9.07 Decree to Padmasambhava

In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ,  I call to my I AM Presence to flow through the I Will Be Presence that I AM and give these decrees with full power. I call to beloved Padmasambhava to release your fire and initiate me into the higher mysteries. I call for…

[Make personal calls]

1. I see how my senses can only deceive,
for nothing they tell me I fully believe.
Behind all appearances is only light,
they only seem real to our limited sight.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

2. My mind and my senses are only a tool,
and I am determined to not be a fool.
My personal self is no more who I am,
the earthly identity is but a scam.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

3. From sense-based perception I want to be free,
clear my inner sight so I truly can see.
My human opinions, they do make me blind,
with neutral awareness, bright visions I find.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

4. A self is what makes an opinion seem real,
it projects there’s a problem with which I must deal.
I will not be free till I see through this lie,
and say to the self: I am letting you die.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

5. Through human opinions I simply can’t see,
the higher perspective, Christ reality,
When the self dualistic I truly let die,
the Christ mind does open up my inner eye.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

6. O Padmasambhava, the world has gone mad,
as dualist thinking defines good and bad.
The judgment of Christ upon forces so dark,
rekindle in people our spiritual spark.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

7. O Padmasambhava, set all people free,
from mindset so epic from duality.
Cut all people free from the serpentine lie,
so that to Christ Jesus we all can draw nigh.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

8. The serpentine lie says that what we now see,
is all that our lives on this planet can be.
Yet with the Christ mind we can see there is more,
the earth will be brighter than ever before.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.

9. Saint Germain has the plans for a bright Golden Age,
to receive them, our minds must be free from the cage,
O Padmasambhava, with your Flame of Peace,
the vision of Oneness to all you release.

O Padmasambhava, in your Flame of Peace,
all human opinions I hereby release.
I see now the ultimate truth you reveal,
earth is an appearance where nothing is real.


In the name of the Divine Mother, I fully accept that the power of these calls is used to set free the Ma-ter light, so it can outpicture the perfect vision of Christ for my own life, for all people and for the planet. In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.


Copyright © Kim Michaels