In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I call to all representatives of the Divine Mother, especially Mother Mary, for the healing of my four lower bodies, especially for the transfiguration of my physical body. I call for the healing of all imbalances and diseases, including…
[Make personal calls.]
1. O Blessed Mary’s Song of Life,
consuming every form of strife.
As I attune to sound so fair,
each cell is healthy, I declare.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
2. As life’s own song I ever hear,
it does consume all sense of fear.
In tune with Mother’s symphony,
from all diseases I AM free.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
3. In Mother’s love I do transcend,
and all my struggles hereby end.
For when with Mother’s eye I see,
no imperfection touches me.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
4. I see that healing must begin
by finding Living Christ within.
For as I see with single eye,
each cell the light does amplify.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
5. In Mother’s music I am free,
from memories of a lesser me.
My vision in a perfect state,
that all my cells regenerate.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
6. O Mother’s Love, sweet melody,
from imperfections I AM free.
O Mother Mary, sound of sounds,
within my heart your love abounds.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
7. Through Mother’s beauty so sublime,
transcending bounds of space and time.
All cells beyond the mortal tomb,
as they are whole in Mother’s womb.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
8. In resonance with life’s own song,
in life’s harmonics I belong.
The blueprint of my perfect state
does every cell reconsecrate.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
9. The tuning fork in every cell
is now attuned to Mother’s bell.
From curse of death I AM now free,
I claim my immortality.
O Mother Mary, generate,
the song that does accelerate,
my cells into a higher state,
in perfect health they scintillate.
In the name of the Divine Mother, I call to Mother Mary for the sealing of myself and all people in my circle of influence in the creative flow of the Divine Mother, the River of Life. I call for the multiplication of my calls by all representatives of the Divine Mother, so that we form the perfect figure-eight flow of “As Above, so below.” Thus, I accept that this is fully manifest, because the mouth of the Lord, the Divine Mother that I AM, has spoken it. Amen.
Copyright © 2020 Kim Michaels