INV16: Loving the Divine Mother – Part 1

This invocation is part of a set of four invocations that are extremely powerful in terms of helping you overcome your old sense of identity as well as old thought patterns and mental images. They are specifically released in order to help us overcome all hatred of the Mother and make peace with the fact that we are in embodiment on this planet. 

Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.

Open a pdf file: INV16LovingMotherI

NOTE: This invocation is part of a set of four invocations. Give Part 1 one day, Part 2 the next day and so on. After giving Part 4, go back to Part 1 and continue this cycle.


In the name of the ever-changing, ever-self-transcending Divine Father, I call to my I AM Presence to help me fully accept and embrace that I exist. Help me experience and accept myself as the pure awareness that is an individualized extension of my Creator. Help me fully embrace myself as a co-creator who is not limited by anything in the world of form. I call for this invocation to be multiplied by the entire Ascended Host, and then extended as an opportunity to all people on Earth. In accordance with the vision of Christ, I call for the resolution of the following conditions:

[Mention specific conditions.]

God is Alpha and Omega
God is Father, God is Mother,
through the Son, one with each other.

Oh separation is the lie,
the ego is the unseen tie.
Conditions are the subtle tools
to trap the unsuspecting fools.

All ownership a prison wall,
and thus we rise to heed the call.
Transcendence is the Master Key,
becoming MORE is liberty.

Surrender is abundant life,
surrender overcomes all strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
fulfilling Heaven’s highest dream.

Christ vision keeps us on our course,
remembering our common Source.
In balance we will always grow,
remaining in the Sacred Flow.

We see the ONE beyond all form,
as oneness is the only norm.
Residing in the Sacred Space,
enveloped in Eternal Grace.

God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other.

1. For millennia, countless people have seen life as a riddle, a mystery an enigma. Yet the enigma could be transcended, by contemplating one simple statement: “God is.”

Refrain 1
Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

2. The mind does not easily accept this statement, because it considers it incomplete. It desperately grapples to put something after “God is…”

Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

3. The mind wants to describe what God is; it wants to attach measurable and definable characteristics to God.

Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

4. The mind wants to turn God into an object; it wants to objectify the infinite, the immeasurable, the indescribable, the ineffable.

Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

5. The mind desperately wants to force God into its mental box, where it feels it has God under control.

Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

6. The mind is addicted to the illusory sense of control, which it gains by seeing anything as an object, that can be studied from a distance.

Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

7. Studying an object that is seen as different from the mind itself, means that the mind is not actually experiencing the totality of the object. It is not experiencing itself as one with the object.

Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

8. From a distance, the mind sees only a mental image, an image that is created inside the mind.

Infinite Spirit, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Spirit, I set free,
all gods that have
affected me.

Infinite Spirit, now I see,
you are not a god;
you are me.

1. The beginning of wisdom is to realize that there is a difference, between experiencing reality and perceiving through the filter of a mental image.

Refrain 2
Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

2. When the mind conceives of everything as separate objects, the mind does not have direct and pure perception of reality. Perception is based on a mental image, defined by the mind, and then projected unto what the mind has turned into a separate object.

Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

3. Thus, the mind experiences everything through impure perception, which can never give a full experience of life.

Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

4. Pure perception comes only when there is no subject and object, because the subject has dared to dissolve its sense of separateness, and come into oneness with reality.

Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

5. The most basic truth is this: God is. The true God is the source of all form, and as such is completely beyond form.

Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

6. God can never be described by any of the characteristics found in this world of form. Thus, God can never be known as long as the mind sees God as an object, that it can fit into a mental image.

Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

7. The mind thinks it can imprison God in a mental image. Yet the mind only imprisons you.

Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

8. The beginning of wisdom is the dawning realization, that there is a distinction between the mind and you. The wise ones are those who have fathomed: “I am not the mind; I am more than the mind.”

Infinite Wisdom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Wisdom, I set free,
all ideas that have
affected me.

Infinite Wisdom, now I see,
you are not an idea;
you are me.

1. The continuation of wisdom is to see the distinction between true love – unconditional, infinite, indescribable love – and conditional love.

Refrain 3
Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

2. False love is the love of the separate mind, which has divided the one reality into separate objects, and now distinguishes between objects it loves and objects it hates.

Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

3. This is a conditional love, which claims to love that which it can seemingly control, and hates that which it cannot control.

Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

4. Conditional love gives rise to the desire to control, the desire to own. Yet what is not seen is, that only a separate – objectified – mind can own separate objects.

Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

5. This objectified mind quickly develops a desire to own other people, which causes it to struggle against the most fundamental law of the universe, the Law of Free Will.

Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

6. Although the mind can attain the illusory sense of ownership, the objectified mind cannot maintain it for long.

Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

7. The sense of ownership must of necessity become a closed system, as the serpent swallowing its own tail.

Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

8. Any closed system will be broken down by the force of life itself, for this is the only way to preserve the free will of all, including you.

