World Vigil

Participate in a vigil with other people in order to multiply the efforts.

Next Mother Mary’s 500 World Vigil: September 29, 2024, then the last Sunday of every month until further notice.

Changes in the topic of the World Vigil!

The masters want us to shift our vigil’s focus from the economy to democracy. These are new invocations based on the dictations given at the webinar Democracy and Christhood.

Mother Mary’s world vigil 

On Sunday, September 29, 2024 we will focus the vigil on democracy by using the invocations and decrees listed below. Russian speaking students are asked to still give the invocations for Ukraine listed at the bottom of the page. See instructions below for finding the time for your time zone.

Focus on the democracy – New Program

These are the invocations to give:

Download an ebook file: MMary 500 Democracy ebook

Download a pdf file: MMary 500 Democracy pdf

NOTE: These invocations can be given in 4 hours.

Please note that it may take more time to give all of them than you have. In that case, start from the beginning and give as many as you have time to give.

Russian-speaking students

will be giving the invocations listed on the Russian website. Same time as they normally give them for their time zone.

Download an ebook file with all of the decrees and invocations: Invocations and decrees for Ukraine

Download a pdf file with all of the decrees and invocations: Invocations and decrees for Ukraine

6.05 Special decree to Archangel Uriel for Ukraine.

WINV47Invocation to stop the war in Ukraine and turn it into progress for all

WINV48 Invocation to the Great Karmic Board for cosmic justice

WINV49 Invocation for basic humanity

WINV50 Invoking the Dhyani Buddhas for change in Russia

If you have more time, give some of the invocations on the economy.


What is a vigil?

Quite simple. The ascended masters announce on this website that they would like people around the world to give the same invocation, rosary or decree once a day (at whatever time is convenient for you) for a certain period of time, such as 33 days. The masters select the particular invocation, rosary or decree based on their vision of what is most needed right now in order to avoid a particular calamity or lift humankind’s consciousness.

Why join a vigil?

When many people give the same invocation, rosary or decree on a daily basis, there is a multiplication factor, which affects the planet as a whole but also benefits you personally. In other words, you get a more powerful effect of your efforts by joining a vigil. The power of an invocation or decrees is multiplied exponentially by the number of people giving it. For example 2 x 2 = 4, 4 x 4 = 16 and 16 x 16 = 256.

Mother Mary’s 500 World Vigil 

In her Christmas dictation 2014, Mother Mary said that the greatest release of spiritual light during a year came at Christmas because so many people celebrated this together. She also said that if 500 people gave the decrees and invocations on this website together for four hours, they would release as much spiritual light as the billions of Christians do at Christmas.

Because of this, we are conducting an ongoing vigil where we seek to get 500 people – or MORE – from around the world to do the same decrees and invocations at the same time. We will start by having a vigil one day a month, on the last Sunday of each month.

Program for the vigil

Above you will find a program for the vigil. If everyone gives these decrees and invocations in the order listed here, the vigil will have maximum effect. It will take about four hours to give the suggested decrees and invocations. If it takes longer for you, you can either stop after four hours or complete the program. If it takes less time and you want to give the full four hours, use the rest of the time to give violet flame decrees.

If you give the vigil in another language than English, please use the decrees and invocations that are translated and make a program close to the English one.

The program will be updated from time to time, so please check this page before doing the vigil.

Timing of the vigil

Because the earth has so many time zones, it would be difficult to get everyone to make calls at the exact same time. This would require some people to do it at odd hours and that would likely limit the number of people participating. Mother Mary has approved a program where we select three groups of participants that each give the vigil at different times. You select the group that is closest to your time zone. She has said that she will provide the multiplication factor so that it has the same effect as if we all gave the vigil at the exact same time.

The groups have been selected based on the following map. In each time zone the vigil will start at 12 noon on Sunday and run for four hours. This will become clearer by looking at the group closest to your time zone.

Group 1, Russia, Australia, Asia:

The starting time is the time zone in which Almaty Kazakhstan is located. This is +6 on the above map. All people who are close to this zone use the map to determine what time they have to start in order to start at the same time as 12 noon in Almaty. For example, if you are in Eastern Australia, you can see on the map that you are five time zones ahead of Almaty. You will then start at 5 in the afternoon your time in order to start at 12 noon Almaty time. Please note that the time zone for Novosibirsk Russia has been changed so that Novosibirsk is now one hour ahead of its old time, meaning +7 on the above map.

Group 2, Europe, Africa

The starting time is the time zone in which Paris is located. This is +1 on the above map. All people who are close to this zone (before or after) use the map to determine what time they have to start in order to start at the same time as 12 noon in Paris. For example, if you are in Eastern Europe, you can see on the map that you are one time zone ahead of Paris. You will then start at 1 in the afternoon your time in order to start at 12 noon Paris time. If you are in London, you are one time zone behind and would start a 11 in the morning.

Group 3, the Americas

The starting time is the time zone in which Minneapolis and Chicago are located. This is +6 on the above map. All people who are close to this zone (before or after) use the map to determine what time they have to start in order to start at the same time as 12 noon in Chicago. For example, if you are in New York, you can see on the map that you are one time zone ahead of Chicago. You will then start at 1 in the afternoon your time in order to start at 12 noon Chicago time. If you are in Los Angeles, you are two time zones behind and would start a 10 in the morning.

We hope you will help spread the word about this vigil by telling people you know about it.


Copyright ©  by Kim Michaels