2.03: Decree to Master Lanto 9 verses

In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ,  I call to my I AM Presence to flow through the I Will Be Presence that I AM and give these decrees with full power. I call to beloved Master Lanto, the other Chohans and the Maha Chohan to release flood tides of light, to consume all blocks and attachments that prevent me from becoming one with the eternal flow of the second ray of creative wisdom and ever-transcending reality, including…

[Make personal calls]

1. Master Lanto, golden wise,
expose in us the ego’s lies.
Master Lanto, will to be,
we will to win our mastery.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

2. Master Lanto, balance all,
for wisdom’s balance we do call.
Master Lanto, help us see,
that balance is the Golden Key.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

3. Master Lanto, from Above,
we call forth discerning love.
Master Lanto, love’s not blind,
through love, God vision we do find.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

4. Master Lanto, we are sure
as Christic lamb intentions pure.
Master Lanto, we’ll transcend,
acceleration is our truest friend.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

5. Master Lanto, we are whole,
no more division in the soul.
Master Lanto, healing flame,
all balance in your sacred name.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

6. Master Lanto, serve all life,
as we transcend all inner strife.
Master Lanto, peace you give,
to all who want to truly live.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

7. Master Lanto, free to be,
in balanced creativity.
Master Lanto, we employ,
your balance as the key to joy.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

8. Master Lanto, balance all,
the seven rays upon our call.
Master Lanto, we take flight,
the threefold flame a blazing light.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.

9. Lanto dear, your Presence here,
filling up the inner sphere.
Life is now a sacred flow,
God Wisdom we on all bestow.

Master Lanto, Wisdom’s Fount,
with blessings we can hardly count,
you are for earth a shining light,
your Golden Wisdom oh so bright.


In the name of the Divine Mother, I fully accept that the power of these calls is used to set free the Ma-ter light, so it can outpicture the perfect vision of Christ for my own life, for all people and for the planet. In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.


Copyright © 2020 by Kim Michaels