Personal Invocations

The purpose of this page is to help you find the invocation you need based on topics.

Browse the topics listed below and then click on the topic that interests you in order to see the invocations in that category.

You can find a list of all personal invocations HERE.

Invocations 01: Protection and Clearance

A good package for those who are new to invoking light or for those who want a comprehensive package for daily protection, clearance and transmutation. Invocations and decrees to Archangel Michael for protection, Elohim Astrea for cutting you free from limiting conditions and Saint Germain for invoking the violet flame to transmute all imperfect energies.

Invocations 02: Protection, Gratitude, Growth

Invoking personal protection from Archangel Michael, daily growth, gratitude, acceptance and help for children.

Invocations 03: Guidance

Invoking guidance from the ascended masters, oneness with your I AM Presence, integration and creative freedom.

Invocations 04: Healing Four Lower Bodies

Healing your identity, mental, emotional and physical bodies through will, wisdom, nurturance, independence and infinite light.

Invocations 05: Psychological Wholeness

Invoking wholeness through forgiveness, unconditional love, clearing the heart, loving yourself and freedom from psychic projections.

Invocations 06: Overcoming the Past

How to rise above burdens from the past, including the death consciousness. How to invoke a golden future and live in the eternal now.

Invocations 07: Spiritual Crisis Toolkit

Powerful tools for overcoming a spiritual crisis by invoking protection and self-esteem.

Invocations 08: Invoking the Seven Rays

Increase your creative powers by learning how to invoke, balance, integrate and express the seven spiritual rays. Includes a special eight-fold healing invocation.

Invocations 09: Invoking the Divine Feminine

Balancing the masculine and feminine aspects of your psyche and healing your relationship with the Divine Mother, including being able to accept material abundance.

Invocations 10: Death Consciousness and Internal Spirits

Invocations for overcoming the internal spirits that keep you trapped in the death consciousness. From the book: Flowing with the River of Life Exercise Book.

Invocations 11: First Ray of Power

Invoking the energies of the first ray of power through the Elohim the Archangel and the Chohan. From the book The Creative Power Within.

Invocations 12: Song of Life Healing

Beautiful and powerful invocations for healing your four lower bodies, including physical healing. Also heals your relationship with God. From the book; The Song of Life Healing Matrix.

Invocations 13: Second Ray of Wisdom

Invokes the energies of the second ray of Wisdom. From the book: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom.

Invocations 14: Communicating from the Heart

Improve your communication skills by invoking the energies of the seven rays specifically focused on communication. From the book: How to Communicate from the Heart.

Invocations 15: Clearing the Chakras

Heal all aspects of your life by clearing the eight chakras through the seven rays and the first secret ray. From the book: Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras.

Invocations 16: Forgiving Everything

Overcome one of the greatest burdens, namely non-forgiveness. Seventeen invocations that help you leave behind all aspects of non-forgiveness and the tendency to hold on to or not be able to let go of the past. From the book: Heal Your Life by Forgiving Everything.

Invocations 17: Abundance Part 1 – Mind over Matter

Eight invocations for helping you manifest spiritual and material abundance by invoking creative freedom, harmony, wholeness and mastery over matter. From the book: A Course in Abundance, volume 1, Mind over Matter.

Invocations 18: Abundance Part 2 – Love for Life

Eight invocations for helping you manifest spiritual and material abundance by invoking rebirth, freedom from fear and struggle, peace, faith and love for life. From the book: A Course in Abundance, volume 2, Expressing Your Love for Life.

Invocations 19: Abundance Part 3 – Your Plan for Abundance

Eight invocations for helping you manifest spiritual and material abundance by invoking freedom from karma and limiting habits, will, vision and emotional freedom. From the book: A Course in Abundance, volume 3, Your Life’s Plan for Abundance.

Invocations 20: The Mystical Initiations of Love

Seven invocations for helping you improve all relationships, especially love relationships. Based on dictations by Paul the Venetian and designed to help you pass the initiations of the Third Ray of Love.

Invocations 21: Mystical Initiations of Intention

Seven invocations designed to help you raise your intentions and free your creativity.

Invocations 22: Mystical Initiations of Vision

Seven invocations designed to help you raise your vision and free your creativity.

Invocations 23: Mystical Initiations of Peace

Seven invocations designed to help you attain freedom from blame, perfectionism, escapism and to attain peace in relationships.

Invocations 25: Mystical Initiations of Freedom

Seven invocations designed to help you attain freedom to manifest the goals in your Divine plan.

Invocations 26: Deep Healing Invocations

Practical tools designed to help you heal psychological, spiritual, and physical issues.

Invocations 27 Invocations for Transcending the Death Consciousness

Practical tools designed to help you transcend the Death Consciousness.