Invoke your true spiritual independence and overcome the many subtle beliefs that bind you to the ego and the sense of struggle. Clears your physical body and help bring your higher vision into manifestation.
Recording: The best way to learn how to give a rosary is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.
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In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.
(Insert personal prayer here)
I honor the Mother of Independence
Beloved Mother Mary, beloved Mother of Independence, beloved Mother of Liberty, I will to be truly independent, to be truly free. I recognize that true freedom can be achieved only by knowing the truth that will set me free. Therefore, I call to you and I declare that I am willing to know the truth of how my ego and the forces of this world have enslaved my soul. I am willing to have every aspect of my ego exposed, because I know that my ego is not my true identity. I know that letting go of my ego will not mean the loss of my individuality. It will mean the regaining of my spiritual identity that makes me independent of everything outside my true Self. I now see that I can find independence only in God’s kingdom within me.
If the exposure of my ego should cause me some pain, then I welcome it. I am willing to endure this temporary discomfort in order to win the greater freedom of walking through life as a God-free, spiritual Being who is independent of the ego and the forces of this world. Thus I ask you and my Christ self to expose my ego, so that I can see it for what it is and thereby gain the freedom to separate myself from it. I vow to seek first the kingdom of God as the complete oneness with my I AM Presence. I vow to let go of all ego-illusions so that the prince of this world has nothing in me. I will stop seeking to justify or confirm the mental images that my ego projects upon reality. Instead, I seek Christ truth and I am willing to be free.
In overcoming the ego, I am willing to fulfill my rightful role as a co-creator with God, sent into this world to bring God’s kingdom to Earth. I am willing to multiply the talents given to me by God and take dominion over the Earth. I am willing to let the Spirit of the Lord God, my own I AM Presence, come upon me and anoint me to preach good tidings unto the meek; to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.
I am willing to honor the Mother flame by being the instrument for freeing all children of God from captivity. I am willing to honor the Mother by being the instrument for freeing the Ma-ter light from all imperfect images and restoring it to the purity of God’s kingdom.
I claim my spiritual independence
1. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that God is my source. Without God was not anything made that was made. Everything is made from God’s Being, God’s substance, God’s Light. I too am made from God’s Light, and thus I am a Spirit Spark, an individualization of the fire of God. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
2. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that my core identity is my I AM Presence, which is an individualization of a specific God Flame. I call forth the full, conscious awareness of my God Flame, the divine individuality anchored in my I AM Presence and the divine plan for my sojourn on Earth. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
3. When God said, “Let there be light!,” he created the eternal Sun of Being, which is my source, my sustainer and my deliverer. My God is a consuming fire, a fire that consumes all unlike itself. I know that God’s fire can deliver me from all limitations. The key to my spiritual and material independence is to let God’s fire consume all that is unreal in my being. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
4. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that I am willing to leave behind all sense of identity that stands in the way of my being who I truly am. I will seek first the kingdom of God, which is oneness with my I AM Presence. God’s fire consumes only what is unreal and multiplies what is real. I do not fear God’s fire and I am willing to see my God and no longer live as a human being. I am willing to live as the spiritual Being that I truly am. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
5. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that my God is a loving God. God’s love consumes all that is anti-love, all that keeps me trapped in a false sense of identity. God’s all-consuming love sets me free to be who I truly am. I will to be free, and I lovingly say, “Oh Lord, oh mighty I AM Presence within me, be it unto me according to your higher will and vision.” I call forth the fire of my God Flame to consume all unlike itself in my identity body. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
6. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that the core of my true identity is my God Flame. My God Flame has an Alpha aspect, which is the flame that ignited my individual Spirit Spark. My God Flame has an Omega aspect, which is the fire of God that I bring as a gift to this world. When I let the Light of my God Flame shine before men, I am the Light of the world. I am willing to be one with the Light that lights every soul that comes into the world, and I call forth full knowledge of my God Flame. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
7. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that part of my purpose for coming into this world is to demonstrate the path of overcoming human limitations. I give up the idea that my life should live up to the expectations of my ego or other people. I see every situation as an opportunity to demonstrate my oneness with my I AM Presence and my willingness to overcome the ego and outer limitations. I let go of all attachments and expectations, and I am willing to lose my mortal life to win the immortal life of oneness with my I AM Presence. I see my life as a glorious opportunity for self-transcendence. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
8. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that God is not mocked and that God is no respecter of any person’s ego. Therefore, God’s reality and God’s laws are not changed by the mental images that people’s egos seek to project upon reality. I choose to separate myself from the ego’s duality, and I let mine eye be single through the mind of Christ. I want to know God’s reality and be in harmony with God’s laws. I know God has put his laws in my inward parts, and I look to my I AM Presence to lead me out of the false self-image and the false world view of my ego. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
9. I claim my spiritual independence by knowing that I have a God-given right to be in embodiment on Earth and fulfill all aspects of my divine plan. I am here to direct the Light of my God Flame into specific situations. I have a God-given right to let my Light shine and to let it consume all unlike itself. I am a Sun and the Light of my I AM Presence is shining through all my activities. Everything I do is done to magnify God by letting God’s eternal Sun of Being shine through my individualized sun of being. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my identity.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
I am in the cosmic flow
1. I invoke God’s Sacred Fire
to take me ever higher.