Infinite Love, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Love, I set free,
all fears that have
affected me.

Infinite Love, now I see,
you are not a condition;
you are me.

1. True love is attained only by transcending the desire, to manipulate and control separate objects.

Refrain 4
Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

2. You must recognize that beyond the separate mind, there is a deeper longing for true love.

Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

3. This love for that which is beyond the world of separate objects, is the only factor that can accelerate you beyond the illusion, that you are a separate self who owns separate objects.

Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

4. Only such acceleration is the key to freedom, for when you see yourself as a separate self that owns separate objects, you will be owned by the objects and the sense of ownership itself.

Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

5. Thus, comes a moment of truth, where one must ask: “What is the mind that wants to relate to everything as a separate object?”

Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

6. Contemplating this leads to the realization, that the mind that sees everything in terms of separate objects is itself a separate object.

Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

7. Yet in identifying this separate mind as an object, an inescapable question arises: “What is it that can identify the mind as a separate object?”

Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

8. “Am I the mind that is a separate object, or am I more than this separate mind?”

Infinite Purity, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Purity, I set free,
all values that have
affected me.

Infinite Purity, now I see,
you are not a value;
you are me.

1. The beginning of knowing truth is the realization, that the self is more than the separate mind. For otherwise, how could the self identify the mind as something separate from itself?

Refrain 5
Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

2. This now leads to the contemplation of what the self truly is. If the self is more than the separate mind, how can the self be conceived?

Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

3. Beginners on the path will attempt to describe or conceive of the self, by using the mental images of the separate mind. They will attempt to turn the self into an object, that can be studied and “understood” from a distance.

Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

4. Yet it is only the separate mind that can study objects at a distance. So if the self is more than the separate mind, then it follows that the self cannot be understood, as long as one attempts to see it as an object.

Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

5. This leads to the knowledge of truth. The self can never be understood by the separate mind, because the self is not an object. The self is pure awareness and has no objectifiable characteristics.

Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

6. The separate mind reels at this realization, and will invent all kinds of desperate arguments in order to reject it.

Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

7. A wise student realizes, that this is the separate mind’s desperate attempts, to keep itself relevant by maintaining the illusion that everything can be objectified.

Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

8. And truly, every “thing” can be objectified, but the truth is that the self is not a thing, and thus can never be objectified. The self can never understand itself, but the self can experience itself as pure awareness.

Infinite Truth, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Truth, I set free,
all images that have
affected me.

Infinite Truth, now I see,
you are not an image;
you are me.

1. The self is born out of the desire to experience. It is born from the Creator’s desire to experience its creation from the inside.

Refrain 6
Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

2. Thus, the Creator extends itself as a localized self, that is sent into the world of form, to experience being a part of this world of parts.

Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

3. Yet the fact that the self is a part in a world of parts, does not necessitate, that the self sees itself as being apart from its source.

Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

4. In truth, nothing is separated from its source, for no part is set apart from the whole. All is part of the one great symphony of creation.

Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

5. By its nature, the self is given the ability to experience the whole from a localized vantage point. Yet seeing the whole from a localized vantage point, is still seeing that all parts are unified in the whole.

Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

6. In order to give the self the ability to truly appreciate the wonder, that all parts of the whole are expressions of the one underlying reality, the self is also given the ability to experience the parts as being separate.

Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

7. This experience cannot be attained, while the self perceives the world, through the pure perception of its original state.

Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

8. So for the self who desires to have this experience, it is necessary to define a filter, through which the world is perceived. And this act inevitably creates a separate mind.

Infinite Peace, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Peace, I set free,
all desires that have
affected me.

Infinite Peace, now I see,
you are not a desire;
you are me.

1. Once the separate mind is born, it begins to see every part of the world as a separate object. Thus, the separate mind sees even the self as a separate object.

Refrain 7
Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

2. The self created the separate mind, in order to experience the world as a compilation of separate objects, rather than a unified whole springing from one source.

Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

3. Thus, when the self experiences the world through the filter of the separate mind, it experiences itself as an object, separated from its source and from all other parts of the whole.

Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

4. At first, this seems like a great liberation to the self. For it now sees itself as a separate being, who can experience pain and pleasure independently of anything outside its “self.” It has the sense that it can do anything it desires, according to its own standard.

Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

5. What the self does not see is, that this experience of “liberation” comes with a price. For what the self has through the separate mind, is a conditional experience.

Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

6. The self is no longer free to choose its own state of mind, its own life experience, independently of conditions in the world of form.

Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

7. Instead, the self is now imprisoned behind a veil of illusion, thinking it has to react and experience, according to the conditions defined by the separate mind.

Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

8. Thus, only when external conditions are as defined by this standard, can the self feel happy. When conditions are not as defined, the self is bound to feel unhappy, and no longer at peace with itself or the world.

Infinite Freedom, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Freedom, I set free,
all feelings that have
affected me.

Infinite Freedom, now I see,
you are not a feeling;
you are me.

