behind this entire scenario.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are this planet’s purifier,
consume on earth all spirits dark,
reveal the inner Spirit Spark.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

6. Sanat Kumara, I ratify the judgment you have pronounced upon the fallen beings in the identity realm, in the mental realm, in the emotional realm and in physical embodiment who are behind this attempt to create a state of fanaticism that leads to the desire and the actions to destroy an enemy regardless of the consequences for oneself, for the enemy, for humanity or for the planet as a whole.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are a cosmic amplifier,
the lower forces can’t withstand,
vibrations from Venusian band.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

7. Sanat Kumara, I ratify and affirm your judgment, and I anchor it in the physical octave so that it is a manifest reality in all four octaves.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
I am on earth your magnifier,
the flow of love I do restore,
my chakras are your open door.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

8. Sanat Kumara, I call for you and the ascended masters to clear away these fallen beings from this planet and help us overcome this major block to the manifestation of a Golden Age where fanaticism based on inferiority and superiority is no more on earth.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
Venusian song the multiplier,
as we your love reverberate,
the densest minds we penetrate.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way,
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.

9. Sanat Kumara, I call forth your judgment of the fallen beings who use the fanatical mindset to get people to refuse the abundant life that God and the ascended masters want to give us. Help people accept the abundant life and co-create an age of peace, progress and prosperity.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Fire,
you are for all the sanctifier,
the earth is now a holy place,
purified by cosmic grace.

Sanat Kumara, Ruby Ray,
bring to earth a higher way
light this planet with your fire,
clothe her in a new attire.


In the name of the Divine Mother, I fully accept that the power of these calls is used to set free the Ma-ter light, so it can outpicture the perfect vision of Christ for my own life, for all people and for the planet. In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.

Copyright © 2022 by Kim Michaels