4.31 Hail Mary
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
4.32 Hail Mother of Light
Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for God’s Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.
Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,
and see that matter is made from your Light.
I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.
4.34 Hail Father-Mother
We see that God is Father-Mother,
we see the one within the other.
As God the Mother is adored,
the sacred balance is restored.
When Father-Mother are as one,
from union born is God the Son.
The Son will free us from all strife,
as we accept his gift of Life.
4.35 Hail Mother Light
Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
The base is of the purest white,
the soul is basking in delight.
The solar center is at peace,
all troubles in the heart now cease.
The throat is shining oh so blue,
the brow emits an emerald hue.
The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss.
Copyright © Kim Michaels, 2012