3rd Ray, Affirmations of Unconditional Love

3.61 Oh Mother Mary, help me overcome all limitations

Oh Mother Mary, I affirm to you that I am serious about winning my victory and my ascension in the light, and I realize that in order to win my victory I must follow the call of Jesus. Therefore, I am willing to lose my life, meaning my mortal sense of identity, to find the immortal life of the Christ consciousness.

Help me tune in to, reconnect to and realign myself with the basic force behind all creation, the Presence of Unconditional Love that drives even God to become more.

Help me overcome all limitations and all imperfections in this world and rise above the limited, imperfect sense of identity as a mortal human being, as a sinner who is forever condemned to be separated from my God.

Help me never allow myself to stand still, to become trapped in and attached to any limited sense of identity, any limited sense of life.

3.62 Oh Mother Mary, I surrender all anti-love

Oh Mother Mary, I am willing to let the unstoppable force of God, the unconditional love of God that drives all life to become more, consume my limited sense of identity and tear down the Tower of Babel that has become a prison wall around my soul.

I accept that God loves me with a love that is all-consuming, and therefore it consumes all anti-love. I hereby surrender all attachments to a limited, imperfect self image, which is the essence of anti-love in my being. I accept that I am truly a son/daughter of the most high God, and that I have the potential to become all that God is.

I accept that I was created by God to be an extension of itself and to go into the world of form to help the entire world of form become conscious of the fact that it is created by God and that it has the potential to self-transcend and become all that God is.

I accept that because I was created with a divine potential, and because I volunteered to descend to planet Earth for this eternal mission, I cannot allow myself to stand still in a sense of identity that was built from the imperfect images and beliefs found in this world. Therefore, I leave behind the lies of the serpents who deliberately chose to rebel against God’s beautiful plan for this magnificent universe. Instead, I align myself with God’s eternal purpose to create a universe of unlimited beauty through constant self-transcendence.

3.63 Oh Mother Mary, help me remember my first love 

Oh Mother Mary, help me remember that before my soul came into this world, I made a choice to come here. Help me remember the moment when my I AM Presence stood before God, as God made the call for those who were willing to descend into God’s latest creation, the material universe itself, and help it become a self-aware universe that could start the spiral of self-transcendence leading to full God consciousness.

Help me remember how I stood there in that central hall before the throne of God and looked out over the vastness of this beautiful universe with its multitudes of galaxies and solar systems and planets. Help me remember that I saw plain as day the fact that someone had to descend into that universe to start the spiral, the ascending spiral of self-awareness, that would lead the entire universe to become self-conscious and to become conscious of the self as God.

Help me remember how my I AM Presence looked upon this vast universe and felt the unconditional love of God, the drive for self-transcendence, well up from the very center of my being. Help me remember how I looked at God and said, “Here I am Lord, send me! I will go and bring your unconditional love into this universe until all becomes an expression of that unconditional love.”

3.64 Oh Mother Mary, help me take full responsibility for my life

Oh Mother Mary, help me understand that all of my suffering, all of my pain, all of my limitations are due to the fact that I have forgotten my first love, the original love of my I AM Presence from which my very soul was born.

Help me understand that my soul was born out of the unconditional love of my I AM Presence that gave my Presence the drive to become more than it is, more than I am. And as a result of that drive to become more, I created my soul and descended into the material universe unto planet Earth itself. I came here to help raise the Earth to become Freedom’s Star, to become a sun in its own right that will radiate light to an entire galaxy.

Help me understand that over many lifetimes in the dense energies of this planet, I forgot the original desire, the original love of my Presence, and I gradually accepted a limited sense of identity as a mortal human being who is trapped on this planet.

Help me understand that there is an ongoingness to who I am as a self-conscious being who is part of the grand plan of my God.


Copyright © by Kim Michaels, 2012