God’s fire I will endure
until I am made pure.
I will forever be,
my divine identity.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
2. My thoughts are soaring high,
to God I will draw nigh.
Because my mind is pure,
I know the truth for sure,
and therefore I am whole,
no division in my soul.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
3. My feelings are at peace,
all struggles will now cease.
My Presence takes command,
on the rock of Christ I stand.
God’s perfect love is here,
casting out all fear.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
4. My world reflects to me
the perfection that I see.
I multiply God’s light,
I dispel the dark night.
My Presence takes command
over heart, head and hand.\
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
5. My bodies are aligned,
my covenant is signed.
God’s river flows through me,
in oneness I am free.
In perfect harmony
with the cosmic symphony.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
I claim my mental independence
1. I claim my mental independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my mental body and consume all thoughts less than the perfection of the Christ mind. I am willing to know and surrender all thoughts coming from my ego or any outside forces. I want only thoughts that originate from my I AM Presence. Through my Christ self I can know the difference between the Godly thoughts from my spiritual self and the selfish thoughts from my ego. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
2. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the illusion that it is possible to perfect the ego or make it acceptable in the eyes of God. I am free of the dualistic illusion that something born of separation can be perfected in oneness, and I will no longer seek to justify my ego. Instead, I allow my Christ self to help me separate myself completely from the ego, and then I allow my God Flame to purify all energy tied up in my ego. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
3. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the ego-illusion that I can act without using God’s light. I am free of this dualistic illusion and I accept that everything is made from God’s light. Therefore, I can act only by letting the light of my I AM Presence flow through my consciousness. I say with Jesus, “I can of my ego self do nothing. It is the Father, the I AM Presence, within me who is the doer!” I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
4. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the ego-illusion that human beings can create something that is separated from the rest of God’s creation. I am free of the dualistic illusion that humankind has created a world where God is not found. I know that God has created the foundation and sent me into this world to let the light of my I AM Presence magnify God’s work. Therefore, I say with Jesus, “My Father, my I AM Presence, works hitherto and I work” I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
5. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the ego-illusion that because I have made mistakes in the past, I am not worthy to enter God’s kingdom. I am free of this dualistic illusion and I know that by learning from my mistakes and surrendering my attachments, I will overcome my past. Through the wisdom of my Christ self, I turn my past into stepping stones for my victory. Therefore, I accept my rightful place as a co-creator with God. I am here to multiply my light and let my I AM Presence take dominion over the Earth. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
6. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the ego-illusion that I need to be perfect in order to serve God in this world. I am free of this dualistic illusion and I accept the truth that God does not look for human perfection but for the purity of my heart. Beloved Christ self, I surrender all impurities in my heart and I know the pure in heart shall see God. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
7. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the ego-illusion that lack, suffering and limitations are unavoidable. I am free of this dualistic illusion and I know that lack is a product of my ego’s sense of separation. It is the sense of struggle that produces the struggle. Beloved Christ self, I surrender the illusion that God’s kingdom cannot be manifest on Earth. I accept that with God all things are possible and that through my I AM Presence I can transcend all limitations. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
8. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the ego-illusion that I have no right to be the Christ and let my light shine on Earth. I am free of this dualistic illusion and I declare that I will let my light shine before men. Therefore, I say with Jesus, “As long as I am in the world, the I AM Presence within me is the light of the world.” I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
9. I claim my mental independence by knowing that my Christ self exposes and consumes the illusion that I can make free choices only by going against the higher will and vision of my I AM Presence. I am free of this dualistic illusion and I let go of all beliefs that make me a house divided against itself. I know that I am not the ego, I am more than the ego. I am my I AM Presence in action on Earth and I am truly independent only when my soul is a planet orbiting the Sun of my I AM Presence. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my thoughts.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
I am in the cosmic flow
1. I invoke God’s Sacred Fire
to take me ever higher.