1. The conditional experience defined by the separate mind, leads to an inevitable struggle, in which the self must now struggle against the world of separate objects.

Refrain 8
Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

2. The self is bound on a treadmill of seeking to manipulate separate objects, by projecting its mental images upon everything outside itself, seeking to use its mental powers, to make every object conform to its mental image.

Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

3. The world has certain objects that follow laws, defined by beings with greater co-creative powers than the self. These “laws of nature” will never conform, to the standard created by the separate mind.

Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

4. The world has certain objects, that are also individualized selves with free will. And when these selves also see themselves as separate beings, they will not readily conform, to the standard of what they see as an external self.

Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

5. Thus, what the self experiences through the separate mind, will be an ongoing struggle. It can never be anything but a struggle, for the world will not readily conform, to the mental image created by the separate mind.

Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

6. Of course, the separate mind will never realize this. It is created to see everything as separate, so it sees the struggle, as being both stimulating and having some ultimate meaning.

Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

7. The separate mind believes that the struggle has meaning, even that it has an ultimate outcome. It believes that if it only finds the secret formula, then the entire world of objects, will indeed conform to its mental image.

Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

8. The separate mind will never see, that this is an impossible quest. If the separate mind were to see the impossibility of its quest, it would see its own unreality, and thus it would instantly dissolve.

Infinite Father, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Father, I set free,
all struggles that have
affected me.

Infinite Father, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

1. The human enigma is simple. As long as the self identifies itself with, and perceives the world through, the separate mind, it will inevitably see itself as being in a struggle, against the world in which it finds itself.

Refrain 9
Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

2. Yet when the self identifies itself as a separate self, the struggle will inevitably give rise to frustration. It will seem to the self, as if the very world in which it lives, is opposing its efforts to attain peace of mind.

Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

3. The self can see only one way to attain this peace, namely to force the world to conform to its mental image. And given that the world will not conform, the self begins to feel anger, even hatred towards the world.

Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

4. The self is an expression of the Father aspect of the Creator, sent into the world of the Mother aspect. Thus, when the self realizes that the world will not conform, it begins to feel a sense of hatred towards the Mother element.

Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

5. Hating the very world that gives the self nurturance, puts the self in a catch-22. For now it cannot see through the illusions, created by the separate mind. Everything in the world seems to confirm the basic illusion, that every thing is separate.

Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

6. The only way to peace, is through overcoming the illusion of separation, and returning to oneness with the Father. Yet because the self is in the world of the Mother, it cannot attain direct oneness with the Father. It attains oneness only, when it no longer sees the Mother element as separated from the Father element.

Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

7. Thus, the self must come into oneness with the Mother, before it can attain oneness with the Father. This cannot be achieved as long as the self hates the Mother, for the self seeks to run away from what it hates. Thus, hatred of the Mother can never lead to oneness with the Father.

Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

8. The self must find a way to see beyond the mental image, that it is a separate self, existing in a world of separate objects. The self must stop seeing itself as a self. It must return to a state of pure awareness, in which it experiences that the Mother is an expression of the Father. Thus, the self attains oneness with the Father through oneness with the Mother.

Infinite Mother, I am free
in feeling you
flow through me.

Infinite Mother, I set free,
all hatred that has
affected me.

Infinite Mother, now I see,
you are not an object;
you are me.

God is Alpha and Omega
God is Father, God is Mother,
through the Son, one with each other.

Oh separation is the lie,
the ego is the unseen tie.
Conditions are the subtle tools
to trap the unsuspecting fools.

All ownership a prison wall,
and thus we rise to heed the call.
Transcendence is the Master Key,
becoming MORE is liberty.

Surrender is abundant life,
surrender overcomes all strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
fulfilling Heaven’s highest dream.

Christ vision keeps us on our course,
remembering our common Source.
In balance we will always grow,
remaining in the Sacred Flow.

We see the ONE beyond all form,
as oneness is the only norm.
Residing in the Sacred Space,
enveloped in Eternal Grace.

God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other.

OM MANI PADME HUM (9X, 33X or 144X)

Beloved Spiritual Father and beloved Spiritual Mother, I declare that I am willing to transcend all fear of the Father and all hatred of the Mother. Thus, I surrender anything within my outer mind and energy field that is a focal point for the forces of fear and the forces of hatred. I call to Archangel Michael to seal me from all energies of fear and hatred. I call to Jesus Christ to help me see through all illusions of separation and duality. I call to Mother Mary to help me open my heart to receive and accept the full nurturance of the Mother.

I accept that I am sealed in the infinite love of my Creator and the nurturing love of the Mother of God. Beloved Mother Mary, I am willing to fully accept that I am living in the Mother, and that no thing in the Mother can separate me from my Father. I am willing to come into oneness with you, and in that oneness find peace from the struggle against the Mother and the fear of the Father. Thus, in oneness with Mother, I am free to be the Living Spirit in this world.


Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels


Loving the Divine Mother – Part 2