9.09 Surya, cosmic balance bring 

In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ,  I call to my I AM Presence to flow through the I Will Be Presence that I AM and give these decrees with full power. I call to beloved Surya and Cuzco to release the light of the God star and balance my entire being and world and consume all lower appearances, including… 

[Make personal calls]

1. Surya, cosmic being bright,
your balance is my pure delight,
I am in orbit round God Star,
in perfect unity we are.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

2. Surya, there is more to life,
than human conflict, war and strife,
your balance gives me inner peace,
all outer conflicts do now cease.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

3. Surya, what a wondrous sight,
from Sirius you send the light,
of one mind, I now call to thee,
for your apprentice I would be.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

4. Surya, radiate your light,
with balance you set all things right,
consuming energetic dross,
my letting go is not a loss.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

5. Surya, your light is alive,
for inner balance I do strive,
the alchemy is now begun,
my heart transformed into a sun.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

6. Surya, come enlighten me,
duality you help me see,
extremes they cannot pull me in,
on Middle Way I always win.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

7. Surya, in your cosmic sphere,
with Cuzco I your light revere,
from your perspective o so grand,
life finally I understand.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

8. Surya, show me God’s design,
I see that God is all benign,
you calm my feeling body’s storm,
I know the God beyond all form.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.

9. Surya, I come from afar,
and as you show me my home star,
I see now my internal light,
a star I am in my own right.

Surya, banish all extremes,
Surya, shatter Serpent’s schemes,
Surya, balance to me bring,
Surya, making my heart sing.


In the name of the Divine Mother, I fully accept that the power of these calls is used to set free the Ma-ter light, so it can outpicture the perfect vision of Christ for my own life, for all people and for the planet. In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.


Copyright © Kim Michaels