God’s fire I will endure
until I am made pure.
I will forever be,
my divine identity.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
2. My thoughts are soaring high,
to God I will draw nigh.
Because my mind is pure,
I know the truth for sure,
and therefore I am whole,
no division in my soul.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
3. My feelings are at peace,
all struggles will now cease.
My Presence takes command,
on the rock of Christ I stand.
God’s perfect love is here,
casting out all fear.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
4. My world reflects to me
the perfection that I see.
I multiply God’s light,
I dispel the dark night.
My Presence takes command
over heart, head and hand.\
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
5. My bodies are aligned,
my covenant is signed.
God’s river flows through me,
in oneness I am free.
In perfect harmony
with the cosmic symphony.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
I claim my emotional independence
1. I claim my emotional independence by knowing that I no longer have any desire to be a slave of the selfish will of my ego, the mass consciousness or external forces. I know that my true will is the will of my I AM Presence and my true desire is to fulfill every aspect of my divine plan. Therefore, I consciously surrender all feelings that bind me to the lower will, and I say with Mother Mary, “Oh Lord, my I AM Presence, be it unto me according to your will.” I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
2. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume all sense of having no control over my feelings. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that no matter what happens to me in the outer world, I can take dominion over the inner world of my mind. I accept that when my I AM Presence has dominion over my mind, my outer situation will reflect my inner peace. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
3. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume all feelings of being abandoned by God or being alone in a hostile world. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that I chose to turn away from God. I now choose to let go of all feelings of abandonment, and I am filled with God’s perfect love that casts out all fear. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
4. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume all feelings of anger against God or resentment for being alive. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that I am reaping now what I have sown in the past. I accept that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to me what I send out. I see that the only way to change my outer reality is to change my inner reality. I choose to let go of all feelings of ingratitude, and I am filled with overwhelming appreciation for the opportunity to co-create God’s kingdom on Earth. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
5. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume all feelings of being unworthy to come home to God’s kingdom. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that I have accepted the sense of unworthiness that was put upon me by dark forces. I choose to let go of all feelings of inferiority, and I am filled with the knowing that I am a worthy child of God. Therefore, I truly love myself as God loves me. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
6. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume all feelings of pride and selfishness. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that I am one part in the Body of God on Earth. I choose to let go of all feelings of jealousy or resentment toward other people. I am filled with the love that God has for all life, and thus I love my neighbor as myself. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
7. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume all feelings that God makes no sense or is unfair. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that my ego will never understand God or God’s law. I choose to let go of all feelings of injustice, and I am filled with the inner knowing that my Christ self will answer all my questions. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
8. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume all feelings that life is pointless or that nothing I do will make a difference. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that with God all things are possible. I choose to let go of all emotional paralysis, and I am filled with the divine enthusiasm that sweeps aside all opposition to my divine plan. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
9. I claim my emotional independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my emotional body and consume the dream of a mechanical salvation or a final solution. I take full responsibility for my life and I own the fact that life is an ongoing process of self-transcendence. I choose to let go of all dreams of attaining a state of security in which I do not have to change. I plunge myself into the ever-flowing River of Life and I feel the infinite joy of being part of God’s magnificent flow of becoming more. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my emotions.
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
I am in the cosmic flow
1. I invoke God’s Sacred Fire
to take me ever higher.
God’s fire I will endure
until I am made pure.
I will forever be,
my divine identity.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
2. My thoughts are soaring high,
to God I will draw nigh.
Because my mind is pure,
I know the truth for sure,
and therefore I am whole,
no division in my soul.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
3. My feelings are at peace,
all struggles will now cease.
My Presence takes command,
on the rock of Christ I stand.
God’s perfect love is here,
casting out all fear.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
4. My world reflects to me
the perfection that I see.
I multiply God’s light,
I dispel the dark night.
My Presence takes command
over heart, head and hand.\
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
5. My bodies are aligned,
my covenant is signed.
God’s river flows through me,
in oneness I am free.
