6th Ray, short decrees

6.31 Hail Christ within

Oh Christ within, my source of Life,
I choose to leave behind all strife.
Mine eye is single as I see
beyond the veil of duality.
My Being is all filled with Light
to free the soul from its dark night.

Oh Jesus, I give up the ghost
and join with the Ascended Host.
In Oneness I am now reborn,
the miracle of Easter morn.
I hear the Bell of Oneness ring,
as death has ever lost its sting.


6.32 Hail Merciful Christ

Oh Jesus, we have eyes to see,
forgiveness will set all life free.
We know forgiving is the key
that leads us into mastery.
And thus we turn the other cheek,
as we the inner kingdom seek.

Oh Jesus, we will judge no man,
we know God has a Master Plan.
For as we reap what we do sow,
we learn to join the Sacred Flow.
We now surrender hurt and shame
and are reborn in Christ’s own name.


6.33 Hail Victorious Life

With Christ I know there is no death,
I flow with the eternal breath.
In knowing life is truly one,
my freedom I have surely won,
for in my oneness I am free,
my Sacred Self on Earth to be.

I answer Christ’s eternal call,
and give my life to raising all.
In selfless service I will find
my freedom from the ego mind.
My path is what the saints have trod,
the road to oneness with our God.


6.34 Hail Victorious Christ

Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.

Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun.


6.35 Hail Flame of Peace

Ecstatic Peace, the Sacred Fire,
lifting people ever higher.
Ecstatic Peace, it fills the air,
the scent of roses everywhere.
Ecstatic Peace, the open door,
consuming every thought of war.

Ecstatic Peace, the Sacred Path
of overcoming pain and wrath.
Ecstatic Peace, the waters calm,
soothing feelings like a balm.
Ecstatic Peace now fills the Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.


6.36 Hail Joyous Christ

Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.

Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.


6.37 Hail Joyous Christ

Illusion is the source of fear,
illusion dies when you are near.
Oh Jesus, we receive your Joy,
the Joy that will all fear destroy.

Oh Jesus, you are always near,
when we accept you without fear.
Thus, oneness is the master key
to winning love’s own victory.


6.38 Oh light of Christ

Oh Light of Christ within my heart,
Christianity we will restart.
For when we die and are reborn,
we share the Joy of Easter morn.

There is no fear, there is no death,
consumed by the eternal breath.
Reborn, I am the open door,
through which Christianity is MORE.


6.39 Hail Mary

Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.

River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.


Copyright © Kim Michaels, 2012