In perfect harmony
with the cosmic symphony.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
I claim my material independence
1. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the fulfillment of my divine plan depends on anything that I do not currently have. I accept the fact that I always have what I need to transcend myself and come closer to God. I multiply what I have right now, and I know that by being faithful over a few things, my I AM Presence will make me ruler over many things. Therefore, multiplying my talents is the key to taking dominion over my life. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
2. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to flood my four lower bodies and establish the perfect energy flow between the Alpha and the Omega, the Spirit and Matter, aspects of my being. My Presence takes dominion over my four lower bodies, and I affirm that every aspect of my being is the perfect vehicle for the fulfillment of my divine plan. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
3. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the fulfillment of my divine plan depends on my physical body and any limitations of the body. My I AM Presence is the true source of perfect health, and I affirm that my body is the perfect vehicle for the fulfillment of my divine plan. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
4. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the fulfillment of my divine plan depends on my outer situation or anything beyond the control of my I AM Presence. I see every situation as an opportunity to learn and to surrender my attachments to this world, so that I can move closer to oneness with my I AM Presence. I affirm that every aspect of my situation is the perfect vehicle for the fulfillment of my divine plan. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
5. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the fulfillment of my divine plan depends on other people. When I am true to my own Self, my I AM Presence, my relationships will be based on love instead of fear. I affirm that every aspect of my interactions with others is the perfect vehicle for the fulfillment of my divine plan. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
6. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the fulfillment of my divine plan depends on money. My I AM Presence is the true source of abundance, and I affirm that every aspect of my livelihood is the perfect vehicle for the fulfillment of my divine plan. I trust that if I do not have it, I do not need it, and I multiply what I have instead of worrying about what I don’t have. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
7. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the fulfillment of my divine plan depends on my government or the power elite on Earth. My I AM Presence is the true source of God-government, and I affirm that every aspect of my nation and world is the perfect vehicle for the fulfillment of my divine plan. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
8. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the fulfillment of my divine plan depends on anything in the world of time and space. I accept the fact that my I AM Presence is the true source of everything I need. I know my I AM Presence often gives me what I need through other people or material circumstances, yet I always see the first cause behind outer appearances. Thus, I never allow myself to feel dependent upon anything outside my I AM Presence. I seek first the kingdom of God, and I know all else is given to me by my I AM Presence. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
9. I claim my material independence by calling forth the fire of my God Flame to consume the mindset that the imperfections on Earth cannot be changed. The conditions found on Earth are temporary mirages, disguising the pure Ma-ter light. My I AM Presence takes dominion over the Ma-ter light, and the light rejoices in being set free to outpicture the divine plan of the entire Body of God on Earth. I affirm that my I AM Presence is the only power that can act in my life on Earth.
Hail Mother of Independence
Hail Mary, Mother of Independence,
I am an extension of my I AM Presence.
I am the eternal Sun of Being,
shining through my heart, mind and soul.
Holy Mary, my life in Ma-ter
is an expression of my life in Spirit.
I am here below, all that I AM Above,
and I take dominion over the Earth.
I am in the cosmic flow
1. I invoke God’s Sacred Fire
to take me ever higher.
God’s fire I will endure
until I am made pure.
I will forever be,
my divine identity.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
2. My thoughts are soaring high,
to God I will draw nigh.
Because my mind is pure,
I know the truth for sure,
and therefore I am whole,
no division in my soul.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
3. My feelings are at peace,
all struggles will now cease.
My Presence takes command,
on the rock of Christ I stand.
God’s perfect love is here,
casting out all fear.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
4. My world reflects to me
the perfection that I see.
I multiply God’s light,
I dispel the dark night.
My Presence takes command
over heart, head and hand.\
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
5. My bodies are aligned,
my covenant is signed.
God’s river flows through me,
in oneness I am free.
In perfect harmony
with the cosmic symphony.
I AM Presence, let it flow
I AM Presence, help me grow
I AM Presence, fill my soul
I AM Presence, make me whole
I am free,
in God to be.
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. (3X) Amen.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.
Sealing of the rosary
Beloved Father-Mother God, beloved Alpha and Omega, seal us now in the absolute knowledge that we have the God-given right to multiply your light and take dominion over the Earth. Beloved Archangel Michael, clear our beings from all non-will and non-being. Seal us in the impenetrable protection of your blue flame. Beloved Jesus, seal us in the crystal clarity of Christ truth so we can claim our oneness with the I AM Presence within each of us. Beloved Mother Mary, seal us in the unconditional love of the Mother of Independence, so we can accept the true independence of being here below all that we are Above.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother of Independence, I accept that I am one with my I AM Presence and that through that oneness I am truly free and independent. I affirm that I am one with the River of Life and that there is a perfect figure-eight flow of light from my I AM Presence to my soul and back. I qualify God’s light only with love, whereby it flows back up and becomes my treasure laid up in Heaven. I receive freely from my I AM Presence and I give freely to all life. Through this eternal flow of Being, God’s kingdom is manifest on Earth, now and forever. Amen.
Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels